Ecotrackers scientific expeditions

Ecotrackers, an international foundation based in Ecuador and the Central University, want to develop intelligent tourism, tourism to learn, research and  to work  in temporary jobs.
To this end, it organizes Spanish studies, in which, at the same time, it is possible to know, investigate or do volunteer or temporary work in Ecuador and in tourist corridors in development.

The tourist corridors are: the Galápagos Amazon River corridor, which includes a research trip from Melbourne, Galapagos, Galera-San Francisco Coastal Marina, Quito, Macas-Río Morona, Amazon River to Manaus.
This is a study and research trip of the Niño Current, the humid coastal coasts of the Pacific Ocean, the Northern Andes and the Amazon River, in all aspects that are of interest to the participants.
This expedition lasts 6 months and participants can stay for one month at one or more places along the way.
Participants can, at the same time, learn Spanish, English or Portuguese in the places where they will do their research, studies or temporary work.
In the case of Ecuadorians and Australians, they can work for up to one year in Australia or Ecuador and, in the case of Ecuadorians and Brazilians and other Latin American countries, they can work in the other Latin American country up to two years, if they have Mercosur Visa.
This expedition is carried out every year from January to June, when the current of EL NIÑO,  reaches the American coasts.

The second expedition is from June to December and is called Andes and La Gran Colombia.

He understands studies and research in the Andes and seeks to investigate the possibilities that Gran Colombia can be reborn as engines of South American integration in UNASUR, Union of South American Nations, which has its capital in Quito, in the middle of the world.
To meet this goal, ecotrackers coordinate cooperative relationships between universities.
The Andes.Gran Colombia specimen is made from June to December

Each participant must pay for logistics, language classes and transportation, as well as the foundation obtains funding to organize scientific expeditions.

For more information and registration write to
Ecotrackers @ gmail, com al telef, and Whats App (593) 986001749
Our address is Av. Amazonas N21-217 and Roca

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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