History of Ecotrackers
In 1998 the Moreno Maldonado Family: Maximiliano Moreno, Verónica Maldonado Iriarte, Antonella Moreno Maldonado, Carmen Verónica Moreno, Doménica Moreno, Mr. DavidTucket ( British) local liders of communities, Spanish students linked by the common goals of defending the natural world and native cultures, and José Gallardo , José Tenesaca, Fernando Godoy, Wladimir Chepak (Russian), Jorge Santos, came together to support the actions of Greenpeace in Ecuador. From this original group, Ecotrackers Foundation was founded two years later.
The founders of Ecotrackers represented countries all over the world, including people from different communities in Ecuador. Since our founding, we have worked with nearly 20 indigenous communities across Ecuador, from the coast to the Amazon. Ecotrackers is registered with the Ministry of Tourism to empower its international volunteers as promoters of international community ecotourism, authorizing them to work in this field within Ecuador.
We have worked in the past with a number of universities, organizations, and government ministries including:
Ecuadorian Ministries of Environment, tourism and Health, Municipalities of Macas, Guamote, Pablo VI, Tiwinza, Quito and Mira, and local municipalities across Ecuador in the communities where we are involved.
College of Cabo San Francisco, Twiza, San Jose de Morona, Pablo VI
Universidad Central, Biology Faculty and Medicine Faculty
RICANCIE (Network of nine Kichwa communities in the Upper Napo region)
PRADEC (Programa de Alimentacion para el Desarollo Comuniatrio)
World Challenge
Dealfina Torres Hospital
We worked with students of
Arizona Un
Delawere UniversityArizona Un
Utrech University
Internationale Hogeschool Breda (Dutch college)
Het Andere Reizen
Fundacion Ninez y Vida
Fundacion Atico: Children of El Inca Women's Prison
Fundacion ABEI
Ecomorona Foundation
The Leap (UK)
Freewill Outdoor Pursuits
Workd-Challenge UK
Fundacion Ninez y Vida
Fundacion Atico: Children of El Inca Women's Prison
Fundacion ABEI
Ecomorona Foundation
The Leap (UK)
Freewill Outdoor Pursuits
Workd-Challenge UK
We recibed students from more than universities of the world
Volunteers from all over the world have worked in our communities. Their work has focused on the following activities:
Enumerating species of plant and animal life, cultural traditions, and local attractions.
Teaching English and other skills in local schools and colleges, and to community members who desire to guide tourists
Reforestation and cultivation projects
Construction of sanitation infrastructure and teaching courses in public health.
Helping communities to effectively market their tourist attractions.
Helping with construction projects such as building and painting schools and building tourist facilities
Improving local nutrition
Promoting crafts and other traditional activities
2012 are working in Quito, Esmeraldas ( at the Coast), Carchi (Andes) and Morona Santiago (Amazon Rain Forest)
Enumerating species of plant and animal life, cultural traditions, and local attractions.
Teaching English and other skills in local schools and colleges, and to community members who desire to guide tourists
Reforestation and cultivation projects
Construction of sanitation infrastructure and teaching courses in public health.
Helping communities to effectively market their tourist attractions.
Helping with construction projects such as building and painting schools and building tourist facilities
Improving local nutrition
Promoting crafts and other traditional activities
2012 are working in Quito, Esmeraldas ( at the Coast), Carchi (Andes) and Morona Santiago (Amazon Rain Forest)
Since 2009 our main work is Salud y Vida en la Mitad del Mundo (Health and Life in the Middle of the World) TV serial, and we offers volunteer programs, internships and practical training in the fields of: health, drama and audiovisual communication, sustainable rural development in areas with a unique biodiversity and the cultural diversity of Ecuador. Please contact us at: ecotrackers@gmail.com, phone (593) 86001749. Address: Avenida Amazonas N21-217 y Roca, Ecotrackers Foundation, Quito, Ecuador
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