Finding funds to reforest, and do volunteer work in health, environmental protection, and cultural protection has become complicated.
The war in Europe has redirected the resources of the rich countries towards the delivery of weapons, and aid to the Ukrainian refugees.
But donors of funds have been cheated and robbed by NGOs, and international organizations including the United Nations, which has become the most expensive bureaucracy in the world.
This was already denounced by Donald Trump, who refused to pay the UNITED NATIONS and the WHO, the contributions of the USA, with the pretext, in the participants have to waste time, and efforts, to act like clowns, or decoration, to contests where the funds already have beneficiaries before they are even known.
Funds from countries or governments, on the other hand, are there to help those who are for or against the government of the countries they say they want to help. It is about political manipulation, which was denounced by the Correa government, which even took USAID out of the country, and questioned the German Cooperation, which uses international aid to exploit medicinal plants, or tourism and produce expensive wood that they later take advantage
At the moment there are NGOs, specialized in fishing for funds in the world, and in the countries, behind charity hide a large commercial structure, to support a luxurious bureaucracy.
Ecotrackers financed from 2000 to 2008 the protection of biodiversity, cultural diversity, and health in rural communities of the Anders, Sierra, Amazon, and Galapagos, through Spanish classes and lodging in Quito and the numerous communities with which its volunteers went to practice Spanish, teach English, or learn how to protect species, aboriginal cultures, and fight against pests and diseases in rural, protected and heritage areas of Ecuador.
Unfortunately, one of our volunteers saw a great deal and stole from us the Spanish teachers, the relationships, the website, and even some of the communities in which we worked, using our name, he obtained international donations, and with all this, he made his own foundation in Ecuador.
For Ecotrackers, seeking and managing international funds is a way of submitting to the whims, interests, and points of view of some Ecuadorian or foreigner, who wants to use the foundation for other interests, which are not to protect biodiversity, cultural diversity, health, through tourism, the production, and sale of medicinal plants, fruits, and chocolate, produced in an ecological way, through reforestation with volunteer students and parents in protected areas.
Today Ecotrackers produces information and content for the internet, in which it analyzes the political, ecological, environmental, cultural, and health situations. It creates the ideological foundation of a non-religious, non-political, but ecological - multicultural movement that eliminates borders from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, that is, from the Arctic to Antarctica, and then throughout the world. because just like the trees, the rivers, the oceans, the Cordilleras, or the species that inhabit them, they do not understand borders, human laws, or divine laws.
The borders have been for centuries the fundamental reason for wars, as is now seen in the War between Russia and Europe for Ukraine, thanks to the borders, each country creates laws, or puts rulers, many of them catastrophic for their people, that irrationally exploit nature, or its peoples, and have even been a danger to the history of humanity, such as Hitler.

1. PRODUCE Ecuadorian chocolate, teas, and juices, produced by ecotrackers or who are farmers and volunteers from around the world who reforest Ecuador.
2. ALLOCATE profits from marketing in its restaurants and stores around the world to finance reforestation campaigns through national and international volunteers, students, and parents of schools in protected areas of Ecuador.
3. TRAIN VOLUNTEERS in Spanish and English, reforestation, environmental protection, cultural protection, and health, as well as in the use of medicinal plants, medicinal chocolate, and fruits, to do therapies.
5. USE THE WORK and TRAINING of volunteers, students, and parents from Ecuador to produce medicinal plants, chocolate, and fruits on their farms within the protected areas and help them market their products.
5. COMBAT MALNUTRITION AND CHRONIC DISEASES through chocolate, fruits, medicinal plants, environmental sanitation, the production and consumption of organic foods, and the creation of healthy habits and behaviors.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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