The human, social, economic and ecological drama of Ecuador

Ecuador is going through one of the most critical moments in its history, the plague of covid 19 produced the highest mortality and number of patients in the first quarter of the 21st century, but quarantine, and social distancing caused the streets of the cities to be abandoned by the population for months, these became occupied and the territory of thieves, drug traffickers, and criminals, who turned them into the territory of cartels, gangs, armed groups, which now attack the population, wage gang or drug wars, confront the police and the army, demand bribes or extort money from merchants, intimidate people, traffic with women, children, migrants, and even participate in elections, in the police, army, they are part of the bureaucracy.
At the moment, Ecuador has become the main drug exporter in South America, but the drugs it exports are mainly produced by Colombia and Peru, the largest producers of cocaine in the world and countries bordering Ecuador.
It is also the main place of drug laundering, thanks to dollarization, that is, the millions that drug traffickers obtain and that cannot be included in the economy of other countries, circulate freely in Ecuador, financing fishermen, merchants, builders, farmers, who receive credits through the modality called drop by drop...
These credits are charged a part of the payment every day, and the debtors become people controlled and watched day by day, but when the debtors cannot pay, they force to make trips, transport drugs like mules, to be emigrants in the caravans that go to the United States, or migrate to Europe, finance their trip, then turn them into prostitutes, or drug mules, which brings them extraordinary profits and allows them to satisfy the demand of developed countries, which buy their products, or sexual services, but now also the work of illegal immigrants who manage to enter, who must allocate part of their salaries to pay the coyotes or the cartels.
As a consequence of this, cities such as the ports on the coast of Ecuador, Quito, Cuenca, and others are now fields of internal war where the police and the army confront young people, adults, and even old men and women, from the 10 years to 70 who steal, kill, traffic.
The population does not have secure sources of economic income, such as a job, a business, an orchard, or a farm, they wander from one place to another, especially at night to commit a crime, and public services such as work poorly, so they are forced to steal to get money for medicine or medical care.
Food prices have skyrocketed, and there is no way to control prices because Russia's war with Ukraine has increased the price of fuel, transportation, urea, manure and fertilizers, and pesticides.
Education has become a waste of time where you learn less than what you can learn on the streets, traveling or on the Internet, a professional degree even in the 100 best universities in the world, does not guarantee work, nor the quality of the worker, because degrees are part of the education business and can be bought with money, with gifts, compliments or sex and parties. Jobs are unstable, part of the political loot of the candidates, who come to power in the elections, as well as scholarships, appointments, credits, public positions, and even bonuses.
 Studying is not working, not bringing money home, not helping with the crops, fishing, construction, or caring for children or the elderly. This has caused the streets to once again be occupied by child beggars and their exploiters. Begging has become a form of work, a profession that does not require age or studies.
The media have become the mechanism for managing entire populations, who now need to be informed because every day there are new plagues, crimes, delinquents, crimes, violence, destruction of roads, changes in laws, and new requirements, They impose rules that range from the use of masks to the distance between people, or the time at which you can move, be attended to, do anything.
Today the obsession is to leave the country because countries like Cuba or Venezuela have taught Latin Americans that escaping to developed countries, and especially to the United States, is the best way out of poverty, bad governments, violence, scarcity, and poor services. To stay is to suffer, to put one's own life or that of the family at risk, as much as it is to be part of the migratory waves, because, in groups or caravans of migrants, mutual aid, solidarity, and teamwork are put to the test. , while in the cities, neighbors, doctors, teachers, policemen, thieves, taxes, public employees, politicians, criminals, rapists, and even family or friends themselves are exploiters and can rob us, rape, or kill us.
In Ecuador, the police, the military, the doctors, the teachers, the politicians, and even the neighbors or the companions in the schools, colleges, and universities have become a danger. Everyone tries to take advantage of people, moments, and opportunities, even President Gillermo Lasso in government, who is a banker and opportunist, who came to power thanks to the party he owns called Creating Opportunities, CREO, a school, college, and university of opportunists, such as thieves, criminals, femicides, rapists, drug traffickers or human beings and members of that party. Being an opportunist became a virtue, a political power in Ecuador, and not a defect in a social defect, where the living lives from the fool and the fool or people from his work.
The deterioration of Ecuador, accelerated by the government of President Guillermo Lasso, stems from the increase in oil exploitation, to try to export more than 500,000 barrels per day, from an increase in the exploitation of gold and copper mines that are owned by everyone. Ecuadorians, like rivers, water sources, beaches, the sea, the air, the subsoil, etc. that is to say, seek the appropriation and use of what is not his, of his property, but of the inhabitants of this country. Like any banker, his job is to create debtors, through credits, taxes, or public services. He has never cured a human being, nor has he educated him, nor has he planted or fished to supply a market. He tries to multiply the indebtedness of Ecuadorians with international banks, which give him millions of loans, which are then distributed between him and his cronies but have to be paid by entire generations of Ecuadorians after his government ends. It also uses the increase in taxes for the poor, and the reduction of taxes for the rich, transnational companies, and foreign investment, which is invited to exploit natural and national resources such as the human labor of Ecuadorians, who earn wages ten times lower than those of a developed worker and have fewer rights, dignity, and security than someone from a developed country.
In all public works, there must be an economic benefit for the president and for those of the party or his officials, which he chooses, since they all know that they have 4 years or less to become rich. They are conscious opportunists who have in their hands an opportunity to be rich overnight, who believe that success will stop being poor in the shortest possible time, the same as drug traffickers think, for which they have to invent bureaucratic procedures, contests, campaigns, positions, public works, and more, because of everything you have to obtain brutal economic profits, while the people live plagues, hunger, violence, insecurity, natural, economic and social catastrophes at the same time.
But the biggest investment of the presidents, and rulers of countries, is in the fabrication of a parallel reality through the media, where the president, politicians, policemen, military, judges, even doctors and professors of the state are the saviors. the good ones hide that they are exploiters, bandits, and opportunists. This parallel reality is manufactured through the media, especially television channels and radios that are mostly owned by the rich, bankers, drug traffickers, exploiters, or politicians.
Politics in Ecuador, Latin America, and the world became the way to turn human beings into temporal gods, who now have atomic weapons, the internet, spaceships, robots, intelligent machines, and artificial intelligence, something that gods of the different religions never came to have.
Populism, which is the way to turn a ruler into a temporal god, has become the very essence of politics because now it is possible to control the minds of the inhabitants of a country, and make the inhabitants of that country believe that a human being which can be to act as a popular singer, as a famous athlete, as a movie actor, as an extraordinary being who can lead a country, dispose of the lives of the inhabitants of technological resources, of the police, the army, schools, universities, parliaments, marches, infrastructure, information, taxes, international money and everything within your reach to be the only one, the irreplaceable one. And when vanity takes possession of his mind, this leader, caudillo, or politician feels in the ecstasy of his existence.
The Ecotrackers Foundation states that education, health, tourism, work, and information must serve to protect nature, endangered species, ancestral cultures, and the health and intelligence of human beings. That presidents and rulers have to last two years and can be reelected only once, since power has become the main corruptor, along with political parties, quick enrichment, and disinformation.
Politics in Ecuador, Latin America, and the world became the way to turn human beings into temporal gods, who now have atomic weapons, the internet, spaceships, robots, intelligent machines, and artificial intelligence, something that gods of the different religions never came to have.
Populism, which is the way to turn a ruler into a temporal god, has become the very essence of politics because now it is possible to control the minds of the inhabitants of a country, and make the inhabitants of that country believe that a human being which can be to act as a popular singer, as a famous athlete, as a movie actor, as an extraordinary being who can lead a country, dispose of the lives of the inhabitants of technological resources, of the police, the army, schools, universities, parliaments, marches, infrastructure, information, taxes, international money and everything within your reach to be the only one, the irreplaceable one. And when vanity takes possession of his mind, this leader, caudillo, or politician feels in the ecstasy of his existence.
The Ecotrackers Foundation states that education, health, tourism, work, and information must serve to protect nature, endangered species, ancestral cultures, and the health and intelligence of human beings. That presidents and rulers have to last two years and can be reelected only once, since power has become the main corruptor, along with political parties, quick enrichment, and disinformation. That there should be frequent popular consultations every month to teach people to decide for themselves what laws, what works, what people, what actions should be carried out or supported, and that it is necessary to stop being citizens, that is, people with duties and rights that they are given or taken away by the current ruler of a country, to be people, that is, individuals with the ability to choose, to choose in everything and at all times, that is, with personality.

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