Ecotrackers another way to deal with the tourism crisis in Ecuador

Ecuador is on the Equator Line, which makes it equidistant from the North Pole and the South Pole. This is very important in this century of climate change and mass extinction, as it places it in a geographical area less susceptible to the extreme changes that the planet is experiencing due to global warming, such as those that occur especially in the most polluted and industrialized area of ​​the planet, which is the Northern Hemisphere.
Ecuador is the most megadiverse country in the world per km2.
Ecuador is the country with the greatest climatic diversity per km2.
Ecuador has more protected areas than its continental territory.
Ecuador is the first country in the world to grant rights to nature in its constitution.
Ecuador was an important part of the Inca Empire, the first Andean empire.
Ecuador was an important part of the Spanish Empire, the first transoceanic and global empire in history.
In Ecuador, the races and religions of the world coexist peacefully. Ecuador has become a country that is struggling with climate change, pests, insecurity, and economic, political, and social conflicts. This has turned it into a violent country, but it is still endowed with great beauty, biodiversity, cultural and geographic diversity, and productive capacity, especially in terms of raw materials.
Ecuador, for now, is not suitable for comfortable tourists with poor health, since here they can find a great number of risks in many places.
In Ecuador, sex and drugs at low cost, communicable diseases, or violence can turn a tourist into a victim.
National and foreign tourists live in Ecuador at risk, since it is one of the most violent countries in the world, the largest exporter of cocaine to Europe, and one of the largest exporters of poor emigrants from South America.
Ecuador is now a country of plunder for drug traffickers, politicians, adventurers, multimillionaires, and transnational corporations, who can easily find and live fast, unscrupulous, and unlimited enrichment, multiplying their wealth in an uncontrolled manner.
Ecuador is experiencing human trafficking, sexual exploitation, kidnapping, extortion, intimidation, theft, trafficking in gold, archaeological remains, and animals, illegal mining, polluting oil exploitation, mechanized industrial exploitation of natural products, displacement of the population to slums or outside the country, appropriation of neighborhoods, ports, prisons, justice, elections, and even public offices by organized crime, runaway debt, both public and private. Even in gastronomy, sex, and entertainment, excesses are in abundance.
Hunting or fishing for exotic animals in danger of extinction, prohibited in this country and in the world, drug trafficking as the main source of economic income, quick enrichment as a measure of success, as an obsession of politicians, businessmen, and neighbors, has produced hitmen, drug dealers, corrupt people, and unscrupulous exploiters and finally emigrants.
Ecotrackers have worked for 25 years to create eco-community tourism, so that peasant and fishing communities learn to receive and manage tourists so that they cannot bring them diseases, vices, social behavior, and harmful tourist behavior, or turn neighbors into suppliers of drugs, sex, entertainment, food, diseases and adventures that harm their culture, nature, dignity and honor of people, or destroy wildlife and community life, and even make fun of the laws of the country.
Ecotrackers oppose tourism that turns the dollar into a tangible god, which can do everything and the owners of dollars into semi-gods.
Ecotrackers has confronted tourism that turns tourist services into forms of humiliation, human exploitation, and business for destroyers of nature, which produce environmental, cultural, health and psychosocial pollution, alienation.
Ecuador has been through hippie and backpacker tourism since the 1970s of the 20th century, which made it the leading exporter of cocaine to Europe. In this first quarter of the 21st century, today it is also one of the major exporters of drugs to the United States. In addition, it is an exporter of women, children, and even criminals, many of whom go through dramatic situations on their journey to the border between Mexico and the United States, or to Europe, to end up being sex slaves, domestic slaves, peasants, poorly paid and overexploited labor, narcotraffickers, drug traffickers, hitmen and finally illegals harassed by the police in those countries to which they migrate or persecuted by creditors, by debts and lenders in their country, to which they cannot even return, or have their relatives threatened with death or with the loss of their property.
In turn, many of the tourists who come to Latin American countries become victims of robbery, illness, violence, disappearances, and extortion, since the Andes, the Pacific, and the Amazon of South America have become areas of mining, logging, oil, fishing and tourism exploitation.
Today, countries with large tourist infrastructures such as Mexico, Cuba, and others have the problem that before and after the Covid pandemic, or during this economic crisis, the subsequent social crisis, especially in Latin America, they no longer receive the volume of tourism as they had before the pandemic, which has turned drug tourism and sex tourism, tourism that degrades its population, or exploits nature, such as fishing for fish, or safaris, into main sources of their economic income.
But the pandemic, climate change, extinction, violence and insecurity, and even the corruption and naivety of less developed countries, are giving way to another type of tourist, who, thanks to the facilities they now have, such as the Internet, cell phones, real-time information and communication, logistical facilities, roads, services, education, health, which are multiplying daily throughout the world, are creating a new type of tourist, who are ecologically, culturally, socially and healthily responsible, after tourists became the main means of spreading the plagues of the 21st century, such as HIV, Chikungunya, or Covid, they created drug traffickers and finally illegal immigrants.

Tourism in poor countries became part of their underdevelopment, and in many cases turned countries into drug exporters, sites of sexual exploitation, human trafficking, species trafficking, archaeology, and migratory hotbeds for illegal immigrants.
Today, even travel agencies have become the exit door for these immigrants, and coyote offices that now form migratory waves that invade developed countries.
To develop community ecotourism, intelligent tourism, sports tourism, and health tourism, through information centers, training, and accompaniment for intelligent tourists, that is, information, training, and accompaniment of students, volunteers, researchers, explorers, athletes who want to do mountaineering, or sports in rivers, beaches, or towns, in protected or heritage areas, to those who want to do community ecotourism or health tourism in native communities, towns, or villages that are within protected areas of Ecuador.
1. To provide information about everything that happens in Ecuador.
2. Train tourists who come to do smart tourism, that is, to learn Spanish, work as explorers, researchers, or volunteers, in the protection of biodiversity, cultural diversity, physical and mental health, and eco-social peace in the Andes, the Amazon, and the South Pacific.
3. Provide medical, psychological, social, logistical, and scientific support to researchers, explorers, volunteers, and students who come to Ecuador to do historical tourism, cultural tourism, ecological tourism, scientific tourism, sports tourism, health tourism, or volunteer work in the protection of nature, the protection of ancestral cultures, health, and disaster prevention.
1. Create an information and tourism, ecological, cultural, and health center in Ecuador, in the Andes, the Amazon, and the South Pacific, with universities in Ecuador and Spain that teach Spanish, history, geography, ecology, politics, medicine, risk assessment and prevention, create guides for intelligent tourists, sportsmen in natural areas, for explorers, researchers or volunteers in the Andes, the Amazon, or the Pacific of South America.
2. Create information and publish it daily, about places, tourist attractions, events, situations, and risks experienced in the countries of the Andes, the Amazon, and the South Pacific.
3. Create a real-time consultation guide for community eco-tourism, intelligent tourism, to learn Spanish, to be a volunteer, researcher, to do sports, or health tourism in Ecuador.
1. Ecotrackers has an information office on Av Amazonas, in the center of the Mariscal Tourist District, in an area of ​​540 m2.
2. An ecological cultural center, where it presents the documentaries it has produced, has a tourism library, a video library, maps, and information from the Ministry of Tourism, the Military Geographic Institute, holds exhibitions on tourism, arts and crafts of Ecuador,
3. It has residences for students, researchers, and foreign volunteers in Quito and Esmeraldas with 6 apartments, 23 rooms, 23 bathrooms, 6 living rooms, 6 dining rooms, 6 kitchens, and 3 parking spaces.
4. It has a center for the production of internet content, and a microtheater to present legends and traditions of Ecuador, as well as lecturers and artists.
5. An immediate assistance center that includes a medical and psychological office, interpreters in English, Quechua, French, and Italian, and a legal office to make complaints and claims.
6. A 4x4 vehicle.
7. A center for tourism, ecological, cultural, and health research in Tandapi, on the Quito Guayaquil Highway, with 100 hectares in the Cloud Forest of the Ilinizas and Toachi Pilaton Reserve, where volunteers, students and researchers are taught the use of medicinal plants from Ecuador, how to reforest, protect endangered species, investigate archaeological remains, the impact of tourism, mining, roads, hydroelectric production, internet and satellite communications, in protected areas of Ecuador.
8. An internet café terrace where exhibitions of Ecuadorian ecologically conscious and culturally responsible gastronomy, paintings, crafts, photography, documentaries, etc. are held.
9. It still has what remains of a network of local guides, which is in crisis due to the tourism crisis that the country is experiencing.
10. It is renegotiating cooperation agreements with the Central University of Ecuador, with its School of Tourism, with the School of Biology, and the School of Disasters and Environmental Sanitation, for the creation of tourist, ecological, cultural, and health information centers in Quito, Galapagos, Pichincha, Cotopaxi, Esmeraldas, and in other places in the Amazon, based on its extensions on Santa Cruz Island and in Arajuno, and the Ecotrackers information centers in Pichincha and Esmeraldas.
All its spaces are furnished and equipped, with water, electricity, sewage, telephone, and high-speed internet services.
1. Ecotrackers has one-on-one and online Spanish teachers who are experts in teaching Anglo-Saxon and European tourists, who teach from Australia, Denmark, and Ecuador, the country where students can practice Spanish.
2. Ecotrckeras has a doctor specialized in rural health from Ecuador, with 25 years of work in rural areas of the Andes, the Coast, and the Amazon, with knowledge of phytotherapy, and hydrotherapy in hot springs, waterfalls, and beaches in the country.
3. A graduate in Historical Cultural Tourism, graduated from the Central University with a master's degree in Denmark in Latin American Studies, with mastery in photography, Spanish, English, and Danish, in addition, with years of practice in teaching Spanish one-on-one and online, and in self-defense.
4. A graduate in arts from the Universidad Central, an expert in theater and voice-over in Spanish and English, in cultures and dialects in Spanish in Ecuador and Latin America, and English in English-speaking countries, with years of practice in teaching Spanish one-on-one and online.
5. An educational psychologist from Esmeraldas, with a doctorate in psychology of adolescents and students, graduated from the Universidad Central del Ecuador and with practices in teaching Spanish one-on-one and in the management of student residences, with mastery of the psychology of mountain and coastal students.
6. An environmental consultant graduated from Melbourne University, who works for the New South Wales government and is an environmental consultant for Ecotrackers, for the implementation of tourism and tourist infrastructure, roads, and exploitation of natural resources, in Ecuador and Australia. She is also a one-to-one and online Spanish teacher, self-defense, editor of audiovisual material, and simultaneous translator from English to Spanish and vice versa.
7. A graduate in tourism and Indigenous guide of Quichua nationality, fluent in Spanish, Quichua, and English, with experience as a tourist guide in the Andes, the Coast, and the Amazon. He is also an indigenous painter and craftsman.
8. A member of the foundation of Italian nationality, who is a narrator, translator, and interpreter in Italian and French.

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