After 10 years and more than 2000 voluteers and students from developed countries, we try to give the same opportunity to ecuatorians and Latin American students and travelers.
We mantein the volunteer program with travelers from developed countries, only for selected peolple, students of universties and veteranian professionals.
We do this primarily through sending you as a volunteer , to work in indigenous , black and mestizo communities to help the people and the nature.
Is a lie that any traveler can be a volunteer, to work with us you need a basic level of Spanish, information about the place and the people, good health and character. Remember you are going to learn into a strange place. We give you the option of learning Spanish with us, this way you'll know specific topics about the history, ecology, cultures and experieces of other volunteers, students or specialists about our work in Ecuador and the Marañon river (Alto Amazonas) in Perú. Ecotrackers is manteined by the volunteers and students that work with us. No other organization support us. So you'll be always welcome to help.

OUR WORK IS TEACHING YOU more about how to be useful PROTECTING the people, the nature and ancient cultures here and Latin America . We develop the intelligent tourism (volunteering, international studies, international research ) as economical alternative for the poor people with rich nature and culture.
It is very important to Ecotrackers, each program be developed in a way that is culturally appropriate to that community so the profits stay within the community to help developing its infrastructure, health, education, organic production of food and medicinal plants, reforestation, use of natural protected areas, art, handycrafts, tourism, and products with intelectual property.
- If you agree with the above aims, then we will be happy to arrange volunteer opportunities internship and professionl practice for you with any of the communities that we work with.
Questions to answer:
1.-What is your perfomance or CV?
2.- How long do you want to work with Ecotrackers?
3.- Where would you like to work, study or practice: Andes, Pacific Coast, Amazon rain forest or Galapagos (Galapagos is expensive)?
4.- What are your personal conditions?
5.- What would be the results that you want to achieve?
6.- What do you do and how can it helps Ecotrackers?
7.- Can you write a complete report about your experience?
Please send you E.mail to : ecotrackers@gmail.com
By e- mail we send you our options according your interests.
We agre your working plan, dates and payment.