Cultural exchange, Internships

Cultural exchanges and student exchange (our main program)
If you can accept an ecuadorian student in your family and the familiy of the ecuadorian student accept you , Ecotrackers Foundation offers opportunities for anyone to live in Ecuador, three months till one year learning and working in Quito or in small indigenous communities, living with a family and if you are student in a high school you can study in a rural high school; you don´t pay accommodation or food, only your personal expenses, language classes and transport. You pay with a donation to mantein the Ecotrackers services ($99) and you must wirite an interesting report by Internet.

Internships and Research Studies

Ecotrackers Foundation offers opportunities for internships and research studies to international students in a wide range of disciplines. We offer in-country mentorship and academic advisement in conjunction with your home institution. The Internship includes Spanish classes, (5,99/hour one to one) and a program of prefessional practice. You must to pay a donation to mantein the Ecotrackers services: $99 and you need to pay the accommodation and foood: $ 15/day it includes 3 meals, and bed, Ecotrackers use this money to develop the communitary projects. If you work in Quito ecotrackers office, it´s free, but you need to pay your food you pay only the bed $ 6/day and your food: $2/meal. you must wirite an interesting report by Internet

We offer internships that can be either based in our office in Quito, or in any of the communities that we work with throughout Ecuador included Galapagos, and San Lorenzo in the Marañon (Amazon) River in Perú.
We offer opportunities for research and practical studies in a wide range of subjects in the social and environmental sciences, through our extensive links with Ecuadorian universities and other institutions, and indigenous and rural communities throughout Ecuador.
Our Internships are:
1.- Medicine and Public Health.
2.- Traditional and rural medicine.
3.- Anthoplogical and ecological, medicine, pedagogy, tourism, achitecture, and ecology.
5.- Agronomy, organic production, production of medicinal plants.
6.- English to protect the nature and ancient cultures.
7.- Internet sevices, marketing and development projects.
You must wirite an interesting report by Internet
If you have any questions about cultural exchanges, student exchnages, internships or research opportunities, please contact us at Email:file:///D:/pagina%20web/for%20students.htm

Cómo y porqué China está descalabrando a Estados Unidos

Estados Unidos que ha sido el genio de la lámpara maravillosa de la tecnología en el siglo 21, pero China se ha convertido en el adversario ...