About us

Ecotrackers was founded in 2000. Since then, we have worked to defend the natural world and native cultures through working with small, indigenous communities along Ecuador. We are a training center to learn how to be a volunteer in Latinamerica.
Since we began, we have worked with nearly 20 indigenous communities across Ecuador, from the Galapagos, coast, Andes to the Amazon. We have worked with several organizations, universities, municipalities, and ministries within Ecuador, as well as national and international universities and organizations through various partnerships and contracts. We are currently working to extend our relationships with global universities and other organizations to make our organization and our activities even more effective.
Our philosophy
Our primary objective is to preserve the cultural and biological diversity of Ecuador.
One of the best methods to achieve our goals is the promotion of community-based ecotourism and the intelligent tourism.
This goes beyond simply bringing tourists, proffesionals and students to a community or a public natural protected area. It includes economic and socio-cultural development work, promoting the health, sustainable use of resources, the development of sustainable agriculture systems, and providing needed infrastructure.
Our work in health area; We are working with the Heald Ministery of Ecuador, hospitals and communities to change the traditional public health system.
Our work in pedagogy: we teach English to understand the nature and the ancient cultures, where the teachers use English words to find information about the nauture and the cultures and how to use this words as an economical resourse.
Community-based Ecotourism
We use the term community-based ecotourism as a real equivalent to sustainable tourism, which is what we strive to develop in the communities we work with. For us, it is more than just a phrase used to market a tourism project. Community-based ecotourism, as we use the term, means locally based sustainable tourism. It means that this is type of tourism that achieves long term economic development in a community, does not deplete the environment and preserves the local culture.
The intelligent tourism. For us is more important than the Community based tourism, because the contribution of the traverles is with money, work and talent (knolledges)
How we Operate
We receive volunteers (tourists and students) from countries all over the world to work in our communities on various projects while living with local families. Our aim is to provide a steady stream of volunteers to each of the communities that we work with. These volunteers help give each community faith in the viability of ecotourism as a sustainable livelihood not only by providing an important source of income, but also an important perspective on the value of preserving their culture and managing their resources in a more sustainable manner.
Our volunteers pay a daily fee to the communities to cover the costs for food and housing, and to provide a profit for the community to invest as they choose. 80% of volunteer fees go directly to our communities to be used as motor of the projects; the remainder is reinvested into the work of the foundation. This practice encourages communities to be responsible for managing their own money, rather than waiting for us to hand it out to them. We encourage them to develop a financial plan and to use the money wisely.

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