Studies, research, internship,  or volunteer  work   in Ecuador, the Middle of the World.

We offer the possibility of living intelligent tourism, studying, researching, doing internships or volunteer work in Ecuador.

 The student or professor who travels, looks for how to pay or provide accommodation and not charge the people who receive, or you can pay for the logistical help.

The time between Ecuadorian and Australian exchange is up to 1 year,  thanks to the Work and Holiday Visa, with South Americans, up to 2 years thanks to the Mercosur Visa and with the rest of the world 3 months.
The  Ecotrackers Cultural and Ecológical  Center helps the visitors.

Its geographical position offers incredible landscapes. For many visitors, it feels like an eternal spring. From Quito, the capital of South America, (UNASUR, Union of South American Nations) you can understand and visit Latin America.

Why work with Ecotrackers?
The Ecotrackers cultural and ecological center. coordinates between the people who travel, the places where visitors arrive. or educational institutions.

We currently works supported by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Tourism,  and our diplomatic missions around the world.

Ecotrackers offers the opportunity to receive the accompaniment with the Central University, the Alma Mater University of Ecuador since 1651 and other Latin American universities.

We offer  in different fields such as: biology, afforestation, medicine, education, history, geography, social and political sciences, religion, archeology,  anthropology, tourism, journalism, art, environment and ecology,

Key Offerings 

  • Investigate, practice or study in a megadiverse and multicultural country.
  • Learn Spanish or English in 6 weeks with our personal and special program.
  • Obtain food and accommodation through exchange.
  • Research or practice with universities or experts.

DIRECCIÓN: AV. AMAZONAS N21-217 Y ROCA Quito - Ecuador




Contact number+ Whats App

Ecuador: (Maximiliano)

+593 986001749

Australia: (Domenica) 


Denmark:  (Veronica)


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