The drama of the elections in Ecuador

Ecuador is experiencing one of the worst moments in its history, because the traitors, the cowards, the disabled with dependence on other human beings, that is, without self-sufficiency, the indigenous people called Ponchos Dorados, that is, they dress like Indians, but they want to live like their white bosses, or the women who become prosecutors, assembly members, mayors, prefects, high-level officials, the young people who want to be rich and famous overnight, prostitute themselves, that is, they offer themselves to the highest bidder, here the police and military become narco-generals, justice and the media are at the service of politics, not evidence, the truth, knowledge, individuals, infrastructure, protected areas, public office, international loans and nationals, government budgets, government plans, those negotiated, corruption are a cult of the god DOLLAR, where the happy accounts are even in the store or the taxi driver, greed that is now the one that governs, hatred, prejudice, fear, are the ones that invade the soul of Ecuadorians, who have become beggars, beggars, lazy, stupid with rights, such as the right to vote, to be candidates, murderers in the streets, extortionists, liars, desperate , disappointed, that after the pandemic, the bad governments, the madness of drug trafficking, violence, corruption, quick enrichment, they prefer to live anywhere, except in the town, city or country in which they were born, because those places have become hells.

In the two hundred years of republican life that we have lived, we have had 190 governors, some by the hour and others for up to 10 years, but all of them have finally ended up turning the country into a booty country, be it transnational companies, bankers, exporters, policemen, owners of media merchants, professionals, workers, workers, prostitutes, drug traffickers, immigrants. In other words, these rulers, no matter what they look like or what they have done, have finally made us easy prey.

Rafael Correa, the last ruler who was in power for 10 years, did what no one had ever done since the presidency, he gave us not only new rights, but also a great infrastructure, scholarships abroad, quality public services from education Hasta la salu, and in these early elections of 2023 he will surely be the winner as he was in the sectional elections this year.
Rafael Correa's problem is that he is a light in the neoliberal night, which is the night of the so-called runaway capitalists, those who want to earn millions, regardless of whether it is through war, pollution, deforestation, or extinction. mass, climate change, anything goes, if the prize is power, that is, being able to dispose of what belongs to others, or wealth, that is, being able to dispose of one's own, which can be from the large income from an invention or innovation to having what they have been able to steal, or earn it illegally like what drug traffickers, money launderers, or human traffickers do.
Unfortunately, since Rafael Correa is a light in the neoliberal night, he attracts people who have become cockroaches, rats, toads, snakes, vampires, horrible moths, or hairy and huge butterflies at night. This is what Lenín Moreno was like, the 50 of the 75 assembly members that Correa helped win the 2017 elections, the numerous mayors, councilors, prefects, councilors, and senior officials from 2017 to 2023. Today the mayors are under suspicion, as prefects, councilors, and advisors from the provinces where his new party, Revolución Ciudadana, we hope will not end up being the revolution of traitors, as was Alianza País, the party he founded in 2006.
Rafael Correa ended up becoming the focus that attracts the worst and corrupts the best Ecuadorians because Correa did not live in Ecuador long enough to understand what his country really is. Here for 500 years, there has been a physical, psychological, social, or moral deterioration. Correa's life has depended on other countries that gave him everything and today they give him asylum.
This lack of dependence, connection, and knowledge of Ecuadorians and of Ecuador made him a springboard for Lenín Moreno, of the former members of the leadership of his Alianza País party, a springboard for Andrés Araúz, who betrayed him when he was a candidate, by pointing out that he would not govern under the mentorship of Rafael Correa, but would be independent, as Lenín Moreno also said. Despite this, he has been put back as a hired conspirator, as vice president of his candidate for the presidency, Luisa González, who is, because she is from a province on the coast, where people pride themselves on not being traitors. hypocrites or liars, as are the mountain and Amazonian people of Ecuador, and has indicated that Rafael Correa will be his main adviser.
From Juan José Flores, 1830, the Venezuelan first president of Ecuador to Guillermo Lasso, the last president before the so-called Death Cross, in 2023, which allows presidents or parliament to end a government, without going to military coups or bloody protests, the president of Ecuador has only been rulers who have turned the country and Ecuadorians into easy prey for all evils, from plagues to eruptions, tremors, floods, droughts, and undoubtedly bad rulers.
  The good rulers have been the springboard for the bad, the dishonest, the mischievous, the so-called audacious, who in reality in Ecuador, since the arrival of the Spanish, are called sons of bitches, are presidents.
After 190 presidents and 46 constitutions, we can conclude that the Ecuadorian electoral system is a failure, because the media, the parties, the elections, or the US Embassy, allow the worst to turn this country into loot, Ecuadorians into victims everything, from victims of the El Niño Phenomenon, to easy victims of merchants, lenders, hit men, traffickers, pests, bandits, villains, cruel, thieves, liars, fanatics, etc, etc.

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