How the United States has used war in Ecuador

The United States used the war between Ecuador and Peru in 1941 to take over the Galapagos Islands in 1941 and since 1999, when we signed the Treaty of Rio de Janeiro, we finally accepted our defeat and territorial loss to Peru through the Itamaratí Treaty after 177 years of resistance by Ecuador to losing part of its Amazonian territory and its access to the Amazon River.
After that treaty, President Jamil Mahuad of Ecuador allowed a North American base in Manta, which introduced us to the so-called War on Drugs, which the United States was waging in Latin America and Afghanistan after September 11.
Drugs became the main source of financing for Latin American guerrillas such as those in Colombia or the Shining Path in Peru and the Taliban.
The War on Drugs turned States into Owners of Ecuador, as it allowed them to put puppet governments in place, just like in Colombia, Peru or Afghanistan, but also to use the armies of these countries to wage a war against the guerrillas and drug cartels that had been financing it since the time of Pablo Escobar in the 1980s. Meanwhile, the Americans financed the counter-guerrillas like the paramilitaries in Colombia, Central America and Afghanistan. Ecuador suffered an economic catastrophe in 1999 called the Bank Holiday, in which Ecuadorian bankers, allied with the Mahuad government, whose electoral campaign they financed against the richest man in the country, Alvaro Noboa, who is also the largest banana exporter in the world, turned Ecuador into a spoil, through financial speculation, high interest rates, the withdrawal of dollars to tax havens, to force the government to put oil dollars on the streets, to stop the rise of this currency, which allowed the bankers to buy them at a low price and the reintroduction of these dollars when their price was at its highest value, which created distrust in the sucre, the national currency, the Ecuadorian population, driven mad by runaway inflation, exchanged the sucre for dollars, they barely had sucres in their hands. Finally, the inhabitants of Ecuador went to the banks to withdraw their money to convert it into dollars, as the sucre was devalued dramatically and the dollar was valued overnight.
In addition, the shrimp plague called "White Spot" attacked the largest lenders to the banks, which were shrimp exporters, who went bankrupt en masse, after shrimp farms became a more profitable business than cocaine.
Today, after the pandemic, Ecuador has once again fallen into a severe economic crisis, which has turned drug trafficking into the most profitable business in the country; This has caused the Americans to return to the country as advisors to the police and the army of Ecuador, in the so-called internal armed conflict that we have been fighting since January 2024.
This return of Ecuador to the Drug War allows the United States to control the police, the army, the press, the prosecution, the justice system, the prisons, and even the President, who they have placed in the last elections, such as Daniel Noboa and Guillermo Lasso with the commitment of these presidents to give the Americans total control of the country, and they have even given them the Galapagos Islands and 200,000 km2 of surface in the Pacific Ocean in the area of ​​​​greatest biodiversity in this ocean.
Yesterday, President Daniel Noboa, who intends to win the next elections and be re-elected, proposed a referendum to return the Manta and Galapagos bases to the Americans, allowing the Americans to have a territory in Ecuador, from where their soldiers can control South America, and not have to submit to the laws or the government of Ecuador.
Both the Guayaquil president Arroyo del Río, in 1942, and the multimillionaire Guayaquil presidents Guillermo Lasso, Daniel Noboa, and the Amazonian Lenín Moreno since 2017, became traitors, pawns of the American government, in exchange for winning elections, or staying in power and receiving loans from the IMF, which have become the main spoils of the governments in power in Ecuador, loans that are even paid with territory as happened in Galapagos, and it is a debt that is passed from parents to children like the concertaje in the time when we were a colony of Spain.
Ultimately, it is better for Ecuador to be the new Puerto Rico of South America, the Florida of the Cubans, or the California of the Mexicans, because thanks to the dollar and dollarization, cocaine and drug trafficking, or migrant trafficking, the borders of the United States are fractured.
The greater use of English in Ecuador, which is mandatory in schools and colleges, the dollar, and massive impoverishment allow and force us to emigrate.
Today, thanks to the pandemic and the waves of migration,

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