Undersøgelse af spansk, frivilligt arbejde, praktikophold og forskning med Ecotrackers Network i Ecuador

Ecotrackers er et fundament, der udvikler smart turisme med frivillige, studerende og forskere og sundhedsturisme på sunde steder og samfund med varme kilder, strandsand, vandreture og udendørs sportsaktiviteter i skove eller tandbehandling, medicinsk og medicinsk behandling. Med traditionel medicin.
Ecotrackers modtager frivillige, spanske studerende og aktivister til beskyttelse af naturen, forfædres kulturer og sundhed i beskyttede områder i Ecuador, som er 30 procent af landet og kulturarvsteder som Quito og Galapagos.
Spanske studerende betaler $ 8 i timen og $ 180 i mindst en måned. Vi har 8 værelser. i Quito, hver indrettet med eget badeværelse og internet, og der er to stuer, to køkkener og to spisestuer.
 Klasser er ansigt til ansigt de første tre uger og online de resterende tre, som modtages, mens de udfører deres frivilligt arbejde, kan frivilligt arbejde være op til to uger i Andesbjergene, to i kysten eller Galapagos og to i Amazonas . som kan omfatte en ekspedition op ad Morona-floden til Amazon-floden i Peru. hvis en gruppe er organiseret.
Studerende, frivillige og forskere er nødt til at producere podcasts eller videoer af deres arbejde, studier eller forskning, der er bevis på deres arbejde, læring eller forskning, og som offentliggøres hver dag på ECOTRACKERS ON LINE.
De frivilliges arbejde. studerende og forskere er i genplantning, beskyttelse af økologiske nicher eller truede arter. redning af sprog kunst, kulturer eller forfædres viden, sundhed, katastrofeforebyggelse, forurening, klima, udryddelse, historie og politik, geografi og miljø.
I slutningen af ​​praktikken får de frivillige en certificering af deres niveau af spansk, frivilligt arbejde, forskning eller multikulturel sameksistens i henhold til videoen og rapporten om deres aktivitet.
Ecotrackers har kontorer i Av. Amazonas. hovedgaden i byens centrum foran Hotel Mercure i det turist- og multikulturelle kvarter La Mariscal og hans bolig 10 gader væk. i samme kvarter på Av. Colon, foran Universidad de la Américas. i et studenterkvarter, der har 9 universiteter med mere end 200.000 studerende.
 Det har sine egne rum med klasselokaler, til en-til-en-klasser, lokaler til små grupper, medicinsk og psykologisk kontor, mødesteder for grupper, mikroteater og gallerier, til at præsentere foredrag, konferencer, videoer, fotos, forskning eller studier af sine frivillige, optagelses- og redigeringsstudie, en kanal til direkte udsendelse af frivillige aktiviteter, et opholdssted for studerende, frivillige og forskere i Quito
Cirka 100 hektar areal til dyrkning og beskyttelse og frøplanter af træer og lægeplanter, i skyskoven i Ilinizas-reservatet og Toachi Pilatón-skoven nær Quito og til et vandkraftværk, 45 minutter væk, på hovedvejen til kysten , Quito Santo Domingo, hvor frivillige bliver faddere, især træer, observerer truede fugle, krybdyr og insekter, præ-colombianske arkæologiske ruiner, kæmpe vandfald og Andesfloder
Det har en bopæl i Esmeraldas, hvor det er muligt at undersøge og leve med Afro-Esmeraldas-kulturen og undersøge historien om de indfødte og sorte kulturer i provinsen, dens beskyttede områder og den tyske indflydelse siden 30'erne, da gummiet blev udnyttet. Tagua og flåden eller nordamerikansk med United Friut og olie, da det er en oliehavn og det vigtigste turistområde i den fugtige kyst i det nordlige Ecuador.
 I Galapagos arbejder de med Central University of Ecuador på San Cristobal Island og i Araujo i Amazonas
I Galera San Francisco Marine Reserve med landbrugsskolen,.
Fra Morona-floden til Amazon-floden i Peru, Colegio de San José de Morona, Ecomorona Foundation, der samarbejder med os.
Hvert sted er der familier og en lokal direktør, der garanterer sikkerhed, sundhed, mad og indkvartering, da de er meget smukke områder, men i fare for tropiske sygdomme, stoffer og fattigdom.
I dem alle har de frivillige permanent kontakt og opfølgning hos os i Quito, online, mens de modtager klasser, udfører deres arbejde, forskning eller professionel praksis,
 Frivilligt arbejde. Undersøgelser, professionel praksis eller forskning i Ecuador kan vare op til 6 måneder, hvor du kan gentage rotationen eller blive ét sted.
Han har medicinsk overvågning hele tiden online.
 For australiere kan det forlænges med et år takket være visa og ferier
Ecotrackers har hentet frivillige fra hele verden siden 2000, vedhæftede rapporter fra tysk- og engelsktalende frivillige, videoer af de områder, hvor Ecotrackers arbejder, og videoer af vores frivillige
Ecotrackers a foundation that develops smart tourism with volunteers, students, and researchers, and health tourism in healthy places and communities, with hot springs, beach sands, walks, and outdoor sports activities, in forests or in dental, medical, and medical therapies. with traditional medicine.
Ecotrackers receives volunteers, Spanish students, and activists in the protection of nature, ancestral cultures, and health in protected areas of Ecuador, which is 30 percent of the country and heritage sites such as Quito and Galapagos.
Spanish students pay $ 8 an hour, and $ 180 for a minimum of one month. We have 8 rooms. in Quito, each one furnished with a private bathroom, and internet, and there are two living rooms, two kitchens, and two dining rooms.
 Classes are face-to-face the first three weeks and online the remaining three, which are received while doing their volunteer work, volunteer work can be up to two weeks in the Andes, two in the Coast, or Galapagos and two in the Amazon. which may include an expedition up the Morona River to the Amazon River in Peru. if a group is organized.
Students, volunteers, and researchers have to produce podcasts or videos of their work, studies or research that are proof of their work, learning, or research, and which is published every day on ECOTRACKERS ONLINE.
The work of the volunteers. students and researchers are in reforestation, protection of ecological niches, or endangered species. rescue of languages ​​arts, cultures or ancestral knowledge, health, disaster prevention, pollution, climate, extinction, history and politics, geography, and environment.
At the end of the internship, the volunteers receive a certification of their level of Spanish, volunteer work, research, or multicultural coexistence practice according to the video and report of their activity.
Ecotrackers has offices in Av. Amazonas. the main avenue in the city center, in front of the Hotel Mercure, in the tourist and multicultural neighborhood of La Mariscal, and his residence 10 blocks away. in the same neighborhood on Av. Colon, in front of the Universidad de la Américas. in a student neighborhood that has 9 universities with more than 200,000 students.
 It has its own spaces with classrooms, for one-to-one classes, rooms for small groups, medical and psychological office, meeting places for groups, micro theater, and galleries, to present talks, conferences, videos, photos, research, or studies of its volunteers, recording and editing studio, a channel to broadcast the volunteer activities live, a residence for students, volunteers and researchers, in Quito
About 100 hectares of area for cultivation and protection and seedlings of trees and medicinal plants, in the Cloud Forest of the Ilinizas Reserve and the Toachi Pilatón Forest near Quito, and to a hydroelectric plant, 45 minutes away, on the main road to the coast, Quito Santo Domingo, where volunteers become godparents, especially trees, observe endangered birds, reptiles and insects, pre-Columbian archaeological ruins, giant waterfalls, and Andean rivers
It has a residence in Esmeraldas, where it is possible to research and live with the Afro-Esmeraldas culture and investigate the history of the native and black cultures of the province, its protected areas, and the German influence since the 30s when the rubber was exploited. Tagua and the raft or North American with the United Fruit and oil, since it is an oil port and the main tourist area of ​​the humid coast of northern Ecuador.
 In Galapagos, they work with the Central University of Ecuador on San Cristobal Island, and in Araujo in the Amazon
In the Galera San Francisco Marine Reserve with the agricultural school,.
From the Morona River to the Amazon River in Peru, the Colegio de San José de Morona, the Ecomorona Foundation, which collaborates with us.
In each place, there are families and a local director, who guarantee safety, health, food, and accommodation, as they are very beautiful areas but at risk from tropical diseases, drugs, and poverty.
In all of them, the volunteers have permanent contact and follow-up with us in Quito, online, while they receive classes, do their work, research, or professional practice,
 Voluntary work. Studies, professional practices, or research in Ecuador can last up to 6 months in which you can repeat the rotation or stay in one place.
He has medical surveillance all the time online.
 For Australians, it can be extended for a year thanks to Works and Holiday visas
Ecotrackers has brought in volunteers from all over the world since 2000, I have attached reports from German and English speaking volunteers, videos of the areas where Ecotrackers works and videos of our volunteers.
Ecotrackers a foundation that develops smart tourism with volunteers, students, and researchers, and health tourism in healthy places and communities, with hot springs, beach sands, walks, and outdoor sports activities, in forests or in dental, medical, and medical therapies. with traditional medicine.
Ecotrackers receives volunteers, Spanish students, and activists in the protection of nature, ancestral cultures, and health in protected areas of Ecuador, which is 30 percent of the country and heritage sites such as Quito and Galapagos.
Spanish students pay $ 8 an hour, and $ 180 for a minimum of one month. We have 8 rooms. in Quito, each one furnished with a private bathroom, and internet, and there are two living rooms, two kitchens, and two dining rooms.
 Classes are face-to-face the first three weeks and online the remaining three, which are received while doing their volunteer work, volunteer work can be up to two weeks in the Andes, two in the Coast, or Galapagos and two in the Amazon. which may include an expedition up the Morona River to the Amazon River in Peru. if a group is organized.
Students, volunteers, and researchers have to produce podcasts or videos of their work, studies or research that are proof of their work, learning, or research, and which is published every day on ECOTRACKERS ONLINE.
The work of the volunteers. students and researchers are in reforestation, protection of ecological niches, or endangered species. rescue of languages ​​arts, cultures or ancestral knowledge, health, disaster prevention, pollution, climate, extinction, history and politics, geography, and environment.
At the end of the internship, the volunteers receive a certification of their level of Spanish, volunteer work, research, or multicultural coexistence practice according to the video and report of their activity.
Ecotrackers has offices in Av. Amazonas. the main avenue in the city center, in front of the Hotel Mercure, in the tourist and multicultural neighborhood of La Mariscal, and his residence 10 blocks away. in the same neighborhood on Av. Colon, in front of the Universidad de la Américas. in a student neighborhood that has 9 universities with more than 200,000 students.
 It has its own spaces with classrooms, for one-to-one classes, rooms for small groups, medical and psychological office, meeting places for groups, micro theater, and galleries, to present talks, conferences, videos, photos, research, or studies of its volunteers, recording and editing studio, a channel to broadcast the volunteer activities live, a residence for students, volunteers and researchers, in Quito
About 100 hectares of area for cultivation and protection and seedlings of trees and medicinal plants, in the Cloud Forest of the Ilinizas Reserve and the Toachi Pilatón Forest near Quito, and to a hydroelectric plant, 45 minutes away, on the main road to the coast, Quito Santo Domingo, where volunteers become godparents, especially trees, observe endangered birds, reptiles and insects, pre-Columbian archaeological ruins, giant waterfalls, and Andean rivers
It has a residence in Esmeraldas, where it is possible to research and live with the Afro-Esmeraldas culture and investigate the history of the native and black cultures of the province, its protected areas, and the German influence since the 30s when the rubber was exploited. Tagua and the raft or North American with the United Fruit and oil, since it is an oil port and the main tourist area of ​​the humid coast of northern Ecuador.
 In Galapagos, they work with the Central University of Ecuador on San Cristobal Island, and in Araujo in the Amazon
In the Galera San Francisco Marine Reserve with the agricultural school,.
From the Morona River to the Amazon River in Peru, the Colegio de San José de Morona, the Ecomorona Foundation, which collaborates with us.
In each place, there are families and a local director, who guarantee safety, health, food, and accommodation, as they are very beautiful areas but at risk from tropical diseases, drugs, and poverty.
In all of them, the volunteers have permanent contact and follow-up with us in Quito, online, while they receive classes, do their work, research, or professional practice,
 Voluntary work. Studies, professional practices, or research in Ecuador can last up to 6 months in which you can repeat the rotation or stay in one place.
He has medical surveillance all the time online.
 For Australians, it can be extended for a year thanks to Works and Holiday visas
Ecotrackers has brought in volunteers from all over the world since 2000, I have attached reports from German and English speaking volunteers, videos of the areas where Ecotrackers works and videos of our volunteers.

ECOTRACKERS NETWORK  es una fundación que desarrolla el turismo inteligente con voluntarios, estudiantes e investigadores, y el turismo de salud  en lugares y comunidades saludables, con aguas termales, arenas de playas, caminatas y actividades deportivas  al aire libre, en bosques o terapias dentales, médicas y con medicina tradicional.

Ecotrackers  recibe voluntarios, estudiantes de español, y activistas en protección de la naturaleza, culturas ancestrales y la salud en áreas protegidas de Ecuador, que es 30 por ciento de país y patrimoniales como Quito y Galápagos.
Los estudiantes de español pagan 8 dólares la hora, y 180 dólares  por mínimo un mes. Tenemos 8 habitaciones.  en Quito amobladas cada una  con baño privado, e internet, y hay dos salas, dos cocinas y dos comedores, .
 Las clases son presenciales las primeras  la tres primeras semanas y por internet las tres restantes, que las reciben mientras hace su trabajo  voluntario, los trabajos voluntarios pueden ser hasta dos semanas en los Andes, dos en la Costa, o Galápagos y dos en la Amazonía. que puede incluir una expedición por el Rio Morona al Río Amazonas en Perú. si se organiza un grupo.
Lo estudiantes, voluntarios  e investigadores tienen que elaborar podcast o videos de su trabajo, estudios o investigaciones que son la prueba de su trabajo, aprendizaje o investigación,  y que se publica  en ECOTRACKERS ON LINE.
El Trabajo de  los voluntarios. estudiantes, e investigadores son en reforestación, protección de nichos ecológicos, o de especies amenazadas. rescate de lenguas artes, culturas o saberes ancestrales,    salud, prevención de desastres, contaminación, clima, extinción, historia y política, geografía y ambiente. 
Al final de la pasantía los voluntarios reciben una certificación de su nivel de español, trabajo voluntario, investigación o práctica de convivencia multicultural de acuerdo al video e informe de su actividad.

Ecotrackers tiene oficinas en Av. Amazonas. la principal avenida del centro de la ciudad,  frente al Hotel Mercure,  en el barrio turístico y multicultural de La Mariscal, y su residencia a 10 cuadras. en el mismo barrio en la Av. Colon.frente a la Universidad de la Américas. en barrio estudiantil que tiene 9 universidades con mas de 200.000 estudiantes.
 Dispone espacios propios con  aulas,   para clases uno a uno,  salas para pequeños grupos,  consultorio médico y psicológico,  lugares de reunión para grupos, microtreatro y galerías,  para presentar charlas, conferencias,  videos,  fotos, investigaciones, o estudios de sus voluntarios,  studio de grabaciones y edición , un canal para transmitir en directo las actividades de los voluntarios, una residencia para estudiantes, voluntarios e investigadores, en Quito
Unas de 100 Ha  área para cultivo y protección y almácigos de arboles y plantas medicinales, en el Bosque Nublado de la Reserva de los Ilinizas y el Bosque Toachi Pilatón cerca de Quito, y a una central hidroeléctrica, a 45 minutos, en la principal vía a la costa, Quito Santo Domingo, donde los voluntarios se convierten en padrinos, sobre todo   de árboles,  observan a  aves, reptiles e insectos en peligro de extinción, ruinas arqueológicas precolombinas, cascadas gigantes y ríos  andinos
Dispone de  Una residencia en Esmeraldas, done es posible investigar y convivir con la cultura afro esmeraldena y e investigar la historia de las culturas nativas, y negras de la provincia, sus áreasprotegidas y la influencia alemana desde los años 30 en que explotaban el caucho la tagua y la balsa o norteameriana con la United Friut y el petróleo pues es puerto petrolero y la principal área turística de la costa húmeda del norte de  Ecuador.
 En Galapagos trabajan con la Universidad Central de Ecuador en la Isla San Cristobal, y en Araujo en la AmazoníaEn La Reserva Marina Galera San Francisco con el colegio agropecuario,.
En el Río Morona hasta el Río Amazonas en Perú el Colegio de San José de Morona  la fundación Ecomorona, que colabora con nosotros.

En cada lugar hay familias  y un director local, que garantizan la seguridad, salud, alimentación y alojamiento, pues son zonas muy bellas pero con riesgo por las enfermedades tropicales, drogas y la pobreza.
En toda ellas los voluntarios tienen contacto y seguimiento permanente con nosotros en Quito, por internet, mientras reciben clases., hacen su trabajo, investigación o práctica profesional,
 El trabajo voluntario. estudios, práticas profesionales, o investigaciones en Ecuador, puede prolongarse hasta por 6 meses en, que puede repetir la rotación o quedarse en un lugar. 
Tiene vigilancia médica todo el tiempo por internet. 
 Para australianos puede prolongarse por un año gracias a las visas Works and Holiday
Ecotrackers ha trajado desde el años 2000 con voluntarios del todos el mundo, adjunto informes de voluntarios y viideos de las áreas donde han trabajado y   trabaja Ecotrackers que se los puede ver en 



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