The new orders that are appearing with the pandemic and the economic crisis

At this time in the world, there are two political tendencies, which, as in the Middle Ages, are fighting for a dominant social order.

After the fall of Rome, and the expansion of Christianity, Islam emerged from the Middle East with the Islamic religion that dominated the territories south of the Mediterranean, up to Constantinople and the Iberian Peninsula, while the Christian religion controlled the north of the Mediterranean and expanded since 1492 by the so-called New World, that is to say, by America and Oceania and to the north of Asia with the Russian Empire.

From the Christian religions, the so-called commercial shipping capitalism was born, since Islamism developed commercial capitalism on land from China.

Shipping commercial capitalism gave way to industrial capitalism, which in turn gave rise to communism, Nazism, fascism, first and then to socialism. Nationalist socialism, or Nazism, led the world to World War II, and after losing the war it went into decline, but it has been reborn in some countries such as Libya, Iraq and moderate versions in different nationalist countries, at the moment it is being reborn in Europe and the United States, Communism went into decline with the Soviet Union that practically changed to the so-called visible state capitalism in China, with a single party and in Russia, with several parties, but gave way to the so-called radical Latin American socialism, which is exercised in Cuba, where the communist model of the single party continues, but in Nicaragua and Venezuela, where there are several parties in the elections, the main problem is succession, since the dominant parties participate in elections with other parties and try to win the elections, by all means, to prevent rival parties from returning to power.

  Industrial capitalism now gives way to capitalist environmentalism where the concept of property and money gain remains the center, or to ecological socialism where the commitment of the population is to recycle, reduce or reuse, and do it all in a mandatory way, not some few, unlike capitalism that stimulates consumerism, fashion, the key to innovative industrial production.

In Europe and now in the world, it is the environmental movements and parties that have been gaining ground. Now with the pandemic, they are the ones who begin to win elections or have more participation in local governments or parliaments.

How and why did capitalism become the most widespread model of government management in the world?

Capitalism like socialism or environmentalism goes back to the very origin of human society.

Capitalism arises when human needs arise, and they need hunting, fishing, gathering, and agriculture to survive. This meant territory and property, at the moment in which the sense of property, of territory, is born, capitalism is born, where the property is from the center of the universe, but focuses its attention on the incessant and continuous creation of needs, on the Nowadays his goal is to multiply individual needs.

Socialism is also born at the same time when human beings group together to help each other, protect themselves, hunt, fish, plant, and form villages, tribes, nations, religions, states. The element that they have as a link is a common culture, a race, a language, a religion, a geographical space or a collective memory.

 In socialism, the human being is the center of the universe, for socialism collective needs are more important than individual needs, and its objective is to satisfy collective needs.

But at the same time, environmentalism was born, which is the awareness that the universe is not something that human beings can possess or consider as their territory, their property, nor that the center of everything that exists is the human being, whom Humanism, religions, and socialism give it divine status, through the worship of gods in human appearance, or the worship of kings, presidents, and other authoritative public officials, who live in a world apart from the everyday world of so-called citizens.

 Environmentalism is born from the so-called idolatries or cults of elements of nature such as the sun, the moon, the rain, the wind, the water, the earth, the mountains, etc. This cult of the non-human tries to recognize that human beings are only part of something immense and that they are not the most important of that immensity. But there are many things in the universe that are obviously more powerful than a human being or a nation

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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