How the elections in China influence the world order.

China has become the world power with the most inhabitants in the world. This country is at the same time the place where human beings live in perpetual surveillance, political domestication, and the worship of a mortal god, who is called the first secretary of the communist party, who is the president of that country at the same time.
China has also become the main threat to the planet, as it is the most polluting country and now the largest predator of the seas, the largest consumer of all kinds of species, from scorpions to wild animals, such as those that originated the plague of covid 19
The path that China is following also includes the fact that it has become the world's factory, the largest supplier of specific products and that with its production, it has changed global behavior, which now moves and works with tools, clothing, or Chinese machines, which, thanks to the fact that they are less expensive, have given the planet's human beings other possibilities, new jobs, new ways of taking advantage of wealth, natural resources, space, and even of using time.
China has become, together with the United States, the main engine of change for humanity, and the planet, this includes new ways of seeing it, to new ways of using it or occupying it,
But it is also part of the exploration and conquest of space.
Given this reality, the form of government in this country coincides with what has been the form of government for 4,000 years, where power has always resided in a human being, with more powers than the gods, such as the emperors and now he is the secretary of the communist party.
Unlike the United States and the countries of America, which were born from independence from European empires, with a republican model, based on a Constitution, on the division of powers, which was strongly opposed to absolutism, which since LOUIS XIV in France, became a model of government of the European colonialist empires, the origin of China and Russia is based on rulers without a term limit, countries, that after the Second World War, and the wars of independence, confront countries that have created parliaments to make laws, and unlike Russia and China, have separated justice from the executive power, as is still being tried to do in Latin America. China has separated justice from executive power, as is still being tried to do in Latin America


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