How we are seeing and living the new order in America

In Ecuador and the American continent we are experiencing a change of order, in this new order the borders on the continent are being violated. This violation began with the Covid 19 pandemic, which was not an epidemic located in one country, but was global. Another factor that is fracturing borders is climate change. Until recently, it was thought that climate change was a country problem, not a global problem, that earthquakes and floods did not affect entire regions, but today we know that fires are no longer local problems, nor are floods, or droughts.
But undoubtedly, it is the migratory waves that are fracturing borders, which are a human invention to create countries, but this invention no longer corresponds to the reality of the 21st century. It was a success since the independence of the American countries, in the 19th century, since previously the empires erased borders in the world. Thus, for example, Spain managed to create an area of intercultural, religious and economic coexistence from Colorado in the United States to Patagonia and from Puerto Rico or Cuba to the Philippines, at the same time the Russian Empire appropriated northern Asia, and a large part of Mongolian territory. The Mongols had managed to create a new order from China to Eastern Europe. and the English managed to connect most of Planet Earth, until the arrival of the Americans, who have now managed to connect not only the entire planet, but have even connected us with space.
In this process called globalization, in which human beings manage to visit all corners of the planet and interconnect with each other, migratory waves have played a fundamental role.
At the moment there are waves of migration towards Europe and the United States, after centuries in which Europeans invaded other continents and North Americans spread around the world.
When the Europeans arrived in America at the end of the 15th century, the bad guys were the Indians, who were described as savage, ignorant, evil, cruel, when in reality they were the Spanish conquistadors, the European pirates, the slave traders, The colonists, they were the real murderers, rapists, and evil people, who in addition to murdering, raping, and destroying indigenous civilizations, brought diseases.
This image of bad Indians or aborigines and good whites, especially good Europeans, because they fanatically believed in a Christian god, who they said was a good god, but who was the reason for massacres since the time of Constantine since the 4th century. until now.
Today the new order pushes Latin Americans to invade the United States, a country that through the wars of independence, and border wars, or through the anti-communist war, called the Cold War, and now through the so-called war against NARCO TERRORISM, It managed to cause the countries of the American Continent to live in internal disputes, while it was consolidated as the union of 50 states, in the so-called American Union, where English is the common language. but freedom of worship, freedom of mobility, expression, voting and other freedoms, which have been created in this country, are tolerated to the extent that human capabilities have multiplied, thanks to technology, science, industrialization, etc.
This world of conflict between powers, and then between countries that were becoming independent, reached a so-called breaking point after the last two world wars. From that moment with the creation of the European Economic Community and now with the creation of the Silk Road, the order in AFRO-EURO-ASIA, that is in Africa, Europe and Asia, which has always been changing, but now it does it in a different way, based on complementarity, on tolerance, especially religious, which since Constantinople became the second capital of Rome, has been the origin of wars, until today, which There are wars between the Catholics of Ukraine and the Orthodox of Ukraine and Russia, or the Arab and Persian Muslims of Palestine, and neighboring countries of Israel with their Jews.
But while the show is put on by the armies, migration from Africa to Europe is the true engine of change in the world order in Afro-Eurasia.
On the other hand, the engine of change in the American Continent is the migration of Latin Americans to the United States and Canada.
In the migration of Latin Americans to Canada and the USA, the bad guys are the drug traffickers, the polleros, the coyoteros, who are the ones who have managed to violate the borders of the United States, as one day the so-called barbarians did in Rome. From that time until now, it is considered outrageous when these events happen in human history on this planet.
Today in countries like Ecuador, drug traffickers, the so-called organized crime, are the cause of daily deaths, massacres in prisons, in ports, neighborhoods, and cities, but this is not new in the history of America. The English, French, and Dutch pirates came to Spanish ports like Panama, Cartagena, or Guayaquil to rape, burn, and murder. In the case of Guayaquil, they appropriated the port for years, demanding a large sum of money to return it, and in that time they raped so many women that they changed the genetics of the port, finally they burned it before leaving when they saw themselves defeated, producing a catastrophe in a port city, which was made of wooden houses.
The Germans, Japanese, Russians or Americans also reached levels of cruelty, which we remember daily in films, documentaries, news or books, in which concentration camps, mass murders, bombings, and even the atomic bomb, became in atrocities.
The cowboys in the United States murdered the indigenous people, the whites in that country tortured and murdered blacks for centuries, the European settlers, the Mongols, the Romans, the crusaders, the Japanese soldiers, the Nazis, Stalin's communists, came to such an index of evil, that on the continents they are remembered after centuries.
In this new order in America, the drug traffickers who are now the bad guys are on their way to becoming the heroes, just like the conquistadors, the pirates, or the European colonists. Now they are accused of destroying the youth of the United States, but in reality what is destroying the United States is not drug traffickers, but drugs, which are even produced or invented by Americans themselves, such as tobacco, fentanyl, morphine, opioids, which were medicines invented by themselves. , which got out of the control of the DEA. Like alcohol or marijuana, the real problem is that they are ATTRACTIVE while they are illegal, and this is what makes them delicious, but when they have been legalized, the charm of the drug disappears.
This new order in America is also against the landowners, the rich, the military, the police, the Latin American judges, who have been corrupt for 500 years, or their prisons that are now the center of operations of the bad guys, but these villains Now they can be detected, they can be denounced, also the landowners, the rich, the military, the judges, the police, who for 200 years, especially after the Second World War, obey the government of the United States, and win elections. , where the media, invented by Americans, manipulate the conscience, memory, and will of Latin American voters, turning us into puppets, pawns, dead in this war on drug trafficking, and our countries, into loot of the suppliers of raw materials to the United States, or sellers of their products or victims of their governments and rulers.
But the interference of China, which is competing with the North American industry, which has also become the main trading partner of our countries, displacing the United States, and the largest financier of mega constructions in the region, is part of this new order.
In this new order, what are disappearing are the borders throughout the continent, especially the borders of the United States, which with Canada practically do not exist and, on the other hand, with Mexico are being violated.
Without a doubt, the new order may be less traumatic and faster if a Latin American or pro-Latin American or Pan American president, that is, who believes that it is possible to end the borders between countries, becomes the president of the United States.
For a Latin American, or one identified with Latin America, to become the president of the United States, it is necessary that Latin Americans have as much or more influence than African-Americans in that country.

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