What the dollarization of Ecuador meant

1. Today President Miley of Argentina seeks dollarization of that country, but since he is a sophist who uses statistics to lie with numbers, which is a 21st-century way of lying, he does not know for sure what happened in Ecuador, What were benefits, harms and ecological, historical, cultural and health particularities that dollarization brought to Ecuador.
2. The dollarization of Ecuador occurred when financial speculation became fashionable in the world, thus in 1987 in Venezuela the first bank bankruptcy occurred, then came the so-called Tequila Effect, in Mexico, in 1997 the Wodka Effect, in The nascent Russian Federation was followed by the Tango Effect in Argentina in 1998, which was followed by the Sucre Effect or Bank Holiday, later the economies of South East Asia collapsed until it reached El Salvador, where the collapse occurred for a long time. war against the communist subversives of the Farabundo Martí Front.
3. In all these processes the common factor was the banks. The price of oil fell sharply and this was caused by the United States, which flooded the world with its oil and that of Iraq to recover the expenses of the War in this country, which weakened the economy of the USSR, which had passed to be dependent on oil, which when oil had a good price, in the 70s, when it fluctuated at more than 40 dollars, there was money to finance the invasion of Afghanistan, but after 10 years of armed resistance to that invasion , the USSR faced the first military defeat in its history and an economic catastrophe.
4. The military defeat of the USSR in Afghanistan was due to the fact that it was an invasion that attempted to use an army, weapons, and strategies from the Second World War in European territory, which responded to the military confrontation between industrialized powers, a highly mechanized war. industrialized, against rebels who used war tactics thousands of years old, with which they defeated the armies of Alexander the Great, the Roman Army, and the Mongol and colonial armies such as the English army, after long years and centuries of occupation of that territory by invading forces. This resistance was based on family clans, which cultivated moral values. These moral values came from their historical memory, their religious memory, their work or productive memory, and from the memory of each family, not only of combat strategies but is social cohesion. This Afghan strategy also defeated the United States and its NATO allies in the 21st century, the most powerful army in the world today.
5. The defeat of the USSR in Afghanistan meant a strong setback for that enormous country that at that time had not only the territory of Russia under its control but also that of other countries such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Chechnya, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova. and the control of Eastern European countries, such as East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary, and Bulgaria.
5. After this defeat, the economy and morale of the USSR, collapsed, thanks to the fact that the price of oil reached 7 dollars per barrel, but also to the technological delay, especially in the development of computing and the Internet, that started the great technological revolution that we are experiencing today. The personal computer was the technological weapon with which the USA annihilated the USSR.
6. After the end of the USSR, the world entered a race for the dollar currency, which became the most popular currency in the world. The dollar was the first currency of the 20th century that operated or was printed without support in gold or silver, but rather was supported by industrial production, factories, the country's infrastructure, intellectual property or patents, the capacity for innovation, of mass production of products for the market, in the ability to popularize, distribute and sell those products, such as Hollywood movies. This allowed and allowed the United States to print banknotes more than any other country in the world, because the industrial, creative, and innovative capacity is immeasurable, and it can also grow from one day to the next, with a discovery, an invention, an innovation. , etc.
7. The endorsement of gold and silver coins was the origin of the value of coins since the Roman Empire. For 300 years in which the Spanish Empire was the most powerful in the world, the silver eighth or doubloon was the currency that allowed global trade between East and West, along with navigation, the discovery of America, the Strait of Magellan, the Ocean Pacific and the creation of transportation routes on horseback between the Caribbean and the Pacific through Panama, Nicaragua or Mexico and the silver mines, especially in Potosí, in present-day Bolivia.
8. Since the industrial era, first the British Pound Sterling and after World War II the dollar became the most international currency, but after the Cold War and the end of the USSR, the dollar monopolized the market, until the appearance of the European Economic Community and the euro, now these two currencies are competing for global dominance.
9. In the banking crises of the late 20th century in the world, banks became centers for laundering petrodollars from oil-producing countries, especially Arab countries, forced by the United States to flood the world with oil after hours. war in IRAQ, which, like Venezuela and Mexico, had more dollars than it could spend, and did not invest them in improving its infrastructure or salaries, for fear that by increasing the needs and expenses of its population at the time When the price of oil falls, the rulers would be faced with a wasteful, intelligent and prepared human mass, but idle, consuming, delirious about different forms of entertainment or circus, as happened in Rome, in the times of the Roman Empire.
10 But in addition, the banks, the construction, and transportation industries, began to rely on bank loans and investments from cocaine drug lords, such as Pablo Escobar, since the end of the 20th century.
12. Furthermore, countries began to experience uncontrollable inflation, because there was more money or dollars in the world than goods and jobs, this increased the price of industrial products, and depreciated wages, to such an extent that in the Russian Federation, university professors earned less than a dollar a day, which in turn reduced the purchasing capacity, the markets had millions of unsold products, because solvent buyers or clients disappeared, while the inhabitants of the countries developed countries of the West and Japan, could buy cheap raw materials, and travel the world at discount prices, because, in countries like Ecuador, Bolivia or Guatemala, where the situation was worse, they paid one dollar for a lunch, one dollar for a night. hotel, or 2 dollars for an hour of Spanish classes.
13. As jobs disappear, the income of the inhabitants of the countries with economic crises in Europe, such as the countries of Eastern Europe and the nascent Union of Independent States, among which were Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and others, almost all countries in Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia, including India or China. Meanwhile, the industrialized countries of the West, especially those of the nascent European Economic Community, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea, were experiencing economic and social detachment, which allowed them to even have young people who They traveled the world, as backpackers, that is, people who could enjoy their youth, time and money, like no one else on this planet.
14. So, countries that had entered into economic collapse, like Ecuador, that did not have any industrial capacity, invention, innovation, creativity, and producers of unprocessed raw materials, without added value, fell into a bottomless hole.
15. Other countries such as Venezuela, which had oil, but also produced oil derivatives, Mexico, which in addition to oil, had developed tourism and had invaded the United States, from where they diverted millions of dollars in remittances, Argentina, which despite the collapse It had a large market for the sale of essential foods such as wheat, meat, soy, basic in the global human diet, unlike the bananas of Ecuador, Colombia, or Honduras, which are not an essential food, nor were they ever the origin of civilizations. as was wheat in the Mediterranean or meat in Europe, North America and the temperate zones of the world. Russia, which had developed the military industry, sold weapons to all countries in conflict, had the most powerful mafia in the world, which became the government of the Russian Federation with Yeltsin and the oligarchs of Putin's government, China who They had the largest, cheapest, most disciplined and submissive workforce in the world. and countries that were tax havens, where the world's dirty money was laundered, like Panama, were able to get out of the bottom, with their own currency, or adopt the dollar as their currency.
16. Ecuador adopted the dollar as currency, and this freed Ecuadorians from being at the mercy of the decisions of rulers, who in 200 years of republican life have been 120 rulers, some only for hours, and has had 46 constitutions, that is, 46 times it has been reborn as a country.
   These rulers, before dollarization, imposed salaries, the price of their goods, and the payment of taxes, they disposed of the lives of their inhabitants, the natural resources of the country, and international loans at will, and they indebted their inhabitants by mortgaging their future and that of their descendants, they turned everything that exists in this country into loot, into personal profits or for their family and close friends, they had the lives of the children until the sale of the country's oil.
17. With dollarization, the presidents now cannot devalue salaries, that is, the value of work, but the inflation that their mandate creates can do so. Dollarization has stopped the depreciation of goods in this country that was at the whim of the ruler in power.
18. But the dollars that circulate in Ecuador have a legal origin and also an illegal origin. The legal origin is mainly from the sale of oil, or from the payment of taxes, but the price of oil is unstable, which makes governments unstable, the collection of taxes from landowners, large companies, exporters, importers, and banks, it is difficult, because these companies install and remove presidents to evade or forgive their taxes.
19. The illegal origin of dollars in Ecuador is mainly thanks to drug trafficking, drug laundering, narco-construction of real estate, narco-investment in means of transportation, soccer teams, narco-bribery, narco-extortion, drug war between gangs, and the War on Drug Trafficking, which moves millions in weapons, means of transportation, luxuries, bribes, buying and selling of everything, even judicial sentences, or the death of other people.
20. Now to the trafficking of human beings, contract killings, extortion, illegal extraction of gold, illegal trafficking of wood, wild animals, illegal fishing, overexploitation of the soil, the sea, the massive destruction of biodiversity to haciendas, farms, shrimp farms or ranches, towns, roads, mega-constructions, cities, of cultural diversity, to create buyers and workers, including sex workers, of the health of its inhabitants, who are now compulsive consumers of alcohol, tobacco, drugs , sex, poorly processed, sugary, or high-fat foods, medications prohibited in other countries, clothing, cars, pesticides, unhygenic producers of waste, garbage, sewage, or toxic waters, urban or industrial pollution, consumers of illegal products, such as pesticides, arms trafficking, medicines, products that are no longer sold or cannot be recycled, or are going to be banned in developed countries, such as combustion cars that ultimately deteriorate the health of Ecuadorians or their environment.
21. The fundamental element that creates this compulsive behavior, which is not only the dollar, which also creates migratory waves of desperate people, adventurers and novelists, who, as in the 16th century, have converted to travel, exploration, and search, in a fashion, in an obsession, as it was for the Europeans who discovered and colonized the New World, for whom their life or the journey of others was less important than the adventure.
22. The dollar in Ecuador determines consumption, elections, social life, justice, health, education, violence, the speed to obtain something.
23. This compulsive behavior created by the dollar is manipulated and used by the media, social networks, politics, the educational model, poor neighborhoods, which are now the nest of violence, drug trafficking, crime, and civil disobedience, which previously emerged from educational centers.
24. Dollarization in Ecuador is not a success, but it is not a failure either. It is a change and in changes, only time can define whether they are a success or a failure.
25. The dollar had a severe ecological impact in Ecuador, as it changed land use. Most of the agricultural land on the Coast is today dedicated to export products, bananas, cocoa, coffee, shrimp, wood, sugar cane, rice, pasture for beef cattle, or to the production of African palm oil. poultry and fruit farm, in the Sierra most of the land is dedicated to the production of foods for domestic consumption such as potatoes, legumes, vegetables, cereals, milk, medicinal plants. in the Amazon, to the African palm, uncultivated wood, pastures for livestock, medicinal plants, wood and seeds for crafts, but there are enormous oil and mining areas. .
26. The dollar produced changed consumption, because with the dollar it is possible to buy more imported products.
27. The dollar changed due to the increase in the import of vehicles, infrastructure, construction, especially of houses, or apartments, which has determined since 1983 the electoral victory for the candidate who offers the most houses.
Thanks to the dollar, real estate cannot be devalued overnight, as before, when each devaluation depreciated houses. Thanks to this, real estate can be used as backup for credits in a better way.
Thanks to the dollar there are more imports of cars, which change in fashion from year to year and which begin to be depreciated the day after the purchase.
Thanks to the dollar, the real estate construction industry has exploded, which now has more stable prices, and they are evaluated every day, supporting mortgage loans.
   28. The dollar changed the use of physical space, but this change produced the mass extinction of biodiversity in Ecuador, so much so that it has become the main problem of the country and we have needed the help of the United States to protect the Galapagos Islands and 200,000 km2 in the sea surrounding the Islands.
29. The social and historical-cultural impact of dollarization in Ecuador has been severe. The numerous nationalities and cultures of Ecuador, which in the 20th century became protagonists in the country's history, now face rapid disappearance, because young people prefer to abandon their towns, their nationalities, and their culture, migrating to the United States. United States, other countries, or the city, is that the fields do not offer opportunities, it is more difficult to study, and find work, machines quickly take human beings from the land and the sea, they do the work of hundreds of workers or farmers.
30. Until the internet revolution, satellite television and the production and use of solar energy, houses, schools, colleges, universities, health centers, administrative offices, etc. had to be close to electrical networks, internet, or telephone. But now with satellite internet and solar energy sources, it is possible to live, work and study from anywhere in the world.
31. The change in the use of the energy matrix, global communications, non-polluting vehicles, artificial intelligence, atomization, robotics, globalization in general, climate change, extinction, and new forms of violence, now has a greater impact than the dollarization of the countries' economies.
32. The health impact of dollarization has also been important. Ecuador became thanks to dollarization and the growth of plantations, deforestation, water pollution from sewage or sewage from cities, or plastics, to the pollution of the atmosphere, especially in cities like Quito, at 2850 meters high, with a lower concentration of oxygen, where the air you breathe has less oxygen and more CO2 than in other parts of the Andes.
The automotive fleet of combustion vehicles in the capital of Ecuador, which is the largest in the country and fastest growing, thanks to dollarization, produces respiratory, cardiac, and cancer diseases, which are the main pathologies of the city and the country. Furthermore, this transportation revolution, which lives thanks to dollarization, has produced the multiplication of patients with obesity and diabetes, which are now the main chronic pathologies of the population of Ecuador.
33. The impact on mental health in Ecuador since the dollar boom, or dollarization, is that Ecuadorians have adopted drug consumption and tobacco consumption as fashion, or imitation of North American culture, as we previously adopted. alcohol consumption in the style of the Spanish conquistadors.
  In addition, fun, entertainment, and shows, especially music and sports, are now financed with dollars, this has turned Ecuador into an exporter of soccer players, and a consumer of musical festivals by artists who quote in dollars.
The dollar has multiplied the consumers of all kinds of fashion, of machines. of manufactured products, but also thanks to the dollar, Ecuador is now an important market for Chinese and Asian products, as well as for European combustion vehicles, which in this country do not pay tariffs, which will soon leave the market on that continent, to contaminate the world from Latin America.
34. The dollar not only boosted consumerism in everything but also boosted the feeling of poverty in Ecuador. In this country, those who do not have dollars are poor, even if they have all the comforts, but knowing that they have fewer dollars than a relative in the United States or Europe, already means poverty, even if their relative does not have a house, lives rented and has no money. stable employment in that country.
  This comparative poverty is what has driven Ecuadorians crazy, who now cross the dangerous Darien Gap, Central America, Mexico, the southern border of the United States, its deserts, being pregnant mothers, young people willing to be raped, trafficked, sexual slaves, murdered, to be abandoned in the Arizona desert, to be killed in the New Mexico desert or crossing the Rio Grande, while still children.
35. The dollar has produced a collective madness. which, like the economy, can no longer be reversed. It is no longer possible for Ecuadorians to accept another currency other than the dollar, it is no longer possible for Ecuadorians to live another dream other than THE AMERICAN DREAM.
36. The dollarization of Ecuador and El Salvador has also been possible thanks to the invasion of Ecuadorians and Salvadorans to the United States, who send dollar remittances from there and call their family or friends.
37. Finally, it can be stated that the dollar has turned Ecuadorians into the new Vikings, conquerors or colonists of the 21st century, that like the Vikings, colonists or conquerors of past centuries, we can risk our lives just to live the adventure, the novel, the whim.
  In Ecuador we experience disappointment, spite, contempt for our country of origin, the daily verification of corruption and unbridled violence, to such a point that we even consider it more dangerous and with less future to live in Ecuador than to suffer on the journey. to the United States or Europe, or be persecuted by the US immigration police, be imprisoned in that country or be deported.

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