How did the poor become the worst oppressors and exploiters of Ecuador?

Since the dawn of humanity, the poor have always been the worst danger for governments, as the Bible reminds us, when the poor Hebrews or Jews escaped to Egypt, or the Jews escaped to Rome and became a danger to those. empires, to the point that the poor converted to Christianity put an end to the Roman Empire.
The pandemic, the internet, the cell phone, the agribusiness, and the economic collapse in Latin America, as well as the health collapse, especially mental health in the United States and Europe, after COVID-19, affected them more than the rest of the world. planet, since they had more of an older population, with previous diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, immunological deficiencies, or allergies.
This produced a crisis of values in developed countries, which considered goods, comfort, status, and fun as something more important than life.
By not finding value in one's own life, the values instilled by the consumer society, and the rapid enrichment of developed countries, one's life lost meaning, and this gave way to suicide as a form of quick death and drug addiction, as a form of death. slow, but more pleasant.
The impact of mass death in Latin America produced a disdain for one's own life and the life of others. Your own life has lost perspective, why study? was the first question, if a professional title does not mean work, but it was worse when earning a lot of money quickly, living a fleeting life but full of luxuries and pleasures, made more sense than living a life as a laborer, worker, employee, or official.
Old age in Latin America became torture, humiliation, loneliness, discrimination, dependency, physical and even economic misery. Growing old without social security was not a good thing in Latin America, on the contrary, it is a bad thing. It is becoming a burden that weighs more than your children.
Cocaine is a drug that Coca Cola popularized since the 19th century. and that it is produced exclusively in the Andean countries, that it can be converted into a powder, into a non-perishable product, that can be easily transported, that can be made at home, and that has a higher price than any other organic product, and even more than many or almost all raw materials, thanks to the fact that it is the least deadly drug, compared to heroin, opioids, amphetamines, LSD, which is quickly addictive, because it produces the prolonged perception of orgasm, it has become the best source of income for the poor in the Andean countries.
The price of cocaine is what allows us to manufacture disposable mini-submarines because, with a single trip in the United States, you can pay for another 7 mini-submarines, in the same way being a mule that transports cocaine inside or in its suitcases gives you money enough to not need to work the rest of your life, with a successful trip.
Then the poor of the Andes, especially in countries like Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, and now Chile, discovered that you could make money and survive by begging, stealing, and trading. or carrying drugs, while traveling from one country to another, or while making a pilgrimage to the United States, at the cost of losing everything, the consciousness of oneself descends to social, moral, religious, ethical consciousness, all forms of consciousness, including ecological awareness because if it was necessary to deforest, set fires, traffic animals, traffic children, women, drugs, gold, etc., anything goes.
  Meanwhile, the slums become the territory of the wicked, and these are the largest of the cities. While they took over the prisons, the gold mines, the emeralds, and everything that could be sold, whether stolen or not, legal or not, they even became mercenaries, who are called hitmen, for whom Money does anything, here money is more important than God, other people's lives and even your own life.
This is how the poor took over Ecuador and turned it into the most dangerous country in Latin America, into one of the most dangerous in the world, despite being a country with gold, oil, natural gas, forests, tourist attractions, and lands. fertile, which can produce food all year round, because when it is summer in the north it is winter in the south, with jungles, mountains, green valleys, and oceans full of life, with the most important living bank of genetic information in the world, in a time when genetics is changing everything from medicine to agricultural and food production, etc.
The thing is that the poor, the ignorant, the evil, the corrupt, the politicians, the drug traffickers, the police and the military, poisoned by hatred, became power, the owners of lives, and everything that exists in this country. forcing its population to leave their homes, and their country and go on a pilgrimage with their misery to North America, or Europe.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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