The role of Ecuador and Russia in the new world order

The role of Ecuador and Russia in the new world order is transcendent. Ecuador, the country with the most important living bank of genetic information in the world, is transcendent because it is now the largest exporter of cocaine to Europe, and of migrants and cocaine to the United States when cocaine has become the most consumed drug in the world. Planet Earth and the United States have declared war on immigrants.

Russia, the largest country in the world and one of the great military powers on the planet, has proposed to stop the expansion and influence of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which brings together the countries of Europe plus Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, other countries, that is, it is the largest military alliance in history, for this it has invaded Ukraine, with the purpose of demonstrating its power to the entire world.
This happens when extinction due to climate change and anthopogenesis, that is, the changes that humans are producing on this planet, are at a critical point.
Furthermore, when hypersonic weapons, weapons of mass destruction with controlled effects and the capacity for total extermination, are on the rise, and economic, cybernetic, informational warfare and other forms of warfare become popular and are applied in all internal conflicts or external, between countries.

Ecuador has also become the scene of a new form of war called Low-Intensity Civil War, or Internal Armed Conflict, which militarizes the country, as Hitler did before, in Germany, and allows the extreme right to our countries, control everything, concentrating power, wealth and information, in a rich man like Daniel Noboa or in a popular governor like Bukele.

This happens when communications, information, and migratory waves can overcome geographical, linguistic, and even economic barriers, and allow accelerated globalization, which makes other human beings on the planet part of the problems of any other country in the world. 

Club de eco rastreadores y ecotrackers

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