Attack against Donald Trump

There is no doubt that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States, thanks to the failed attack against him that has turned him into an idol.
This attack is suspected of being a self-attack because, in the mouth of the liar, the truth becomes doubtful.
Given Trump's few scruples, he has been convicted of raping a woman, fraud against the State of New York, and attempted coup d'état. where there were victims, hiding or stealing confidential information from the White House.
Considering that it is a fact that if Trump loses the elections he will go to jail, and a thousand more cases will be opened against him, organizing a self-attack to win the elections is still a possibility, to win the US elections and then self-pardon.
Do you believe that a bullet was what hurt his ear, instead of killing him?...
Why wasn't there a confirmation from a hospital of the bleeding in the ear and she quickly went to his private plane to escape from him?
Was the apparent bleeding real, or someone else's ink or blood, or self-injury?
Why is your son the first to use the fact for propaganda?
What is the possibility that a bullet only wounds one person's ear, but kills others or seriously wounds them, even if it is the target?
Did Trump use other people's lives in this attack to win the elections, inciting racial violence and violence against migrants?
Did Trump use other people's lives before to attempt a coup and invade the Capitol?
Is Donald Trump a cheater, a liar, a rapist, an unscrupulous person for many years?
Did Trump want to create a civil war in Bolivia and sponsor a coup d'état to eliminate Evo Morales?
Did Trump trap Bolsonaro and create him, or the traitor Lenín Moreno, the president of Colombia, Chile, Peru, and Argentina, to produce deadly protests in those countries and use them to destroy UNASUR?
Did Trump create the current war in Palestine by moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?
Trump sponsored the judicial prosecutions of Rafael Correa, Lula, Cristina Fernández, and Evo Morales. and an invasion of mercenaries to Venezuela?
Did Trump, with his economic measures, military bases, and puppet presidents, create the great migratory wave of Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, Haitians, Central Americans, Peruvians, Colombians, and Central Americans, which today invades the United States and which he intends to intimidate?
This actually looks like a show in which he cuts off his own ear, and smears blood on his face, and a young man who shoots him dies then kills or injures other people, but not Donald Trump.
Trump was already part of a television show. He loves to be the center of attention. Will this be another show for the media, where he is the eternal winner?
That they only injured his ear is not possible for an Ecuadorian to believe, for us, it was a Trump campaign event, where he victimized himself, became a victim, and played with the lives of three others. human beings, as it has done before.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

ANTECEDENTES El gobierno de Donald Trump, se ha convertido en el catalizador de un nuevo orden mundial, pues su pretensión de convertir a Ca...