The evolution of subjects, to faithful believers, citizens, tourists, backpackers, Internet users, eco-trackers and people.

Until before the pandemic, the citizens of the world were obliged to learn a trade or a profession. Before they had to learn to be good Christians or Muslims, and before good subjects of some chief, king or emperor.
But since the last quarter of the century, young people from rich countries have learned to be backpackers, and those from poor countries to be emigrants. The difference was that the former could go months without working or studying and traveled the world to learn how to enjoy what nature and poor countries had to offer. They understood that to be able to enjoy that. The poor should continue to be poor because if not, those countries became as expensive as theirs and by earning more, they could also travel for many months without working or studying and then as backpackers increased in the world, the places they frequented. they became more expensive.
On the contrary, the emigrants and students from poor countries were people who could not waste a minute working, risking crossing borders as illegal or scholarship students, they had almost no free time since all the time was to look for work, work, or study.
Today, thanks to the pandemic, it is possible to travel at the same time, work, or study, turn the trip into a video that produces money on YouTube, Vimeo, or other social networks, it all depends on the quality, the content, and the audience that I achieved.
These new travelers, who have the ability to turn travel into work, learning, news, information, teaching, or to continue working or learning from anywhere, are called digital nomads.
But within these digital nomads, backpackers, tourists, or emigrants, there are some who also travel to acquire ecological or environmental awareness, acquire the ability to coexist and share with cultures, to find, discover, invent while traveling. These are the ecotrackers.

An ecotrackers is no longer a citizen of a country, it is a person, this is a human being, simply that. But this human training every day to decide for himself in everything, to decide for himself in any part of the world.
A citizen, on the contrary, is an individual that his country, government, economic position, social relations, give him rights, who lose them when the government changes, his wealth, his social relations. In other words, he is an individual who depends on the government in his own country or in any other.

But being just a person, that is, a simple human being, who was previously considered a disgrace, for example when the European conquerors arrived in America, the indigenous people managed to be considered servants of a patron and the king, but not the blacks, who were slaves on this continent, because it was said that they were not people, that is, they did not have a soul, they were not human.
It took 500 years for the Slavs in America to be recognized as human beings, like whites, something that has not yet been achieved, since they continue, as women, to experience discrimination.
Christians, like Muslims, came to consider men faithful believers and created discrimination against women, minors, those of other religions, and those of other races, nationalities, etc. This spread to politics, only after the world wars, has it been possible to see great changes.
At this time, human beings have become Internet users, that is, travelers by cell phone, networks or the Internet. It is a forced and forced passage of human beings, which with the pandemic accelerated.
Today the cell phone, being interconnected, is mandatory and necessary. Due to the pandemic, the vaccination certificates, the shifts to do it, the places to go, was notified by cell phones and cell phones began to control and be a means of control of our lives, through them, those infected with the disease are tracked. covid.
This changed us from citizens to Internet users. for citizens normally have relationships with neighbors, countrymen or visitors to their country, but now relationships between human beings cross borders, and they are not with neighbors but precisely with those who are far away.
These interconnected human beings, who travel in a real or virtual way, but who are also concerned about climate change, the extinction of species, human rights, wars, poverty, violence, forms of discrimination are an eco-tracker or ecotrackers.
Finally, an ecotrackers is an individual who learns to be a person, not a citizen, nor a subject, nor a faithful believer. Learning to be a person is learning not to be famous, rich, or powerful, but to learn to take care of one's own health and that of others, nature, and living beings, it is learning to live, coexist, survive, and survive, leaving children, inventions, ideas, works, memories, etc, that may exist by themselves.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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