Violence elections and drug trafficking in Ecuador

Ecuador is a country devastated by the pandemic, the economic crisis, violence, and drug trafficking, so the next president, who will be for 18 months, can only continue the so-called War on Drugs, which is a lost war, because since 1974 the United States, which has given us the last two presidents, Lenín Moreno, the traitor, and Guillermo Lasso, the failed president, and opportunistic banker, who came to power thanks to this war.
The United States, thanks to the War on Drugs, today controls 200,000 km2 in the Galapagos and has an outpost on these islands, which it occupied from 1941 until 1946, to guard the Pacific and the Panama Canal. The Galapagos today means the same to the United States as Crimea does to Russia.
In addition, thanks to this war, he established another military base, or outpost in Manta, where the most important deep-water port in the Pacific of South America is located, because it is in the eastern ocean.
Thanks to the War on Drug Trafficking, he controls the army, the police, the judiciary, and the media in Ecuador, with which he has been able to carry out the political persecution of Rafael Correa and the correistas, through a prison sentence, which has forced to take refuge in other countries, a mechanism that was also used against Lula in Brazil, Cristina Fenández in Argentina, Evo Morales in Bolivia and Pedro del Castillo in Peru.
Rafael Correa was the president who took away the Manta base, control of the army and the police, and created the public media, to combat the misinformation and manipulation of the media subordinated to the United States Embassy.
The Embassy of the United States imposed even the prosecutor, the courts, the judges, the national electoral council, and the control bodies such as the Superintendencies of Companies or Banks, thanks to a popular consultation that allowed Lenín Moreno the president appointed by Rafael Correa, and the one who betrayed him, being a dictator in disguise and subservient to the US government, who turned everything in this country into loot, from oil to hospitals, handicapped cards or subsidies, even international loans like those of the IMF.
Lenín Moreno became the main ally in the Pacific, of Donald Trump, in his campaign against Venezuela, Bolivia, Lula in Brazil, Cristina Fernándes in Argentina, and the governments of Nicaragua and Cuba, through the destruction of UNASUR, which took away its headquarters in Quito and cooperated in the creation of PROSUR.
Since 1974, the USA has been waging war against the use of marijuana, cocaine, and now opium derivatives, but has had to legalize the use of marijuana. In the war against opium and opioids, he experiences a daily defeat that kills more than 100,000 Americans each year.
The War on Drugs has served to put and remove governments in Latin America, control countries like Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador, wage war on the Sandinistas, control the border with Mexico, and now to stop migration to that country through the accusation made by Donald Trump that Hispanics are drug traffickers, rapists, and thieves. The drug war is now the flag of the Republicans to face the invasion of Hispanics to that country, justify discrimination against Hispanics, win elections, and face a war in defense of the USA.
In addition, for 20 years it was the excuse to wage war in Afghanistan, where the United States and NATO were defeated by the TALIBAN narco-guerrilla.
 In Colombia, where since the 1960s it has been waging a war against the guerrillas, and since the 1980s against the narco-guerrillas, and it is being defeated. Colombia is and continues to be the largest producer of cocaine in the world.
The problem is that the war on drugs is actually a war against drug users in your own country, and in NATO countries, which has turned drug use into a global fad, like consuming Coca-Cola, And just as Coca-Cola and McDonald's are today the origin of nutritional illnesses in the world, drugs are the origin of mental illnesses. and this is much more serious in a world where human intelligence is tested every day.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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