What does Trump's proposed mass deportation of Latin Americans mean?

Throughout history, mass deportations have been the beginning of the end of empires. In Rome, the mass deportation of Germans, or Goths, meant the end of the Western Roman Empire, because later the Goths returned and conquered Rome. It is the same thing that is happening in the United States, the expulsion of Latin Americans is only the prelude to their return, and the more difficult it is to return, the more interesting it will be, because the United States will be more attractive the richer that country is, and Latin America will be worse the poorer it is. In Germany, the persecution of the Jews was the origin and the end of Nazi Germany. In the case of Latin America, migration from Latin America to the United States is caused by the brutal impoverishment of the population, by the economic collapse that produced quarantines, social distancing, the cost of mass vaccinations, medical care for the sick, added to human overexploitation due to low wages, taxes, poor public services, the collapse of face-to-face education, but above all by the communications revolution thanks to the Internet, which created permanent real-time communication and the industrialization of the countryside and fishing.
Meanwhile, in developed countries, it produced more effects on the mind and human behavior, which turned Europe and the United States into devourers of cocaine and hallucinogenic, stimulant, or tranquilizing drugs, which even allow them to use their brains in another way to the point of becoming geniuses at times for centuries. At the moment, the United States is the main supplier of dollars to Latin America, but the dollars from the region's export products end up in the pockets of transnational corporations or elites, and they plunder natural resources, destroy nature, pollute, and degrade human beings, but what is even worse, they replace them with machines, which yield much more than the peasants, fishermen, and workers, machines that even evict them from fields, neighborhoods, or beaches, that pile them up in slums, or in prisons, which have become schools, colleges, and universities of crime and violence.
The money that reaches the peasants, fishermen, and poor people in the slums is drug money. For example, cocaine sold in 100-gram doses in the poor neighborhoods of Ecuador produces 10,000 dollars per kilogram, and the cost of a kilo for sale can be only 1,000 dollars, and the cost of production of a kilo does not exceed 100. In other words, cocaine produces so much profit that it supports numerous families who can earn in one day what a worker earns in a month or even a year. But cocaine placed on the southern border of the United States is already worth 10,000 dollars and in the interior, it can be worth up to 60,000 dollars in Europe the average is 40,000 for each kilogram, and since it is not a perishable product, it can be transported on ships at a much lower price than transporting it in small planes to the USA, which would be the best if cocaine were like flowers, but since it is a powder that can be carried inside the body of migrants or tourists, stopping drug trafficking is impossible, even more so now that there are aerial drones, marine drones, speedboats, mini-submarines, etc., etc.
The only solution to drug trafficking is its legalization, as happened with alcohol or marijuana in the history of the United States, an alcoholic country that had the cantina as the center of the town, while in Latin America it was the Church.
It is also not possible to stop human trafficking because from the origin of that country, it was created through the trafficking of black slaves, then of settlers, and now through sexual trafficking, very necessary because the white race is suffering from its low fertility capacity and its inbreeding, because since the foundation of the peoples the brothel was with the cantina, the center of the town and prostitution is together with the cantina the big business for 250 years.
Finally, the drug dealers and the coyotes are waging a war with the border guard, and the coast guard, which they are winning. This war on drugs that the United States is losing is what has allowed Latin Americans to invade the United States, and it is a moral defeat, and a military defeat because just as Latin Americans cannot live without electricity, cell phones, and the Internet, North Americans and Europeans cannot live without drugs and food from Latin America, even as medicine or as entertainment.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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