How Guillermo Lasso from Ecuador and Joe Biden from the United States have become the guardians of the Pacific Ocean

Ecuador, the first country in the world that in its Constitution of 2008 recognizes the rights of nature, has committed in the annual meeting of the fight against climate change to expand the protected area of ​​the Galapagos Islands to 200,000 km2, that is to protect an area that, added to the protected areas of the continent, is almost equal to its continental territory of 284,000 km2, but since it does not have the logistical or technological capacity to do so, it has to do it with the help of the United States, which happens to be the country with the most powerful anti-narcotics police in the world, to be the protective police of biodiversity in the Pacific Ocean.
This is also done in order to curb the Chinese power in this ocean, which arrives with fleets of many ships to loot the areas near the Galapagos, ships that also bring Chinese goods that enter contraband and that many of them exchange them for cocaine, which is then taken to the Asian drug market, which has been the largest in the world since the nineteenth century and is now the fastest growing, thanks to the extraordinary development of economies in Southeast Asia, visible in that Korean series Produced for Netflix, The Shrimp Strategy.
This also justifies his return to the Galapagos Islands of the United States, from where he left in 1946, after Velasco Ibarra expelled them, for having collaborated with Peru during the war of 1941, in the war for the rubber territories between the two countries. neighbors, in which Ecuador not only lost the war but almost half of its Amazonian territory and the mouth of its rivers in the Amazon, which was the area where the rubber tree was abundant and the United States received as a prize of that Treaty of Rio de Janeiro, his military base on Seymour Island, in the Galapagos, where the wife of President Delano Roosevelt, Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe, arrived to visit the North American troops from the South Pacific. It was an outpost of his Military Base in Panama, where he had control of the Canal that he built and inaugurated in 1914.
Making the United States the new global guardian of nature on the planet, which is what the summit in Glasglow was headed for, was the reason why China and Russia did not attend, with whom it has bitter disputes over the Pacific and the Arctic.
In addition, the United States wants to be the vanguard of environmentally friendly technology, and the leader in the fight against pollution and climate change, which is a position contrary to that of the United States of Donald Trump. Today its electric vehicles, such as the Tesla, its remote detection system for storms, tsunamis, earthquakes, its satellite tracking capacity of deforestation areas, crops or mining extraction, shipping routes, cities, roads, and everything that It exists on the planet, visible on google maps, in addition to its information channels, its studies and research carried out by its universities, researchers and explorers such as those of the National Geographic, Discovery Channel, or History Channel, and its actions in conjunction with England, Australia, New Zealand, make the United States, the new GUARDIAN of biodiversity, cultural diversity and even human health, after the pandemic, the largest and most powerful guardian on the planet, which has technology, the army and its 700 military bases, like the one in Galapagos for that.

COP26: ¿Explotar la selva amazónica o salvarla de la deforestación?

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A pesar de la creciente preocupación por el calentamiento global, la selva amazónica -una de las mayores defensas del mundo contra el cambio climático- está amenazada por la deforestación.

Pero mientras que los ambientalistas consideran vital la protección del Amazonas, muchos de quienes trabajan y se ganan la vida en la selva - incluyendo quienes talan sus árboles - dicen que dependen de sus recursos para su propia supervivencia.

Este martes, en la cumbre del clima COP26 los líderes de más de 100 países, que cubren alrededor del 85% de las selvas del mundo, se comprometieron a acabar con la deforestación para el año 2030.

Brasil es uno de esos países, aunque su presidente Jair Bolsonaro no ha acudido a la cumbre y la deforestación ha crecido notablemente bajo su mandato.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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