En mes y medio Guayaquil tiene 14.561 muertos cuando lo normal era 3000

Coronavirus en Ecuador: los miles de muertos de Guayas, la provincia más golpeada de América Latina

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En Guayas, la provincia más castigada por covid-19 en Ecuador, se registraron unas 6.700 muertes en los primeros 15 días de abril.
Esa es la cifra que confirmaron las autoridades en una región en la que normalmente hay 1.000 fallecidos por quincena.
Aunque no se ha podido determinar las causas de todas las muertes, los funcionarios a cargo infieren que además de las muertes naturales, lo que hay detrás es la pandemia de coronavirus.

 Ecuador sees massive surge in deaths in April

Media captionMany families in Ecuador's biggest city are waiting to bury their loved ones

Ecuador's official coronavirus death toll is 403, but new figures from one province suggest thousands have died.
The government said 6,700 people died in Guayas province in the first two weeks of April, far more than the usual 1,000 deaths there in the same period.
Guayas is home to Guayaquil - the nation's largest city and the part of the country worst-hit by Covid-19.
Footage obtained by the BBC showed residents forced to store bodies in their homes for up to five days.
They said authorities had been unable to keep up with the huge rise in deaths, leaving corpses wrapped in sheets in family homes and even in the streets.
Authorities last week began distributing thousands of cardboard coffins in Guayaquil. A dedicated helpline was also set up for families that needed a corpse removed from their home.

Cardboard coffins with bodies await outside Jardines de Esperanza cemetery in GuayaquilImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionCardboard coffins have been distributed amid a huge number of deaths

Jorge Wated, the head of a police unit created to tackle the problem, said earlier this week that 771 bodies had been removed from houses in the city.
According to the government's figures, 14,561 people have died in Guayas province since the beginning of March from all causes. The province normally sees 2,000 deaths a month on average.
Ecuador as a whole has had 8,225 confirmed cases of coronavirus to date, according to Johns Hopkins University, though a lack of widespread testing means this is likely a significant undercount.

Analysis box by Katy Watson, South America correspondent

Across Latin America, Covid-19 has been dubbed a rich person's disease. A virus introduced to the region by affluent parts of society who had been travelling abroad.
The case of Ecuador is no different but experts have suggested that the country's deep ties with Spain and transport links between there and Guayaquil, Ecuador's biggest city, could be partly responsible for higher numbers. Indeed, the first recorded case was of an Ecuadorean woman returning from Spain.
But the high death toll is also a devastating consequence of the combination of an overburdened healthcare system and a deeply unequal society which means not everybody is able - or willing - to socially distance and stop work.
Authorities argue they were quick to impose strict regulations and people chose to disregard measures but experts argue more could be done - and one thing that could help is testing. While Ecuador is not the worst offender in the region, low testing rates have made it very difficult to understand how the virus has moved through communities, some of which have been devastated by the high death toll.

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