Drought, hunger and migration in the world mark the new world order

The worst ravages of climate change are desertification, forest fires, and lack of water, which since time immemorial determined the disappearance of civilizations, such as the Mayans, and others.
The problem is multiplied when a planet populated by more than six billion human beings, who daily multiply their needs exponentially, following the so-called development, which is an increase in production and consumption, on a planet with limited natural resources, in which the human species has to share with the other species.
Drought represents the hunger of all living beings in a region, establishing a dispute over water and food, between humans who now have weapons with a much greater capacity to kill many, but also means penetrating virgin areas, in the continents and even in the oceans, where this, in turn, wreaks havoc.
In response, nature defends itself through viruses, which have an extraordinary capacity for mutation and multiplication and can kill millions of humans. Another mechanism of extermination of our species is through self-extermination, but this can in turn lead to the end of life on Earth, as we now know it, and give way to new forms of life, capable of defeating nuclear radiation, or weapons of mass extinction, developed by humans for their own self-extinction.
Finally, hunger, plus the migratory waves, which not only invade other countries, moves us towards space exploration, to exist outside the Earth. Drought, famine, and migration alter the internal order of countries, invade all areas of the planet, creating conflicts between humans and the natural environment, these phenomena are the way, along with unlimited consumption, our extinction, the mechanism inevitable natural way to stop the contamination or destruction of nature, generated by our species.
Large cities have become the center of the conflict, beginning because the covid 19 virus originated and prospered in them, but they are also the hubs or huge sources of pollution, which operate as nodes that alter the climate.
The abandonment of large cities, the internet, electric transport, cell phone communications, work or distance education, mark the origin of a new world order, where human beings are assuming responsibility for the damage caused by previous generations to the planet, and also giving rise to a new world order, where the economy of saving, reduction, reuse, recycling, decontamination, reforestation, protection of ancestral species and cultures, give way to a new economy, which can be called economy of environmental responsibility or planet protection economy.

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