Ecotrackers facing the tourist and economic crisis, the migratory waves in LATIN America and the Ulysses Sidrome

The collapse of tourism in Ecuador and Latin America has hit indigenous communities above all, who relied on tourism, the sale of handicrafts, and artistic expressions as an important source of income. This led to large protests in Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, and Central America.
These incomes came from nature conservation, culture, and skills development. The collapse of tourism has meant the massive migration of indigenous people, from Ecuador, especially from the Sierra, who risk in all aspects to reach the United States, Spain or Italy and this entails a great psycho-social conflict, such as the syndrome of Ulysses described below.
In order to help eco-cultural tourism in indigenous communities in Ecuador, the Ecotrackers Foundation has created an office on the main avenue of tourism agencies in Ecuador, on Av. Amazonas, to offer and promote tourism, art, crafts, and indigenous ancestral knowledge of Ecuador, especially in its medicine, rescue its legends, stories, mythology, and traditions, through workshops on theater, painting, music, dance, and crafts, in person and virtually, with a gallery for exhibition and sale, paintings, sculptures, and handicrafts, as well as a micro theater, to present the oral and dramatic memory of legends, tales, myths, traditions, a shop and chocolate shop for the sale of preparations with fine aroma chocolate, teas, medicinal plants, spices, native and sale of live plants that are grown in indigenous communities, as spices, medicine or as decoration. In addition, it dedicates the first week of each month to promote the Andean indigenous cultures, the second to the indigenous cultures of the Amazon, and the third week of the indigenous cultures of the Coast and the Pacific, in the last week, it presents the Latin American multicultural coexistence and the world, who live in La Mariscal de Quito, the capital in the Middle of the World, In that week, history, gastronomy, traditional medicine, attractive and healing places, endangered species, efforts against extinction would be presented biological, cultural and social, in indigenous communities, protected and heritage areas, the fight against pollution, pesticides, plastic, the indiscriminate use of pharmaceuticals and drugs, climate change, natural disasters, genetic industrial manipulation, in crops, environmental and social risks, violence and economic crises.
But at the same time, it trains communities located in protected and remote areas through satellite internet, from HUGE NET, which for remote medical consultation with delivery of medicines, sale of local products, through telemarketing, to train the population in professions such as promoters of health and sports, of the environment and protection of species, of culture and artistic or craft skills, which allows them to use the cultural wealth of their communities, biodiversity, climate, the intact nature of protected areas, to create tourism of observation of animals, such as the observation of whales, birds, or orchids, the use of the raft, the shells, the coconut and the tagua for handicrafts, and the use of solar energy, especially for the internet, silent navigation and without fuel , which is the most expensive for fishermen, motorized transport, by means of solar motorcycles and motorcycle carts or solar boats, which charge their batteries by means of an electric line s domestic and mobile in the boats, or in the same motorcycle-carts. It also sponsors the production and sale of organic products, without pesticides such as cocoa, ornamental, medicinal plants, or crops without chemicals or pesticides. It promotes the use of hot springs, beaches, altitude, climate, as well as a traditional medicine to treat physical and mental illnesses.

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