The process followed by the countries of Latin America towards the construction of a modern government, in which the state is the regulator of relations between the inhabitants of a country, and prevents the rich from being the ones who manage the rest, or the poor are forced to use violence and emigration to survive.
The interesting thing is that the rulers of XXI century socialism are not in perpetuity, as in Soviet, Cuban, Nicaraguan or Venezuelan socialism, or Chinese communism. The socialism of the 21st century allows private property, the market exists, with all its game, the state covers education, health, security, carries out large infrastructure works, it also owns what are protected areas, the subsoil or the marine platform, as well as the beaches, the water sources, the airspace, and the oceans.
In the socialism of the 21st century, the main problem is succession, since the pendulum of politics, according to the North American model, which has been the one imposed for 200 years in the region, turns the government into a time to one party and another time, for another party, which works very well in the United States, where there are only two parties, both parties essentially defend the same thing, that is elections, free press, free markets, free movement of people and goods, or succession every 4 years. But in Latin America, the new government wants to appropriate everything, from the army to what is in the subsoil, it wants to sell what is within its reach, it wants profits at any cost, and to plunder our countries, it only has 4 years, for which it requests the help of transnationals, international banks, investors, financial pirates, who prey on countries, nature, or exploit human labor with low wages.
But the socialism of the 21st century has failed to stop the looting that follows its governments, nor has it been able to confront or stop corruption in its public officials. This happened in Ecuador, Argentina, and Brazil, this is because for 500 years we have believed that the living lives from the fool and the fool from his work, that the living is the thief, or the one who can kill and go unpunished, alive or intelligent, is the one who can lie, deceive, betray and nothing happens to him, is but, he wins when he commits a crime. Lying, cheating, making fun of the law, the authority, the neighbor, the friend, becomes a daily practice, lying and betrayal in an unconscious practice, ranging from seduction to women, or from women to men. men, even the work, which delays it, does it poorly, steals materials, products, alters information, cheats.
Cheating in Ecuador is a test of being more intelligent, from the time of the Spanish conquerors, when Pizarro tricked Atahualpa to take over the Inca Empire, or the English pirates used him to rape, kill or steal, until the present times, where the candidates for any election, even to be the simple president of a committee of parents of a school, use deceit and lies, lies, betrayal and deception, is even present to greet, be diplomatic, in courtesy or humor.
This behavior that has become the identity of countries such as Colombia, Mexico, or Ecuador, where you cannot trust your own husbands, wives, children, siblings or parents, where your own happiness comes from the unhappiness of another, from the misfortune of others, the death of the opponent, this is what makes the socialism of the 21st century still a utopia, the hitman a social problem, the elections a plot or a trap, the family a cradle of hatred, revenge, reproaches.
The place where this utopia was most visible was in Ecuador, here Rafael Correa made believe in his country, Ecuador, the honest ones were more, for 10 years, but in the end his own vice president, his representatives in the National Assembly, the mayors, prefects, councilors or advisers, who made up the majority of the hundreds who reached those public positions, using Correa's successes and fame, betrayed him, but not only that, to this day, 6 years later, they persecute him. They want him in jail and they have in jail those who were his loyal companions, in the ten years of government of the Alianza País party, which founded and became the largest political party in the country's history. but it ended as the party of traitors, liars, corrupt and bastards.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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