Is World War III ongoing?

Is World War III ongoing?

The first two world wars were carried out by the white race and their origin was due to clashes between them.
This is because the white race came to dominate Planet Earth.
The white race is not native to Europe alone, the Aryans came from Asia, as did the Germans, Franks, Lombards, and Turks, who are white Asians, the Vikings, Britons, Gauls, Celts, Angles, Teutons, Iberians, Portuguese, Romans, Greeks, or Slavs are the origin of European whites, while the whites of Australia or New Zealand, or those of Canada and the United States, came from English colonial racism, in Oceania and America. Well, while the Spanish and Portuguese empires in America and the world were not racist, rather they promoted miscegenation, the English were racist, sought racial separation and racial extermination failed them, like the Nazis.
The whites managed to expand thanks to Roman slavery, European feudalism, transoceanic naval capitalism, or the communism of the USSR that gave rise to the Russian Federation, the last white, Christian, Eurasian empire.
Today the white race is under threat throughout the planet, this is because in the First and Second World Wars, when the Christian white empires of Europe collided with each other, this allowed the birth of most of the countries that now make up the ONU.
Today they face a racial decline due to their lack of fertility, produced by the hyperproteic diet, the use of contraceptives, and the revolution of their women, who no longer want to have children, be housewives, nor tolerate patriarchy.
This decline of the white race and its economic, political, and religious power, sustained above all by Christianity, which in its entirety originates from Europe, like Islam from the Middle East, or Buddhism from Indo-East Asia, it is facing an apogee of other races such as the black, which managed to expand thanks to slavery, the Arab and Muslim races, which are a melting pot of many races, the Hindus, or the Chinese who now have countries with the largest population in the world, the mestizos, and mulattoes who are mostly from Latin America, are races that now handle many more possibilities and are invading the countries governed by whites.
We can recognize that we are in the Third World War, because once again the origin of the war is Europe because it is a confrontation of NATO, which is the military organization that basically brings together the armies of the white countries of Europe, America, and Oceania, but it drags others like Korea, Japan or even Colombia, which after World War II became countries under strict control of the United States.
Unlike NATO's confrontations with other countries such as Libya, Iraq, Syria, or Afghanistan, outside Europe, it is that they were not against countries with a white majority.
Today the confrontation is again in Europe, it is Ukraine and its NATO partners, as the president of Ukraine calls them, who now declare himselves an enemy of Russia, a partner of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, betraying his origins and history, which have made it part of the Russian-Slavic peoples for 500 years.
The ongoing Third World War is in its preliminary phase, located in the territory of Ukraine, but about to spread to all of Europe, it occurs because Ukraine wants to be part of NATO, and this means being an enemy of Russia. Being part of NATO, Russia's most important naval base, which has been in Crimea for 200 years, would cease to belong to them, Putin did not accept this, so he invaded Crimea and annexed it to Russia, but he would also expel from the Russian-speaking provinces, such as Donets, which have been Russian for centuries, but after World War II, were ceded by Russia to Ukraine, on the condition that it be a loyal ally within the USSR.
 With the disappearance of the USSR, today Ukraine wants to be part of NATO, but not return to Russia the territories that Russia has invaded in this war, with the justification of protecting Russian speakers, who are the majority of the population there, others to demonstrate to NATO, how terrible a war against Russia can be.
This confrontation is weakening the economies of the white countries of the world, which reached an extraordinary level, at the same time, it is creating migratory waves from Africa, Asia, and Latin America that invade the territories of the most developed white countries.
Within the developed white countries, racism fractures the countries, divides them, and weakens them, just as the Christian slaves weakened the Roman Empire. and some non-whites are being government for the first time in the history of those slave countries.
If the First and Second World Wars ended with the white European empires, this third

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