What it means for Ecuador to participate and Win in Qatar

What does it mean for Ecuador to play and win in Qatar after the pandemic and in the middle of the drug war? I often tell my wife that I would have liked to be a sports commentator because my father had a radio station called Radio Metropolitana, with a narrator and commentator named Rodríguez Coll, who had the ability to memorize the names of the players, to quickly identify them on the field, and to narrate at an extraordinary speed, since he did not simply say who received the ball, but even narrated what he thought and did. each player, what the fans who attended the stadium felt, and to dramatize everything.
In Guayaquil, on the other hand, there was a narrator and commentator whom they called El Rey de la Cantera, he was a complete idiot, who said rude things, shouted, insulted, cursed, a nauseating vomit dump of words, insults and shouts, but he woke up like Hitler, or Velasco Ibarra, the candidate who won the presidency 5 times, speaking strange things, with difficult words, but with a gesture similar to Hitler, who used loudspeakers, balconies and electronic tools, such as the radio, the news, the scandal media to win followers. The King of the Quarry created a school of narrators and commentators, who soon found followers because with the arrival of TV, the narration of each movement of a player that Carlos Rodríguez Coll had, the great speed to speak quickly.
Those were times when Ecuadorian teams and players were worthless. They were the worst in South America, we had not reached a World Cup, and we were considered the ugly duckling, so commentators like El Rey de la Cantera, which was a long lament, had an audience because it was a long complaint and portrait of ourselves.
Since then sports commentators are the clowns of the word on radio and television, the idiots, assholes and ugly audiences because, in addition to not having any aspect of athletes, they are even full of holes in the face, they are Chubby, or skinny with glasses or huge glasses, they are the physical ugliness of us Ecuadorian Latin mestizos, taken to its maximum expression, they can say any stupid thing, and make the world believe that other Latinos are as stupid as them. Today on the radio and TV channels, they use them to reproduce what is a discussion of drunken soccer fans, in any seedy bar, or a slum, of our bloodthirsty ports or dangerous cities,

In those years until the 1980s, the fundamental problem of the Ecuadorian players is that they mostly came from Quito, where the physical constitution is good for marathon runners, since they are indigenous-mestizo, with long muscles, a large ribcage, short stature with low bone and muscle weight, but an alcoholic culture lived here, which used the neighborhood leagues to justify the tremendous drunkenness after the soccer game. The leaders or the soccer players ended up being chronic drunks.
The first soccer team in the capital, Aucas, was created in 1945, after the great defeat and territorial loss in the 1941 war against Peru and its ally the United States, which took the Amazon and the Galapagos Islands from us, which the President Velasco Ibarra recovered them in 1946, under the cry of TUMBES, MARAÑON, OR LA GUERRA, ignoring the Treaty of Rio de Janeiro, due to a geographical error and removing the North American base from Seymour Island, where Frank Sinatra came to sing, or She was visited by Marilyn Monroe and Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of President Delano Roosevelt,
In 1945, the Aucas was born, whose cry was AUCAS, MARAÑON, OR LA GUERRA. The name of Aucas was what the indigenous people of the Amazon were called in a derogatory way, Marañón is the name of the Amazon River, when it was the border between Ecuador and Peru since 1829, when the War between Great Colombia and Peru, in the Battle of Tarqui, near the city of Cuenca, with victory for Marshal Antonio José de Sucre, against the army of the first president of Peru, Marshal La Mar.
 The second team that is born is Liga Deportiva Universitaria, which was a team from the Central University of Ecuador, a university that was created in Colonia, the second oldest university in South America, which originated in the 16th century, after San Marcos. from Lima, but it was only for the rich, or with a good last name.
Since the 1970s, after the protests in France in May 1968, which turned students into political activists, the Central University allowed free admission and parity co-government and became the university of the poor, meanwhile the Catholic University, in the '70s and then San Francisco, in the 90's. They became the universities of the rich. These universities now also have teams, one is the Catholic University, the other is Cumbayá, a team that debuted this year.
The military also created a nationalist team in the 70s, where only Ecuadorian players could play, when through the dictatorship of Guillermo Rodríguez Lara, they managed to nationalize oil and benefit from its exploitation, while the police created their own team called Espolí when the police stopped belonging to the Ministry of Defense and being subordinates of the army in the 1980s. In an absurd way, today Quito, with just over two million inhabitants, has 7 professional soccer teams but no player in the national team, and Esmeraldas No team is practicing and it is the province where most of those selected from an impoverished province come from, but with the greatest biodiversity in the South American Pacific, 7 protected areas and with less than 500,000 inhabitants.
In the 1970s, the rich took the team out of the Central University, where it trained, and took it to a private stadium, north of Quito, today called Rodrigo Paz Delgado Stadium, created and financed by a banker and his friends, who created a bank called Banco de la Produccion, since then LDU is the team of the rich of the capital, known as the blanquitos Hijos de Papi, and Aucas became the team of the poor of the capital or the longos, as they are called in Quichua to the boys or young people, and in Quito to the Indian-mestizos, of less white skin, the word longo, became an insult in the mouth of the Ecuadorian Creoles, and even of the indigenous themselves.
In Guayaquil, Barcelona is the team of the poor, who in that city is the vast majority, many more than in Quito, but curiously it is directed and even its stadium was built by the rich of the port, who give it the same use. than the Romans to the Colosseum.
Barcelona and Emelec are called the team of the monkeys because from their origin they have had many black, mulatto or zambo players, and the people from Guayaquil or the Gulf Coast, are mestizos with darker skin, which contrasts with the skin of the rich people of Guayaquil. , who is the whitest in the country, these dark-skinned inhabitants of Guayaquil are contemptuously called monkeys and they call the Quito people serranos or longos as an insult.
The other quarry of Guayaquil Soccer Players are teams like 9 de Octubre, which recalls the date of the independence of the port in 1820, which since then Guayaquil, always threatens Ecuador with separating and being an independent state, until today.
Barcelona was a soccer team that began with migrant players, and many of them were refugees from Spain who escaped the Civil War, hence its name. The Spanish Civil War and World War II forced the departure of many Spaniards to Guayaquil, which was the closest commercial port to the Panama Canal in South America. A city where you could experience the wild west of South America.
 Emelec was finally born, it was a team financed by a transnational that gave electric power to Guayaquil, through electric oil turbines, and that had the power or control of the city.
In 1974, Ecuador began exporting oil from Esmeraldas, the poorest province on the Ecuadorian coast, which experienced a boom period from the 1950s to the 1960s, when United Fruit arrived, making Ecuador the first and largest exporter of bananas in South America.
But with the arrival of the first Agrarian Reform in 1968, the plague of banana black Sigatoka, and the recovery of banana plantations in Honduras, which reduced the costs of transiting the fruit through the costly Panama Canal, the company became left.
 But the United Fruit company brought soccer to Esmeraldas, created a stadium, the first stadium that was not in Quito or Guayaquil, called Folke Anderson Stadium, in honor of the last manager of the United Fruit subsidiary in the country, and a Swede who brought football to the province.
Today Esmeraldas is the ethnocultural center of the blacks and mulattoes of the Pacific Coast of all of South America, surpassing Lima, where the blacks were cornered, and the Port of Tumaco or Buena Aventura in Colombia, where the blacks were trapped by the war of the A Thousand Days and the war with the Guerrilla and Drug Trafficking in Colombia.
Since the 1980s, Esmeraldas has been the main quarry for soccer players and athletes in Ecuador, competing with Imbabura, where there is also another settlement of blacks, originally from the Congo River, from central Africa, who created the most important Afro-Andean culture in the Andes. South Americans and what is curious is that Esmeraldas and Imbabura, the largest football pools, do not have important teams in the first division of Ecuadorian football, especially Esmeraldas, which for a short time had a team in the first division called Esmeraldas Petrolero
But at this moment, Esmeraldas, together with the provinces of Manabí and Guayas, are experiencing the Drug Trafficking War, in which local cartels have joined forces with Colombian and Mexican cartels, to turn Ecuador into a field of death and colossal violence, into the largest exporter of cocaine and emigrants from South America.
This violence has already claimed the life of the best sprinter in the country's history, ALEX QUIÑONES, a 200-meter runner from Esmeralda who came to compete with USANIN BOLT and who was the fourth fastest runner in the world but who was murdered in Guayaquil by assassins
Esmeraldas, the main quarry of the Ecuadorian soccer player, is now a city in the hands of cartels that extort money from the population, and kill policemen, soldiers, students, and women, where even the boot shiners who shine shoes have to pay the gangsters. It is a city where the inhabitants have to lock themselves in their houses and stop working, at 6 in the afternoon or when the funeral procession of some mobster passes by, where these Emerald Mafiosi are victims or perpetrators, in the massacres in the prisons
Esmeraldas has the problem that the refinery, the oil port, the commercial port, the wood, and tourism give money to the government, the transnationals, and the mountain businessmen, only the drugs and the gold illegally extracted in the Santiago River whose exploitation and commercialization is in the hands of Colombian mafias, or the laboratories, speedboats, light aircraft and mini-submarines, hidden among its jungles and mangroves, is what leaves money for the poor blacks and mulattoes of this province, some of whom, like Wacho, the guerrilla Walter Arizala, they have even become commanders of the FARC resistance in the Oliver Simisterra command. Curiously, the soccer teams in Ecuador are champions when they have the favoritism of the president in office. For example, when Correa, who was a fan of Emelec, and was president, Emelec was champion, this year it is Aucas, because the government of Guillermo Lasso, who was put in place by Lenin Moreno, the former president who is fan of Aucas, and by the poor people from the city of Quito, especially those from the south of Quito, despite being a banker from Guayaquil, Aucas is a national champion.
Finally, the people of Esmeralda are the only Ecuadorians who, since they were children, think that they can be the best soccer players in the world, they are self-convinced that this is their destiny, just as one day the English or the Spanish or North Americans thought that their destiny was to conquer the world. .

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