The main victims of the pandemic, climate change, technological change, and migration in the Americas

Unlike wars, the pandemic, climate change, and technological change are hitting older adults the hardest.
It is that during the pandemic, Covid 19, killed more older adults than children, and temperature changes, especially heat waves, also affect the elderly more than the young, especially in developed countries.
Technological change has created a demand for workers who know the use of cell phones, such as those who make home deliveries or those who know digital marketing, internet content production, and even teachers or doctors who can teach classes or attend to patients. using the networks.
Violence and migratory waves move minors, youth, and children away from their places of origin, leaving towns for the elderly, neighborhoods for the elderly, and even cities for the elderly, like what has already been seen happening in Spain.
Finally, the population of pensioners, which in the world grew much more than the child population, especially in developed countries and large rich cities, no longer have a growing number of affiliates, they also live many more years as pensioners, which makes that retirement insurance is now much more complicated to pay for, which in the case of Ecuador also means supporting numerous hospitals, clinics, doctors, nurses, medicines, equipment that must be renewed more quickly, because medicines, equipment, and even new specialists appear more frequently. But in more developed countries such as Chile and the United States, or in less developed ones, social security has become one of the main sources of corruption, which is why in Chile new laws have become necessary to exchange private insurers for state insurers, and in the United States, private insurers and state insurers compete for
clients, since medicines and medical care in this country have become the main business and the source of colossal exploitation of the population.
Faced with this reality, I have composed a song to remind Ecuador and the world what the old means to our country. Well, now, like the Venezuelan migrants, they are considered a burden and live with

contempt, abandonment, and fear in a country where violence awaits them and terrorizes them in the streets, in the media, in military actions, and in police, which is developed in this War on Drug Trafficking, which is experienced throughout Latin America and is also already experienced within the United States, since the borders of the entire continent have been overcome by criminal networks.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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