How the perception of the new times changes in the first quarter of the 21st century and in the World Cup in Qatar

Time exists as physical time, which is related to speed and distance, social time which has to do with changes in relationships between human beings, and biological time which has to do with genetics. , geology, or ecology.
In all forms of time, what matters is repetition, for example, the entry and exit of the sun, of the seasons, of the years, which mark the aging on earth that we call age.
In physical time, the construction and modifications of the Universe are what determine its existence, in social time, the history of human beings on Earth, their forms of organization, and their constant susceptibility to self-extinction are what seems to define its existence, since apparently it has managed to successfully face natural and biological disasters, but it faces its own inventions such as nuclear weapons that can define its survival.
At this moment, in which Europe, the most dangerous place for a war on the planet, because for centuries it came to dominate others, was the most important factor of the so-called anthropogenesis, that is, the stage in the history of the planet, when Human beings have altered biodiversity, cultural diversity, and even the health and life of their own or other species.
Social time was also radically modified by the Europeans, who after developing slavery, as a form of territorial occupation in their continent and others, abolished it by servility or feudalism, in which the masters could no longer kill or sell their oppressed, or human beings under their control. Later the Europeans changed the order and time, through naval transport, the horse, the wheel that in America, had its greatest impact, changed the use of the land that was originally for agriculture and grazing or for the construction. of cities, highways, ports, bridges, etc.
To the extent that the cities were more important than the fields or the land, civilization and politics developed, this is the power of the cities, since markets, military fortresses, armies, police, libraries, and schools were possible in them. , schools, universities, hospitals, pipelines, paved streets, electricity, and construction developed all the human imagination, until reaching the huge metropolises that have now become sources of infection, social protest, or violence.
But we are experiencing a revolution in communications, knowledge, information, and transportation that can now take human beings of all ages, races, or sexes into space.
At this time the white race, which came to dominate the others, with the European empires, which came to unite the rest of the planet through their languages, their ships, their armies, their trade, and their industry, today competes against new countries, who manage to dispose of their natural resources, their human beings, or their armies to become independent from the Europeans, or from those who consider themselves their legitimate heirs, in other continents such as the Anglo-Saxons of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or the Euro-Asian Russians.
At this moment in the World Cup in Qatar, the less developed countries see it as an extraordinary triumph to beat the rich countries, because the moment in social time that the world is experiencing changed from the Christian or Muslim god to the god of money. In the historical moment we live in, money can do everything, from being the president of the United States to creating the best soccer team with millionaire players.
The money god is the one who defines when a country is developed, when it is not, what is the growth of a country, who is a winner, who is a loser, who is a drug dealer, and who is a policeman, money defines it all.
But in reality, the most valuable thing that the planet, living beings, or people have, is time, and time, now we know it as health, climate, and peace.

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