Eco-trackers, foundation of a new non-religious, monarchical or political party ideology

Health has become the most profitable business in the world, surpassing the business of war and the business of drug trafficking. After the pandemic, vaccines made large profits for pharmaceutical companies and were a political resource for governments and rulers, to such an extent that the most powerful president in the world, 2020, in the United States, Donald Trump, lost his second term. due to errors in handling the epidemic, which made his country the country with the most sick, dead, and unemployed in the world.
   Countries like Ecuador brought to power a president with a bad record, who offered to vaccinate 9 million Ecuadorians in 100 days, Bolsonaro lost his re-election for minimizing preventive measures, quarantine as well as social distancing, forced countries to change education , through tele-education, commerce through tele-commerce, and even medical and psychological care through telehealth and telepsychology, which added to the temporary suspension of public transport or the closure of airports, the requirement of certificates and tests, produced an economic recession in countries, especially from Africa and especially from Latin America, which now generate migratory waves that invade the United States and Europe, and create a social phenomenon similar to the one that produced the multiplication of Christians in the Roman Empire, after the plagues and wars against the Goths, Visigoths and Bandalos, and that led the Christians to govern Rome, as it is leading Latin Americans to be part of the governments of the United States, and Asians and Africans to be part of the governments of Europe as is the case in this moment in England, that the prime minister of Hindu origin.
At this time in the media, the advertising of medicines, cosmetics, shampoos, health devices, treatments, disease news, medicines, treatments, discoveries, and health research, are part of the news, they have spaces on the channels, and there is a media bombardment that seeks to create an audience and consumer and manipulable human beings, through health, which even seeks rejuvenation, and not just long life.
At the same time, natural disasters, fires, earthquakes, cyclones, heat or cold waves, and floods now not only affect the largest human population on the planet in history, but also destroy the infrastructure of entire countries, and forests, which accelerates the disappearance of species, exacerbating the problem of Climate Change, and extinction, which together with wars with weapons of mass destruction has become the main threat to life on this planet.
In addition, the global communication that is now changing our lives, which, in addition to being in real-time, is the main source of knowledge, entertainment, and news, is liquidating the differences between human beings that separated us for centuries, but at the same time, Time allows us to recognize the virtues and qualities of ethnic groups, races, cultures, languages, religions, behaviors, tools, processes, which for centuries allowed the adaptation of the human being to the most diverse places on the planet.
These dramatic changes are more noticeable and impressive in poor countries, in countries of the tropics, in the center and south of the planet, which have been more difficult to populate with our species, have been distant from centers of power and civilizations with the domain of the wheels, horses, metals, or navigation, which have been slow to adopt written languages, tools, develop commercial exchange and all kinds of exchange, such as genetic exchange, which since the discovery of America, has upset nature and to the planet, accelerating evolutionary processes, with Europe as the main motor of the great global changes and that at this moment has once again become the center of a new world war, which has been underway since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in its armed confrontation with NATO.
1. Ecuador is; in the center of Planet Earth and now it is one of the most sensitive countries for having the greatest biodiversity per square kilometer, being in the Andes, one of the mountains ranges that moderates the climate the most, produces fresh water, due to the condensation of the clouds of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and the largest number of climatic floors inhabitable by living beings, including humans, at different altitudes, for preserving ancestral cultures, which still have their own language, customs, forms of occupation and use of physical space, of coexistence with other species, it has even developed forms of coexistence with the so-called Western Society of Europe and North America.
2. Ecuador is facing the Pacific Ocean, with more than 2,200 km of coastline, and with islands such as the Galapagos Islands, which preserve the biological memory of the planet, since the El Niño and Humboldt Currents reach its shores, with their enormous genetic information. and biodiversity, there is still part of the great tropical humid forests facing the waves of the Pacific, from mangroves to virgin jungles that have become extinct with all their wealth of irreplaceable biodiversity in the rest of the continent.
3. Ecuador is the origin of the mightiest rivers that flow towards the great Amazon River, since in its mountains the greatest condensation of rains and snowmelt in South America still occurs, which originates the great flow of the rivers that are born in the Andes Northern parts of the region, these in turn nourish the largest forests in the Amazon, which since the 20th century have been devoured by rubber plantations, African palm, deforestation, oil and mining exploitation, or cattle expansion. and of the cities. This threatens the Earth's main source of fresh water and oxygen, the largest bank of genetic information on the planet at a time when genetics has become the new science, which changes everything as mechanics once did. , or electronics. In this pandemic, it was precisely the genetically manipulated vaccines that prevented the most deaths, and now we fear biological warfare more than atomic warfare.
4. The protection of health, the protection of nature, the protection of indigenous and black cultures, has become the mechanism of the so-called ecological neo-colonization, which has allowed the United States to control 200,000 square km of Ecuador's territorial sea. in the Galapagos Islands, controlling a port in Ecuador from a military base in Manta, the deepest on the Pacific coast of South America, monitoring navigation in the South Pacific, under the pretext of a war against drug trafficking, and of passage to stop the migratory waves by sea to the United States.
5 France, the country where the Paris Agreement was signed, and Germany are trying to develop biopiracy of medicinal plants in the Amazon, because today the production of medicines gives more money than gold, at this time, through volunteers who more than to pit indigenous people against mestizos or mestizo governments, especially against governments that oppose patenting of aboriginal knowledge and native medicinal plants.
6. The developed countries of the West, including Russia, try to do what they have done since the end of the Spanish Empire and the independence of the countries in America and Africa, which is the fight between countries, which brings them great profits from the sale of weapons, and low-intensity wars, today in Latin America, against the guerrillas and now against the drug cartels, which are the same as the Germans, the Vikings, the conquistadors, the pirates, the settlers of Europe, or the Taliban, these were thieves, murderers, slave traders, gold, treasures, alcohol, opium, who even waged drug wars like the Opium Wars against China.
7. Ecuador is the place on the planet that allows equidistance with the geographical, political, or cultural poles of our planet, that is, being the neutral point where the interests of the West and the East are neutralized, find points of coincidence, according to, maybe the place where the runaway economic development, the population growth of the Northern Hemisphere is neutralized, stopped to allow moderate human population growth, which respects nature, something that is still possible in the Southern Hemisphere, where the oceans are bigger and the beings other species, are numerous, the less aggressive human beings. Ecuador is the country where humanism and homocentric religions, which consider the human being the center of the universe, are disillusioned and allow science, the main enemy of humanism and religions, to recognize the true place of the human being on this planet. and in the cosmos.
8. Theocracies where the laws and will of the gods directed the lives of human beings, gave way to monarchies where the laws and will of a human being decided the existence of everything in his kingdom. and these, in turn, have given way to the partidocracia, in which the parties that win in elections, revolutions or wars, decide the fate and death of everything that exists in a territory, from oil to human beings. Today the partidocracia or power of the political parties is faced with a knowledge society, where those who know the most, those who invent, and those who create, are the ones who lead the lives of other human beings and of all who inhabit this planet. Thus, for example, the inventors of artificial intelligence, the internet, global communication, new sources of energy, medicines, etc.
9. In theocracies, the faithful believers, in monarchies, loyal subjects, in autocracies, citizens now have to face people, that is, individuals with personalities, with the ability to decide for themselves in everything which they can choose. Before, the gods said in which language to speak, and what to do, the kings told us how to dress, how to live until what to die, parties, what to study or work, now, each human being invents his way of being happy, his god, his way of dressing, the languages he wants to speak, he invents his own work, he chooses everything, from who to live with, to how many children he wants, or to which sex he wants to belong, and even when to live.
10. Ecuador can be the cradle of this new human being because now Ecuadorians not only can choose in almost everything, but they dare to choose something that was impossible for other human beings, the country in which they want to live, and they are part of the enormous migratory waves, which show the world that they are new human beings who take the right to live anywhere on the planet where they believe they can be happy.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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