hy is the new world order shifting from Washington to Quito?

Ecuador is the new axis in the 21st century of the new order in the American Continent
The Axis of order in the American Continent since the independence of the United States was Washington, in 1774, but 250 years later, the center of the American Continent migrated to Quito, the second capital of the Inca Empire, of the largest Spanish Royal Audience in the Spanish Empire on this continent, which linked the Pacific and Atlantic through the widest part of South America, thanks to the largest river in the world to date, the Amazon River, the geographic center of the world since 1740, in which the French Geodesic Mission with La Condamine, as the most brilliant scientist of that mission that discovered rubber in Esmeraldas, the northernmost coastal province of Ecuador, part of an Afro-South American Pacific ethnocultural unit, which covers the Pacific coast of Colombia, and northern Ecuador. In the Andes, the indigenous people still speak Quichua, the language of the Incas, with whom they have been identified since the 15th century, and have been identified for 5 centuries, and from the wettest part of the Amazon Jungle, where ethnic groups such as the Shuar They formed an empire of family clans, ranging from the Peruvian jungle on the Andean Amazon border, from Ucayali in Peru to the Napo River in Ecuador, with ethnic groups such as the Achuar, Shuar or Huambisas who speak the same language.
While the Andes link it with the Incas, up to the north of Chile, in the Amazon thanks to the Shuar, the nomadic half-naked indigenous people of the entire Amazon, the kingdom of insects that dominated the planet before reptiles, dinosaurs and mammals, including humans, and on the coast thanks to the so-called Cholos fishermen, who from the north of Chile moved northward thanks to the Humboldt Current and northward thanks to the El Niño current, which now It has become the main drug trafficking route for South American cocaine to the United States, which use this current, the cholos fishermen, the best indigenous navigators on the continent for more than a thousand years, and the Galapagos Island, the last refuge of life the world of reptiles that dominated the planet before the dinosaurs more than 70 million years ago when the world of dinosaurs ended, while in Galapagos the iguanas and tortoises that are now tiny species ulas in the rest of the planet in the Galapagos, reptiles and the strangest descendants of dinosaurs, birds, still retain the genetic memory of life on this planet.
At the time when the industrial revolution turned Anglo-Saxon and English-speaking countries, such as England, the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and South Africa into the alliance of the most powerful countries on Earth.
At present, in times of climate change, now caused by humans, by extinction also produced by our species, which is the biggest polluter, an insatiable consumer of the planet's natural resources, at the same time that it is the most intelligent, capable of creating machines that already exceed his intelligence, and his ability to do any job.
In this new order, where real-time communication makes humans and their machines the organism that occupies the most space on this planet and now has the ability to invade other planets. to explore the universe.
At this moment in the history of the Earth, the small country of Ecuador, facing the Pacific, the largest maritime highway in Planera, in the Andes, the mountains that unite the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and the Amazon, the largest genetic memory of the planet and the largest source of oxygen and fresh water in the world, where Spanish and Quechua are spoken, the most spoken languages on this continent and one of the most spoken in the world, and there was the greatest racial mixture of the species, which gave rise to to humans better endowed with human genetic memory, melanin in skin that reacts more quickly to solar radiation and a color more apt to resist climate change, extremes of heat and cold, in addition genetically willing to resist change in diet hyper-proteic, typical of the most developed countries and cities, which is the cause of extinction, to a less brutal, violent, and destructive vegetarian diet, more symbiotic, and aware of the ecological responsibility of the human species, which allows humans to share physical space on Earth with other species.
These are some of the reasons why Ecuador, and especially the city of Quito, has become the new axis of human life on Planet Earth. 70 million years ago the world of the dinosaurs ended, while in the Galapagos the iguanas and tortoises that are now tiny species in the rest of the planet in the Galapagos, the reptiles and the strangest descendants of the dinosaurs, the birds, even they retain the genetic memory of life on this planet.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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