Collapse of education in Latin America

The collapse of education and employment in Latin America has turned our countries into a factory for unemployed people with degrees, including Phds. To prisons in universities of crime, murder and drug trafficking. To the streets in universities of theft, begging and prostitution. To families in universities of domestic violence and machismo. To protected areas in universities from the exploitation and illegal use of nature. To the parties, police and armies in universities of corruption, treason and bribery To the churches in universities of lies, hypocrisy, fanaticism and hatred. To schools and colleges in universities of violence against and between children or adolescents To the cell phone and social networks in a university of deception. to the internet. the radio, the newspaper and the TV in universities of false news and lying advertising. To the caravans in universities of illegal immigrants. Donald Trump's greatest achievement in international politics was to destroy UNASUR, the UNON OF SOUTH AMERICAN NATIONS. This organization, which now only has Bolivia and Venezuela as members, competes with PROSUR. UNASUR brought together the governments of all of South America, when most of the countries were from the 21st century socialist current. But this government model began to fail when the prices of raw materials fell, but above all when Hugo Chavez died, its most important mentalizer and financier, faithfully backed by Rafael Correa, Nestor Kirchner, Lula, Jose Mujica and Evo Morales. The destruction of UNASUR was carried out by Lenín Moreno from Ecuador, Vizcarra from Peru, Pañeras from Chile, Duque from Colombia, Macri from Argentina, Bolsonaro from Brazil. The causes of the near disappearance of UNASUR were due to the intervention of the CIA, and its war against leftist governments, the DEA and its war against drug trafficking, NATIONAL SECURITY and its war against terrorism, the embassies of the Department of State and the media controlled by the Latin American right, who installed presidents like Lenín Moreno in Ecuador, Piñeras in Chile, Macri in Argentina, Uribe-Duque in Colombia, and Bolsonaro in Colombia. Another mechanism to bring down UNASU was through the blockade and the media war against Venezuela, which came to be governed by Maduro and which caused the largest wave of migration within South America. But the emigration of Venezuelans affected the economy and security of neighboring countries, destabilized the right-wing governments in the region, allowing, together with the pandemic, the economic crisis to have extraordinary proportions, which has produced the return of governments from left At this moment, Bolivia, Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Argentina have once again turned to the left, and changes from right to left in Brazil and Colombia are coming, leaving only Paraguay, Ecuador and Uruguay on the right, within the countries of speaks Spanish and Portuguese from South America. WHY WAS IT EASY TO DESTROY UNASUR? The reasons why it was easy to destroy UNASUR were pointed out by Rafael Correa, on the very day of its foundation... The main one was that UNASUR's decisions should be made by consensus, not by majority, that is, that everyone should agree, as in the United Nations Security Council, and if one of the members did not agree, it was enough for UNASUR not to make decisions. At first things went wonderfully, UNASUR managed to avoid coups in Ecuador and Bolivia, stopping the extreme right of these countries, their military or police, controlled since the beginning of the 20th century, by the PENTAGON, who tried to repeat what what happened to Salvador Allende in Chile. But later, with the defeat of the leftist governments in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and later in Ecuador and Uruguay, UNASUR lost the ability to reach consensus, therefore, to make collective decisions and actions. Added to this was the abandonment of the organization by Chile, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, and Ecuador, which even took away its headquarters, which it had in the Middle of the World, and donated it to the indigenous people, so that make their university there, but they do not have the material or human resources to do it, so now that headquarters is another of the spoils that the government of Lasso, to use as a bribe to the Judiciary, which is now controlled by the big media and the mestizo and indigenous extreme right of Ecuador, that is, by the so-called anti-correistas. But another error in the birth and life of UNASUR was to try to unite the nations of South America, but to differentiate itself from CELAC, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, which is another instance also created by the drive and initiative of Hugo Chávez, the former Venezuelan president. Pretending that the countries of South America are different from the rest of the countries of Latin America, is different from the error of the OAS, which despite being the body to unite all the countries of the continent, has ended up being the ministry of the colonies of the Backyard of the United States, as exactly defined by Fidel Castro. The OAS will undoubtedly be the integration organization of the continent, when the United States, the number of Latin Americans who vote in this country, may be the one that defines its government. PANDEMIC EFFECT In 2020 the pandemic arrived in China, then the United States and the rest of the world. This plague is producing a revolution in communications as the internet and cell phones have become the main engine of change. The INTERNET and cell phones, two inventions that changed human connectivity, face-to-face formal education, gave way to distance education or tele-education, this in turn to new ways of learning, that is, informal education. It also gave way to teleworking, or work from home, which multiplied the ways of working, giving encouragement to labor informality, which is now called entrepreneurship, where each human being has to invent how to earn their daily bread, because jobs already they are not the main source of livelihood for families. In turn, informality, like the growing demand for cocaine, has given way to the rise of drug use, drug trafficking, money laundering, drug production, as the most important sources of foreign exchange and income in the countries. from Latin America. Informality and real-time communication allow people to be anywhere and at the same time at work, or in unlimited communication with their family, thus encouraging migratory waves, since it is necessary to pay for the cell phone and the connection from Internet. Also learn from anywhere. But our countries do not have enough income to cover these new costs. Communication costs in poor countries have become more important than food costs, people stop giving milk to their children, to pay the cell phone card. Consequently, an unstoppable wave of people migrate from poor places, or enter poverty, wars, or suffer catastrophes, migrating to those who offer above all education, many forms of work, or more economic income. The migratory waves have now created a new war, the so-called migratory war, since emigrants from countries that have deteriorated their standard of living, depleted their natural resources, that are experiencing dramatic climatic, political, or social changes that create uncertainty, invade to the rich countries, piercing their borders, which is exploited by drug trafficking, the trafficking of women and minors to countries of old men with money, who sell weapons, who invent new jobs. For everything that this rich country offers, for what is lacking in our countries. THE EDUCATIONAL REVOLUTION Formal education, as it was implemented in developed countries and then copied by developing countries, had the purpose from its origin, to train faithful believers, soldiers for war, then laborers for farms or constructions, workers for factories, public and private employees, ie skilled labor, but then to create a surplus, called cheap labor. But, thanks to the cities, to the work that was diversified and that did not happen neither in the fields, nor in poor countries, urban growth was generated, which today is unstoppable and suffocates us. Education has become the seed of the main migratory wave, which the developed countries are now suffering. From its origin, education served to create peoples, in which the first school was the Catholic Church, in the case of Latin America, where indigenous people, mestizos, black mulattos or whites learned to pray, to worship Christ. Something similar happened in the Anglo-Saxon colonies, only that indigenous and black people could not participate, because they created racism, the main problem that the United States still faces, as seen in the pandemic, with the death of George Floyd, or the protests of Afro-Americans in that country. Since the 1960s, after World War II, there has been a revolution in transportation, communications, construction, antibiotics, and contraceptives. he migration from the countryside to the cities becomes unstoppable, because in the fields machines replace manual work and people who know how to read and write think that this knowledge is useless in rural areas and is very valuable in cities. But the development of science and technology, of communications, of transportation, of the mechanization of electrification, the explosion of inventiveness and human knowledge, which we are experiencing, means that the knowledge that went from books to television, radio, newspapers, the internet, where knowledge is updated in real time, and is accessible from anywhere in the world and from any economic level, because when it became more widespread, its price fell. But knowledge and information have been contaminated by politics, by propaganda, sensationalism and consumerism, which are mechanisms for manipulating the human mind. This manipulation of education, communications, elections, consumption, demand, has turned the richest countries and places into hotbeds of attraction for millions of human beings, these, in turn, are the seed of violence and poverty. they export to the countries they invade. Today countries invent walls, walls, armed borders, guarded, that consume millions of their budget, this in turn affects the lives of those who are inside and outside those walls. Like the Great Wall of China, which taught humanity that building walls does not stop invaders, education has been another cause of migratory waves since the origins of civilizations. ELECTED FOR INTERNET, CELLULAR AND SATELLITE COMMUNICATION Thanks to the internet, but above all to satellite communications between human beings inside and outside the planet, no matter where we are, it is possible to create virtual universities, which teach the inhabitants of each region and country of the world how valuable the place is. , culture, or nature, the place where they live, how it is possible to be happy anywhere on this planet, not only in big cities or rich countries. It can also teach us how to take care of health, not to cause pests, how to take care of nature to stop extinction and climate change, how to respect and know even save cultures, languages, knowledge, the genetic diversity of human beings themselves. but above all to live anywhere without harming nature, people or cultures, it is better to help them change their fatal destiny. L IMPACT OF THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE ON THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE For centuries we were taught that what was in the northern hemisphere of the planet was better than what was in the southern hemisphere. To the north of the Equatorial Line, the largest surface area is concentrated, or continental masses, therefore the largest number of human beings and terrestrial species. In this northern hemisphere the largest number of empires, civilizations were born, now there are the largest number of cities. In the northern hemisphere, the largest number of wars, violence, pollution has also been experienced. The northern hemisphere is the provider of the greatest amount of knowledge, technology, religions, culture, languages ​​on the planet, but now, it is also the biggest polluter, the one that is suffering the most from the impact of pests, climate change, extinction, violence, with the fear of weapons of mass extinction, media, economic, biological wars, etc., wars for centuries helped the countries of the north to conquer those of the south, but since the FIRST AND SECOND WORLD WARS, they have served for the self-destruction of the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, on the other hand, the mass of water, the oceans, are the ones that occupy most of the surface, and until the oceans became the main means of transportation for humanity, and now a source of food , minerals, submarine cable connections, ports, shipping channels, port cities, the south was the last wheel of the car, where human beings became cheap labor, and the plundering of natural resources became booty, barbarism , up to the illegal trafficking of drugs, women, children, animals, weapons, everything. Today the oceans, which occupy most of the earth's surface, which are the origin of life on THE EARTH, and which store the greatest genetic information, adaptation, changes and evolutionary cycles, which have also become one of the worst threat to coastal populations, to climate stability, with which they turn the Southern Hemisphere and its countries and inhabitants into the new engine of change on the planet. THE IMPACT OF TELE-EDUCATION DUE TO THE PANDEMIC There is no doubt that education has been the key to the creation of religions, empires, countries, and now regions, but knowledge has the particularity that unlike the wealth that may belong to some, the power of a few, knowledge is something that grows and multiplies only when it belongs to many, because each human being puts his grain of sand, to increase knowledge and therefore it is the only asset of the human species, which cannot be private property, and is the only one that can destroy all forms of power invited by civilizations, culture, countries, religions, or powers. Knowledge is what really unites us human beings, the rest, it seems, what makes us enemies of each other, which is the best mechanism that nature has to expel or eliminate us from this planet. Until before the covid pandemic, knowledge was a privilege, few had access to it because money, religious, political, social relationships, a government official, a private or public budget, communication and transportation facilities were required, in short, knowledge. it was not a right, it was a privilege. But thanks to the pandemic, to cell phones, to the internet, knowledge has become a right, a necessity, something accessible at any time and from anywhere, what's more, we are entering a time when we live in excess of knowledge. or information. because now the total knowledge of humanity is renewed every 16 days, and after the 50s of this century, probably every 28 hours. But perhaps the most wonderful thing is that knowledge is no longer in a person's head, nor in expensive books, many of them inaccessible, now knowledge is in all human beings, moreover, in all living beings and everything on the internet. reproducing fantastically. Before, we could only recognize human knowledge, now, we can even recognize the knowledge of other living beings, and even of nature, of the cosmos, which we thought did not learn anything, when reality learns just like viruses, which learn, like artificial intelligence and that allows it to be modified. TRAVEL AS THE BEST WAY TO LEARN AND WORK AT THE SAME TIME. But the trip, whether as a tourist, emigrant, researcher, explorer, temporary worker, has been the best school and way of learning since the origin of the human species. Today, thanks to the transport and communications revolution, this has been made easier. Before traveling was a privilege of the rich, of those born in rich countries, athletes, artists, soldiers, pirates, aviators or sailors, merchants, scholarship students or rich students, today it is of the poor, displaced, illegal emigrants, curious, and even of children who can jump walls, be stowaways, etc.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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