Es un blog, RADIO, PERIODICO Y TV, en varios idiomas, para interesar a su audiencia en la protección del Planeta Tierra, de su biodiversidad su diversidad cultural, con una visión desde la Mitad del Mundo y equidistante . It is a blog, RADIO, NEWSPAPER, AND TV, in several languages, to interest its audience in the protection of Planet Earth, its biodiversity, and cultural diversity, with a vision from the Middle of the World, and equidistant
The great changes in education due to the pandemic and the Russian war in Ukraine
Three thousand years ago, human beings discovered that happiness was a personal invention. This is that each human being invents his own happiness. This happiness could be getting food, having children, defeating a danger, sharing, living together, creating, imagining, inventing, solving.
This happiness that is common to all living beings, was ultimately to live one more day, both us and those and what inspires us. When the family became more valuable than life itself, then humans died to defend their family, when the village became more valuable than life itself, they died for the village, when a territory became more valuable, they died for a territory, when a religion became more valuable, they died for a religion, when it was a king, they died for a king, when a flag, laws or constitution became the most valuable, we began to kill each other for the laws When money became the most valuable thing, we killed ourselves for money, when having cell phones or cars, computers, became the most valuable thing, we kill ourselves or are killed for a cell phone.
Today we believe that a cell phone is happiness, or a car, or a house, a farm, a business, a factory, an investment, stocks or even bitcoins, a ruler, is the source of happiness.
But the pandemic taught us that the most valuable thing was life, one more day. The war in Ukraine teaches us that the most valuable thing is life but with the possibility of deciding for ourselves in everything, not being subject to a president like Putin, to soldiers, to policemen, to laws, to borders, to religions, to monarchs, to crisis, to economic wars, to media manipulation, in short, to wars of all kinds.
War, which since the origin of what we know as civilization, that is, living in cities, became the greatest invention of humanity, until the Internet arrived and turned knowledge, information, work, study, coexistence in a global good, not in a privilege of certain citadels, countries, regions such as the European Economic Community.
As a result of bad education, bad information, wars, competition, instead of collaboration, the northern hemisphere has become the richest, compared to the southern hemisphere of the planet, but that has meant the extinction of species , pollution, world wars, atomic weapons, destruction of cities as we see in Ukraine, of lives of all kinds, from human life to plant life, in the disappearance of biodiversity, homogenization of human beings, obedience or total surveillance, in the power of artificial intelligence over each one of the humans, their animals, domesticated plants, industrial or non-industrial products.
The unhappiness was not fitting quality standards, not complying with the law, not being a good example, not earning more money than others, not having more things, travel, sex, drugs, food, medicine, clothes, machines, slaves, servants, peons, workers, employees, workers, soldiers, hitmen, mercenaries, lovers, children or even knowledge more than others.
Happiness became debt, debt of countries, of the inhabitants of those countries, credit cards, this is the ability to borrow, unhappiness became the payment of debts. Today the unhappy countries are the ones with the largest debts, except the United States, which is the one that invented how to turn the world into the great debtor, its inhabitants to be known alive according to the amount of money they owe, so that while you can pay the debt, we are alive, when we can no longer pay the debts we begin to die. Not paying debts, taxes, sanctions, credits, is worse than dying.
It is precisely this way of dying within our countries, in which the inhabitants do not have credit or payment capacity, which is the origin of the migratory waves.
The cities became the largest manufacturer of debtors, and public services, loans, appliances, cars, professional titles, cell phones, computers, medicines, drug trafficking, prostitution and sexual slavery, trafficking and exploitation of minors, vaccines treatments, weapons, became the bait in the trap.
But the pandemic turned computers and cell phones, houses, towns, protected areas and even remote areas, including Mars, the Universe into schools, colleges, universities, offices, invention, research, exploration and even work sites.
The schools, colleges, universities, streets, neighborhoods, prisons, armies, ships, planes, which became the main training centers for Nazi, Russian, Chinese, African, Latin American, North American, Australian criminals, or European conquerors and colonizers , of genocidal rulers like MAO Stalin, Pinochet or Vileda, today compete at a disadvantage with the Internet, globalization and new forms of mobilization, transportation, communications, production, with human memory multiplied in the clouds of the Internet, or the speed of work and response of machines, the explosion of innovation or human inventiveness.
But above all, formal, institutional education is failing due to the manifest inability to face the extinction of life, of biodiversity, climate change, pollution, violence between human beings, which are leading us towards our own extinction. inside this planet.
Until now, industrial education, which is based on the fact that a teacher who believes he is the owner of specific knowledge, had 45 minutes to say what he knows and a group of students, subjected to a sedentary lifestyle and immobility, who had to assimilate and as a recorder. But teachers, like doctors, cannot keep up with the speed of change and the renewal of knowledge, which now takes place every 16 days, but in the near future it will possibly be every hour. This makes professors obsolete human beings in less than a month.
The role of the teacher changed, it became what it has been since time immemorial, it is again like that of a martial arts instructor, that is, in a companion of other human beings, who seek him out and whom he advises, so that they develop their own abilities, seek knowledge, live experiences, develop particular virtues. The role of the teacher is again the one that inspires us, discovers, guides, encourages us, to discover ourselves, to create ourselves, to be unique, it is no longer the one that stands in front, to demand discipline, attention, immobility, automatic repetition, it is say the prolongation of his own life and conduct.
The evaluation of students is no longer based on exams, competitions, awards, diplomas, certificates, medals, it is based on what each student can show, and each human being can do based on capabilities, including knowledge that is unique to them, different from others.
The teacher became someone who teaches us to collaborate, to protect biodiversity, cultural diversity, the diversity of each human being, their health, their freedom, their own criteria, not to obey those who use power, wealth, or the knowledge to oppress or exploit other humans, to exploit nature, to rebel against those who use education, religions, war, politics, evil, cruelty, ignorance, fear, communication, trading debts, or inventions, to multiply violence among human beings.
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