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Ecuador and Peru in the pandemic and the new war in Europe.
Ecuador and Latin America are experiencing a return to Socialism of the XXI Century, which is a form of government in which the state is the owner, employer, and the main engine of the economy.
In NEOLIBERALISM, the rich are the main engine, they seek to be the owners of the greatest amount of goods, services, and have control of money, communications, power, and knowledge. But the competition between the rich, the lucky, the innovators, creators, parties, the media, institutions, businesses, in short, competition in everything, is the key to healthy renewal.
The struggle is that the rich are in the clutches of transnational or national companies that want a monopoly on the exploitation of natural resources, of workers and more human resources, control of the media, the public forces, the elaboration of laws, international relations, justice, and services. education and even religious practice, recreation, everything.
In Marxist-Leninist, Stalinist, Maoist communism and socialism, it is the state that owns lives, goods and services. There is no competitor or competition, the competition is not between the inhabitants of a country but with the inhabitants and governments of other countries, that is, war.
In the SOCIALISM OF THE 21ST CENTURY, the state is only a competitor that competes with private companies, initiatives, creators, freethinkers, etc. and they consider state intervention necessary, because in capitalism, the richest create monopolies, chambers, alliances, which prevent the least rich from taking away the market.
In the United States, there are laws that prevent monopoly, but in our countries those laws are easily circumvented, or do not exist.
In XXI Century Socialism, everything starts by winning elections, unlike Marxist socialism, which comes to power by force of arms. Secondly, the state is an investor and competitor, which creates companies, these companies operate with capitalist modalities, where the most important thing is profitability, which work like corporations in capitalism. When the company is not profitable, it goes bankrupt, whereas in Marxism, state companies never go bankrupt.
In 21st century socialism, the companies that cannot go bankrupt are the so-called strategic companies, that is, those that provide educational services, health, energy, roads, ports, airports, hydroelectric plants, irrigation, drinking water, environmental sanitation, protection of people, natural resources, territory, etc.
The problem of the socialism of the 21st century is the problem of the presidential succession, because when another of the 21st century socialism does not win, and someone from the right wins, the state, that is, public investment, works, positions, infrastructure, everything becomes loot for the right, which immediately wants to appropriate it through privatizations, concessions, auctions, hand-delivery of works, capital, jobs, etc. In addition, the party that becomes an advertising agency that turns lies into candidates, offers, recruitment of members or betrayals, as Alianza País was, the largest party in the history of this country.
Given this, the appearance of environmentalism, as an alternative, is taking shape in the world. Environmentalism wants to limit pollution, the destruction of nature, overexploitation. It does this on the basis of evidence that there is harm that must be resolved, avoided or created. This is possible if science is above politics, religion and economics.
Today the economy is above politics, when countries do not wage an internal or external war, but politics is more important. Politics aims to create laws and conflicts to divide, separate, confront. Even the origin of politics is the parties, and the parties come from splitting, dividing.
The economy instead deals with the optimal use of resources, the multiplication of wealth, unlimited growth, which is not possible because natural resources are limited.
In religion such as theocracies, for example IRAN, what is involved is to create a unit, that unit must function as a magnet, and must trap the so-called faithful, who are people who do not question divine laws, sacred books They follow rituals or priests.
In this pandemic, the resources of the States have been exhausted, as in wars such as the drug war, which has been going on for 50 years, the migration war, which has been going on for 20 in the case of Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. .
In the migration war, which also began after the Vietnam War, and which began as a war between Mexico and the United States, is now a war between the United States and Latin America.
Political wars, on the other hand, have been waged within each of our countries since independence, which was at the beginning of the 19th century, and continue to this day. These political or electoral wars are intended to keep the countries in the backyard of the United States, in an internal division that allows it to control the armed forces, the media, justice, elections, parliaments, so that in the government there are people related to North American politics.
In the countries that the United States has controlled, there have been successes and failures. Countries like Costa Rica and Uruguay are proof of its success, countries like Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, are proof of its failure.
But there are countries that have acquired the ability to create or imagine their own form of government, such as Mexico and Brazil, thanks to the fact that their size, population, and resources are disputed by powers such as China, Europe, and the United States. This concurrence of competitors, which has broken the United States' monopoly over them, is what gives them new possibilities.
In Ecuador, the country that, together with Peru, is experiencing the worst moments in South America, have as a common factor the presence of a large mestizo population, which preserves Quichua as the common language of its indigenous people, and the development of an economy. where the Pacific, the Andes and the Amazon intertwine more than in other South American countries.
In both countries, there have been bad governments for 6 years. In the case of Ecuador, a person with a physical disability, which was clear proof that health and nutrition was the main problem to be faced in that country, gave way to the government of a banker, also with health problems, visible in both cases. , due to his notable motor difficulty, in a country where the bankers had produced a humanitarian catastrophe, in 1999. after a major bank failure that produced the worst wave of migration originating in Ecuador. Today Ecuador faces insecurity in everything, from the possibility of working, of being cured, of living the next day, paying debts, basic services, the education of their children, even insecurity in prisons, streets, ports, This insecurity was already experienced in 1999, and just like 22 years ago, it has once again created a migratory wave.
In the case of Peru, in these same 6 years, they have had 6 presidents, which proves, all dismissed by a congress that came to bring together the worst of Peru, these Peruvians are now the ones who have created chaos. El Pero is a narco-economy, converted into the world's second largest producer of coca and cocaine, the largest producer of illegal gold in South America. From its origin it was the country of looting, which enriched the Spanish conquerors overnight, now it enriches drug traffickers, politicians, landowners, miners, women traffickers, etc.
At the moment, the neoliberal president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, like the president of the 21st century socialism of Peru, Pedro Castillo, are experiencing momentary failure, after successfully overcoming the pandemic, in both countries, but their mandate has just begun, in the first case has 3 years remaining, in the second more than four.
In both governments, the pandemic exhausted the resources of the state, that is, its budget, the good relations of the inhabitants with the military, police, doctors, teachers, services and public servants, confidence in the management of state resources, that in both countries are now loot, like the international debt or public debt, bank interest or credits in businesses.
In the case of Peru, in these same 6 years, they have had 6 presidents, which proves, all dismissed by a congress that came to bring together the worst of Peru, these Peruvians are now the ones who have created chaos. El Pero is a narco-economy, converted into the world's second largest producer of coca and cocaine, the largest producer of illegal gold in South America. From its origin it was the country of looting, which enriched the Spanish conquerors overnight, now it enriches drug traffickers, politicians, landowners, miners, women traffickers, etc.
At the moment, the neoliberal president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, like the president of the 21st century socialism of Peru, Pedro Castillo, are experiencing momentary failure, after successfully overcoming the pandemic, in both countries, but their mandate has just begun, in the first case has 3 years remaining, in the second more than four.
In both governments, the pandemic exhausted the resources of the state, that is, its budget, the good relations of the inhabitants with the military, police, doctors, teachers, services and public servants, confidence in the management of state resources, that in both countries are now loot, like the international debt or public debt, bank interest or credits in businesses.
The measures recommended by the IMF, such as privatization, have become corruption, the reduction of the size of the state, this is unemployment in the public sector, has become loot from public office, bribery, malpractice of justice , political persecution, where justice is contaminated by revenge between politicians, parties, officials and especially by the media, which are now acting as prosecutors, judges and even jailers.
The price of a bad government is now paid by Ecuadorians every day, with fatalities from the worst violence ever seen. The price of a bad government in Peru is paid by Peruvians with inflation and malnutrition that has galloped once again in all parts of that country.
Thus, the material capacity of Ecuador and Peru, created thanks to the great public investment in infrastructure, is being hit by the rains, the fires, the depredation of their natural resources, the lack of maintenance, the disinvestment.
Faced with the failure of privatizations, the reduction in the size of the state, that is, of public jobs, the abandonment of infrastructure, the spoils of public offices, the budget, the laws, the misuse of the armed forces, the justice, prisons, and the expansion of drug trafficking, corruption at all levels, criminal violence, delinquency, both countries have become the new powder kegs of South America, as Colombia, Argentina and Venezuela once were. .
As a consequence of the failure that Guillermo Lasso is experiencing, plus the persecution of Rafael Correa, Jorge Glas, and Julián Assange, who have become the main victims and martyrs of this bad government, agreed with the US Embassy, in exchange for control of Galapagos, the army, the police, the justice system and the media, the population is preparing to turn their backs on the current president in the new elections.
In Peru, the population has realized that Congress is the lair of Alibaba and the 40 thieves, and this leads to the possibility of a dictatorship by current President Pedro Castillo, who will be forced to eliminate the Peruvian Congress and call to a plebiscite to make a new constitution, following the example of Chile.
The war between Russia, Ukraine, the United States and NATO allies has raised the price of fuel, minerals, food, or fertilizers, which initially had a negative impact, since it has raised the prices of everything except wages, increasing the exploitation of the inhabitants of these countries, has produced a new loot, which enriches above all public officials, oil transnationals, illegal miners, drug traffickers, since they are now also money launderers , arms traffickers, of people who emigrate in the migratory waves and of refugees. The suffocating external debt of the two countries, which in Ecuador doubled in the 4 years of Lenin Moreno's government, turned international loans, such as those of the IMF, into loot to be shared, without any works being done, just like this Lasso's government, until now.
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Resultados de traducción
In Peru, that Pandora's Box called ODERBERCH, which was very useful to the Trump government, to end the governments of Lula or Dilma Rousseff and replace it with the fateful government of Bolsonaro, also affected others from the XXI Century socialism, but then it became the instability of the governments of the PROSUR alliance, with Peru at the head, which was created to end UNASUR and attack Venezuela. Now it is precisely ODERBRETCH, the one that brought the current president of PERU, Pedro Castillo, to power when the 5 previous presidents failed, smeared in corruption by this Brazilian company and it is the one that is leading to the resurrection of Rafael Correa, his vice president Jorge Glas, the most important and suffered political prisoner along with Julian Assange of the government of Lenin Moreno Guillermo Lasso
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