Es un blog, RADIO, PERIODICO Y TV, en varios idiomas, para interesar a su audiencia en la protección del Planeta Tierra, de su biodiversidad su diversidad cultural, con una visión desde la Mitad del Mundo y equidistante . It is a blog, RADIO, NEWSPAPER, AND TV, in several languages, to interest its audience in the protection of Planet Earth, its biodiversity, and cultural diversity, with a vision from the Middle of the World, and equidistant
The states and the new order produced by the pandemic and the new war in Europe.
The pandemic has produced deaths and illnesses in the oppressive states of other states, poor and indebted in the exploiting states of their own people, misinformed and manipulated in states with greater technical and scientific development.
This forces us to review the theories and practices of organization of the states in the world.
We will begin by saying that there are states in which religions and fanaticisms have power, and in many cases there has been a return after it was assumed that they had disappeared. The most representative case is IRAN, which along with many other Arab countries such as Afghanistan, religion is once again the center of life for the inhabitants of those countries.
In societies of territorial domination, where kings and priests are living gods, or the cult of immortal gods prevails, they can live even after their death, like their followers, life and death are the starting point. The state is sustained by the number of fanatics or believers it has or those it forces, thus giving rise to an oppressive state.
These states governed by divine laws or laws of kings, turned the armies into the center of their power and these armies decided who lives and who does not, becoming oppressive states of human beings within a territory, for which they seek until today the territorial expansion as a mechanism to finance that army and the comforts of the conquerors. The backbone of these states is religion and territorial occupation.
These states competed with states where laws were created by representatives of influential groups. According to the group that came to power, the laws were made, if the rich arrived, laws were made in favor of the rich, if the workers arrived, the laws favored the workers. In these states the constitutions were the origin of the state, and the creation of laws a continuous process. The thread or backbone of these states are the political parties. The objective of these states is to produce more, for which they exploit their inhabitants and their natural resources. Profit, which is the ultimate goal of the state, which they call development or growth, can favor a few or a large population. In some states there is a concentration of wealth in natural or legal persons, that is, companies, or in state bureaucracies that acquire another status, as in the case of communist countries. For these states, a redistribution of wealth is possible when there is a significant surplus, otherwise it is not possible. This state is sustained by the number of politicians, that is, by people who join the parties and who can win elections. But elections are won through advertising, and advertising has become a cult of lies and deception. Thus, the states where the political parties decide everything are parties where the deceived resign after each election. In addition, elections serve to create mortal gods, who can now decide the fate and death of the inhabitants of their country and even of the rest of the world, thanks to the development of weapons of mass extinction.
In states where knowledge and technology are the axis of their survival, inventions, machines, processes, discoveries mark the lives of their inhabitants. Thus, for example, navigation, combustion engines. firearms, cars, trains, planes, medicines, communications, exploration and use of space, etc. In states where technology is the axis of knowledge, education and information set the course.
At the present moment when human knowledge is renewed every 16 days, it is accessible from anywhere in the world, and it is possible to preserve it indefinitely, transmit it at great speed, and the life of each human being passes from biological mortality to immortality thanks to to writing, photography, video, the Internet, the cell phone and new inventions that appear every day, human beings progressively cease to be subjects of a king, fanatics of a religion, members of a political party, citizens of a country , and become real or virtual travelers, whether as tourists, migrants, traders, researchers, volunteers, digital nomads, explorers or simply curious, global trade is expanding, borders become a problem, for people, goods and even ideas . But the pandemic, the climate crisis, the extinction of species, space exploration, the over-exploitation of nature and human beings themselves, inequality, the explosion of knowledge, information and knowledge in real time to and from anywhere on the planet, the new forms of commerce such as those of Amazon, of work such as work at home, or from anywhere in the world, the new forms of learning, which is no longer just through school, college or TV, you can learn from TV, the INTERNET, practice, travel, learning has gone from being torture to being entertainment. In the same way, creating, inventing, innovating, discovering, researching, all mental activities went from being the privilege of a few to being the daily practice of many.
This is giving way to new forms of state that are the States of the Knowledge Society, which differ from the states of territorial and moral societies or political and economic societies.
In states of mass moral or territorial domination, deterioration occurs when diseases
and death becomes uncontrollable, be it due to plagues, or wars or when, the criminals, the violent, the delinquent, plus the pressure of the prisoners, and oppressed becomes unbearable
In states of political and economic domination, deterioration occurs when the poor, the indebted, the unemployed, emigrants, the displaced and, above all, the deceived become a danger or threat to voters.
In protective states or states of domination of knowledge and technology, deterioration occurs when students, the ill-informed, the uninformed, the manipulators, immigrants, become a threat because what they learn does not serve them, those who they report is not verifiable or true, when the media and governments try to limit information, communication, isolate populations, people, there are blockades, walls, barriers and shortages, there is no free circulation of ideas, merchandise, news, people and Environmental deterioration complicates people's lives.
Russia evolved from an oppressive state with Czars and Orthodox patriarchs to a protective state of the workers, then it became an exploiter state of its inhabitants who were at the service of the Communist Party, to now be an oppressive state of Ukraine again
The United States went from a protective state to an oppressive state in the countries where it has imposed governments through the use of war, but due to the pandemic it is now evolving again to a protective state of nature and people, through vaccines and decarbonization of the economy.
Europe evolved from oppressive states to exploiting states, now they are protective states of their people and nature, but they evolve back to oppressive states, thanks to the racial tara that, like the United States, turns non-whites into oppressed and the NATO expansion that has tried to re-oppress old liberated colonies of Europe, such as Livia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Ethiopia, Yemen
China evolved from a state that exploits its own people to a state that protects its inhabitants and follows a line in which it tries not to be oppressive, but faces minorities that feel oppressed within its territory and countries like Taiwan that do not want to be part of China.
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