How is the new order of the 21st century being built?

The starting point of the new world order, without hesitation, is the covid pandemic, which has produced deaths, illnesses and vaccinated by millions. The difference is that we have experienced this pandemic in real time, it has been possible to verify the information, vaccines and medicines have been invented in record time, science and technology have confronted and stopped politics, religions for the first time. , theocracies, monarchies, dictatorships, populism, fanaticism, democracies and viruses. The pandemic has produced poor, bankrupt, indebted, emigrants, drug users, drug dealers, illegal, informal, entrepreneurs like never before, who can communicate and move in another way. Finally and as never before in history, we have had people informed, misinformed, manipulated, watched, distanced or locked up. This changed education, with tele-education, turning homes into schools, colleges, universities, into study centers, work in tele-work, which meant time without the use of offices, workshops, factories, ports, airports , buses, planes, restaurants, hotels, bars, buses, cars, planes, boats, etc. Relations in educational, productive, state, and private institutions changed, relations with nature, the use of new energies, the protection of forests, species, ancestral cultures, and people accelerated. The power of countries, companies, the rich, the armed forces, lawyers, judges, police, public employees, protesters multiplied. The organization of the unions, guilds, students, peasants, or fishermen was altered. It created informed, uninformed, misinformed people, emigrants, immigrants, illegal, undocumented, debtors, creditors, traffickers of everything, evaders of everything, criminals, rapists, thieves on a large scale, even as soldiers of armies, policemen. The second factor that establishes the new world order is the war in Europe, due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it was an attack to stop the expansion of NATO and the European Economic Community. In this war, Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Nicaragua or Venezuela are allies, who face Ukraine, the states that are in NATO, in Europe, which add up to 23, those of America, which are 3, with Colombia, USA and Canada, those of Oceania that are Australia and New Zealand, those of Asia that include South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Japan, There are also Kazakhstan or Georgia, facing Russia, which intimidates them by creating new states such as Crimea, Donbas, South Ossetia, or sending troops, these are countries where Russia puts puppet rulers, replicating what the United States has done in its 250 years of history, in many countries, especially in Latin America. Indirectly, the martyr countries of wars, famines, epidemics, economic crises, in Africa, in Arab countries, in Asia such as Bangladesh, in Latin America, such as Venezuela and now in Europe, such as Ukraine, which are exporters of human beings, are added. who experience discrimination in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Europe, as refugees or illegal immigrants. Putin, who has become war, the human equivalent of covid 19, has good relations with China, and Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan and Syria, strong enemies of NATO, has oil, wheat, nuclear weapons, hypersonic missiles. This war is isolation, economic sanctions, media warfare, and large-scale cyber warfare. has unpredictable effects Russia and its allies of the Union of Independent States are on their way to dissolution. The expenses for mobilizing armies, invading and destroying another country, means a highly expensive supply and logistics network, which meant the defeat of Napoleon, Hitler, the defeat of the USSR, in Afghanistan, in Eastern Europe, the morale of armies has to be maintained, Ukrainians and Russians face each other, who are their neighbors alike in everything, with a history, religion, culture, critical moments, lived together , that their strategies, weapons and more are known in detail, which makes them the worst possible enemies. It is necessary to sustain an attacked population, which has lost its homes, workplaces, services, supplies, siblings, parents, grandparents, children, friends, who now must be given support, new housing, cities, streets, ports , airports, highways, bridges, water, electricity, schools, hospitals, offices, farms, work, because they live in extreme poverty, abruptly, with anger, pain, abandonment, sadness and above all hatred. All this is happening at a time when barbarism, cruelty, cowardice, abuse, evil, intolerance, the dead cannot be hidden from the rest of the world, which follows events minute by minute, as the evolution and the fight against the covid virus. Zelenky, a comedian who turned politics into humor, now faces drama and tragedy, created by the decision to want to be part of NATO, knowing that this military organization had attacked Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen , Somalia, Iran, Syria, and more countries, without the consent or the protection of the UN, stop dismissing governments, those considered enemies, the bad ones. When Ukraine became part of NATO, it turned its country into a declared enemy of the Russian Federation, for Russia this is an unforgivable and intolerable betrayal, since Ukraine knows in detail everything that Russia is, it is on the border, this betrayal allows NATO to be under the nose of Moscow, as one day Russia was with missiles in Cuba, this almost produced the first war between two nuclear powers. Zelensky, has to face the responsibility together with Putin and NATO, for the destruction that his country is experiencing, for the massive emigration, the refugees, for the shortage of supplies, the dead, sick, wounded, physically and mentally traumatized, for the soldiers and murdered civilians, but he has in his favour, that he defended the right of the Ukrainians to be free from the tutelage of Moscow, to be part of the European Economic Community, which is the choice of its people, a rejection of Russia, to be a champion of freedom for this and all the countries that want to leave behind the past, the ties that oppress them, subdue them, humiliate them, leave behind the martyrdom that meant being part of the USSR, which in Stalin's time killed millions of Ukrainians in the cruelest way, of hunger. For the United States, led by President Biden, who has lived through the pandemic, in the country with the highest number of dead and sick in the world and in its history, even with more dead than in the civil war, called the War of Secession, war in lost 700,000 inhabitants, out of a population of 30 million, which would be equivalent to losing 7 million inhabitants in the present time, but also that bloody war destroyed towns, cities, houses, schools everything in its path. Until today, the Biden government does not want to involve US troops directly in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, because it considers that it could mean the Third World War, but it is aware that this war is going the same way as the First and the Second World Wars, in which the United States participated first indirectly, with military supplies and volunteers and later with troops. The United States has already experienced this, it suffered the plague of the Spanish Flu, then, the First World War and before the Second War, it experienced the Wall Street crisis, in 1929, which was a global economic catastrophe with its epicenter in the USA, but the Second World War, instead of ending up sinking the country, he resurrected it, and turned it into the first industrial, economic and military power in the world. It is possible that this Third World War could have the same effect in the USA, or that it could turn the European Union into the new world power. If Russia loses this war, she and Ukraine could be part of the European Union, which would go from Lisbon to Vladivostok, with the enormous surface of Russia, which grows in fertile land and deposits every year, due to the melting of climate change, owners of the new navigable route through the Arctic, which scares China as much as the USA, since the European Economic Community has not wanted to include the USA or Russia in it. The United States, now an ally of Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom in the AUKUS plus New Zealand in the so-called Five Eyes pact, which together have as much territory as Russia plus Europe, but have more maritime area, is in the midst of fierce competition with China and Europe for technological innovation. , for raw materials, supply of everything, but it has problems with the supply of supplies or parts, in addition the war has altered prices, especially oil, gas, fertilizers, minerals, food, generating world inflation, which is producing the massive bankruptcy of the American middle class.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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