The terrible Plan Ecuador, and the neocolonization of the USA in South America

The terrible Ecuador Plan.  

The president of Ecuador has met with the president of the United States to carry out a terrible plan for civil war inside Ecuador called Plan Ecuador.
This initiative aims to curb the production and trafficking of cocaine to the United States, from Ecuador, which has become the world's leading cocaine exporter.
This is because the price and demand for cocaine in the United States and Europe have increased dramatically, due to the psychological, social, and economic impact of the Covid pandemic, in addition to the fact that Ecuador is a country with great marine facilities. to transport, above all, through the Pacific Ocean, drugs from Colombia and Peru, which are the world's largest producers of this drug.
This initiative of Plan Ecuador is part of the wars that the United States has been waging against drugs since the end of the Vietnam War, which made the United States the world's leading drug consumer. In addition, since the real estate crisis, in the 2000s, when bank failures occurred in Latin America, especially in Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico, and Argentina, due to the fact that the IMF allowed banks to make self-loans of clients' money, and over-indebted countries, after the end of the USSR, which made believe that capitalism was the great winner of the cold war.
The disaster in the USSR affected the unions and guerrillas in Latin America who were financed by the USSR and who defended wages. When wages and the prices of raw materials fell, the population went to the banks, which were dedicated to laundering money from oil countries, transnationals, and all the illegal money in the world. The banks captured all kinds of legal and illegal money through the high-interest exchange, then they lent to everyone, despite the fact that wages fell and purchasing power too. In all the countries that followed this IMF recipe, such as Russia, there were crises, the Vodka Effect, in 1997, Mexico where the Tequila Effect occurred, Venezuela, Ecuador with the Bank Holiday in 1999, and Argentina in 2002 the Tango Effect. Later in the United States, and Europe the so-called Real Estate Crisis of 2008.
Since the Vietnam War, the American mafias, like the one in Harlem, became the largest drug traffickers in the world in the coffins of the soldiers killed in the War.
The guerrillas of Latin America, the nascent mafias of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America, as well as the Taliban in Afghanistan found the business of cocaine and opium, as sources of income, along with arms trafficking. It was an exchange of arms for cocaine, or for opium. This allowed the Afghans to defeat the United States and NATO in the War in Afghanistan.
After the Vietnam War, the United States had more than 60,000 chronic drug-using welders, who, along with the Hippies, and motorcycle gangs, spread drug use, which became a fad, practiced by movie stars. , television, music, the arts, and then even by athletes, politicians, businessmen, and even fashion among students.
  The Italian Mafia created drug and gambling paradises like Vegas and began to produce and import everything that was illegal from Latin America since its power and growth were due to the fact that in 1928, alcohol was declared illegal. The Italian mafia invented global transnational crime, by creating business organizations that did everything that is prohibited, from killing, extorting, prostitution, selling drugs, swindling, creating games of chance, and lotteries, to trafficking in human beings, or practicing all kinds of smuggling.
The sudden decline in Latin America, the Backyard of the United States, from the banking crises, the lack of financing for the guerrillas, or unions of workers, teachers, and students that came from the former USSR, developed kidnapping, extortion, and drug trafficking as sources of quick enrichment in Colombia, which together with politics, illegal mining, arms trafficking, human trafficking of women, illegal workers and now children that became a big business and even power, well In Latin America we already have narco-presidents with Gregorio Hernandez in Honduras.
But the United States was the one that invented drug financing for armed groups in the 1980s, when it created the Contras to fight against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, who financed themselves with cocaine bought from Colombian cartels and sold in the United States, the profits from this business were bought weapons and supplies of all kinds for the Contras, this gave rise to the Colombian Cartels, these, in turn, supplied cocaine to the Mexican cartels, and now the Mexican cartels buy the drug from the Peruvian cartels, Ecuador, Brazil, etc.

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