2022 the origin of the Third World War and the great Latino invasion of the United States

For centuries the entire American Continent became a refuge and a new life for human beings from Europe and Africa, first, then Asia. This exodus meant that models of occupation and use of the soil, the sea, and the air, from the Northern Hemisphere, which spread through Europe and Asia, invaded, together with domestic or useful species, the American continent and in general the Southern Hemisphere of the Planet,
In the last 5 centuries, the greatest thermoregulators of the planet's climate, animals, plants, and human beings, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi, have experienced an accelerated change.
These modifications are now changing the climate, biodiversity, and human cultural and ethnic diversity, and confront the so-called developed world, founded on cities, which are the cradle of civilizations.
Cities concentrate on human beings, but also their knowledge, skills, imagination, creativity, machines, but also diseases, and now they are the cradle of violence.
Violence and war are what makes human beings their own worst enemies, and human beings a great danger to the planet, with their weapons of mass extinction, closely linked to wealth, religions, politics, scarcity, and the search for raw materials,
Work, before the 20th century, was done mainly by humans and domestic animals, but for 100 years it has been done by machines,
Machines need energy sources, they went from coal and steam to oil. This originated wars that we are experiencing up to now.
These wars for energy sources made the United States and Russia the largest producers of virgin energy and processed energy sources such as liquefied petroleum gas, or petroleum derivatives, including plastics, fertilizers, or nuclear energy, which are now fundamental pillars of the world economy.
The Ukrainian War, which is the origin of the Third World, confronts the largest country in the world, which occupies a good part of Asia and Europe, with NATO, which brings together the countries with the highest occupation and use of land and the sea on the planet, which has as its axis English-speaking countries, such as the United States, England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, which together have a greater extension and much more human population than Russia, added to allies in Europe, and Asia, at a time when human beings are no longer just labor but, above all, talent, knowledge, experience, virtues, abilities that are multiplied in their descendants and in the machines they use.
  But Russia has China as a fundamental ally, the country with the largest skilled and educated human population on the planet, with the largest number of machines and infrastructure than any other country.
In the middle is India, which now together with Brazil, acts as the neutral point or the center of the balance, the first for its huge population, religions, and cultures, the second for its enormous biodiversity and natural resources.
The sun and lithium that has now become the lynchpin of energy production, Africa, Latin America, and the oceans are the greatest sources of genetic information, the science that is revolutionizing everything from medicine to food production, and They are the largest producers of pure water and oxygen on the planet, thanks to evaporation, the jungles, rivers, mountain peaks, fresh water that travels around the planet as clouds, and that condenses at the poles and mountain glaciers, which They are the ones that mark the course of the clouds, also of the marine currents. The poles that are now melting due to global warming and with it, are altering ocean currents, creating hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes, droughts, floods, fires, and plagues.
The great migration from Latin America and Africa that is produced by the multiplication of poverty and violence in these continents, that is to say, by the human factor, is now being multiplied by climate change, the massive extinction of species, overfishing, the industrial extraction of minerals, the brutal expansion of the agricultural frontier, where machines expel human beings from terrestrial and marine physical spaces. Added to this is the fact that human beings around the planet have multiplied their needs, their possession of goods, and their consumerism, they are more interconnected by the internet, communications, transportation, commerce, health, or global education, which attracts human beings to urban centers, especially from developed countries, most of them in the northern hemisphere, which is the best thing that can happen, since it is necessary for the jungles and forests, for the oceans to once again be producers of water vapor, biodiversity, genetic information, and stop being producers of raw materials, especially food, minerals, oil, and be sources of human knowledge, which is the fundamental factor of the 21st century

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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