How and why are Christmas and the New Year the main celebrations of Globalization?

Christmas and New Year have become the two most important global holidays in the world.
In the Christian world, Holy Week is the most important celebration and not Christmas, in the Muslim world it is the Annual Pilgrimage to Mecca or Hach and in each religion, it is a special date, in each country, the day of independence, and other festivities such as the Carnival of Brazil, and other countries are the most important day,
December 24, or Christmas Day, is actually not the birthday of Jesus, the son of the god of Christians, Muslims, and Jews, who was never really an only child, nor was he born to a woman who remained a virgin. , since she had more children, who were brothers of Jesus, it has not been possible to demonstrate that Christ rose in body and soul, which is what made him God, something impossible in those times, but now thanks to the development of science and cryogenesis, it is possible to remain in hibernation for years and come back to life years later, something that is already practiced with fetuses, which can make them revive up to 30 years later, or of course the miracles of Jesus, such as his healings that they are now a routine part of scientific medicine.
Those impossible, for those times, that could only be done by extraordinary human beings, are now being done by ordinary human beings, inside and outside of this planet,
Christmas was actually a Roman celebration that indicated the end of the Roman calendar, which divided the year into 12 months of thirty days, which gave 360 days, but in the end, it left 5 days without counting, so it counted that 5 days as a great 5-day party, which began at midnight on December 24 and ended at midnight on December 31, on New Year's Eve. But after the Discovery of America, in 1492, Christmas became a commercial festival, as transoceanic trade began its great moment and now it is an industrial and technological festival, where household appliances, cars, toys, and clothing are the center of attraction, like credit, luxury, vanity, wealth, which in Rome were shown at this time of year.
In December, the Romans counted the wealth that they had accumulated during a year, and distributed part of it, giving rise to Christmas, as the festival where generosity, family union, and the reunion of the living, at a time when the wars or plagues killed millions, especially at a time when winter, which was the worst time of the year in the northern hemisphere, was getting worse and people were forced to confine themselves to their homes along with their domestic animals, they had to distribute food and clothing that had been prepared for those difficult times, when there was no fertility on earth, and the cold was deadly.
The Christianity that became the religion of Europe turned Jesus into a white person like Jehovah, adopted Latin as the sacred language, the cross, as the symbol of identity, against torture, intimidation, and Punishment became the symbol of Christians, who were mostly slaves who feared that punishment, their symbol, fear and suffering, represented on the cross, was what united them, thus forgiveness and love for their neighbor it became the foundation of that religion, as mercy was in the Muslim Religion, and compassion in Buddhism.
The reason why monotheistic religions have prevailed over polytheistic religions, except Hinduism, is that monotheistic religions recognized the existence of a soul in all human beings, which was something that polytheistic religions did not, which recognized the soul only in those who were not slaves when slaves were the majority of the inhabitants of empires since the time of Greece. The conflict between Christians and Muslims is that the Muslims were the last monotheistic religion to abolish slavery. In Hinduism, as in the so-called totemic regions where followers worshiped totems, these are representations of spirits, just as the so-called idolatries did not recognize that each human being had their own and different spirit that was part of a great spirit, but that things and human beings became the abode of good or bad spirits, who were alien to those humans, animals or things or that idols, mountains, lightning, and thunder were the superior spirits, who took possession of in everything that exists.
Finally in Latin America, where miscegenation was born, from the American continent, the Catholic religion brought by the Spanish, Portuguese, and French, differs from the Catholic religion of Europe, or from the Protestant religions, because it is based on the so-called religious syncretism in that the Christian god is at the same time the sun, which was the main god of the indigenous people, the Virgin Mary, is the earth.

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