Why is the electoral system a failure in Ecuador, Peru and some other Latin American countries?

Why is the electoral system a failure in Ecuador, Peru and some other Latin American countries?

Peru, our neighbor to the south, has had 5 presidents in 5 years, and Venezuela has had a dictatorship since 2002, that is, for 20 years. Brazil put an extreme right-wing terrorist in government, Colombia was owned by a landowner who, after being re-elected, put the presidents at will, Nicaragua has a dictatorship that brought a ruler to power, who was later displaced, returned to turn each election into a fraud, Cuba has had a dictatorship for 70 years, Guatemala puts someone more clumsy than the previous one as president, Honduras is a country where a drug trafficker can be president, Argentina is a country that has the most unstable in the region, Paraguay has been a right-wing dictatorship for 80 years, Chile has moved between extreme electoral socialism and electoral capitalism, Mexico for 100 years was a perfect dictatorship, where the predecessor president put the successor president until something changed with Lopez Obrador. Ecuador is a country that has had 120 rulers, some by the hour, and which has now become a country governed by the disabled or semi-disabled, in a country where endemic cretinism due to goiter was the focus of the worst chronic disease, which even it became hereditary in the Andes, since the Spanish conquest, it lives the highest child malnutrition in Latin America, which has allowed people with low IQ, malnourished, vicious, opportunistic, or disabled to be put in government.
This has been possible because in Latin America, the so-called representative democracy, chooses among the worst candidates, the president, and more popularly elected authorities, through a direct and secret vote, in favor of candidates of political parties, who are born, die, and are resurrected. , and that in our countries there are dozens, in which money, publicity, and the media are the ones that remove and install presidents.
  A system different from the system of monarchies and parliamentary governments in Europe where the parliaments are the ones that put and remove the prime ministers or presidents, and these, in turn, are elected by popular vote, or the Chinese system, where a single party chooses to the best, and where all those who want to participate in politics have to register with the communist party or single party, or like in the Vatican, where the Pope is elected by cardinals, who have had to demonstrate their qualities, tenacity and other virtues throughout his priestly life and the Pope is chosen among one of them, what Plato called the Aristocratic model, and who thought that the democratic model, or the popular vote, was the worst because people do not vote with their heads, but with the heart and the heart has the problem that it often loses its reason.
The failure of the Latin American electoral system is due above all to education, which has been an education to be an obedient and non-deliberative person, to the media, which nullifies critical awareness, to religions, which makes us believe in fantasies or fanaticism, for centuries, to advertising that makes us believe in lies, that has turned political parties into a factory of idols, lies, false promises, illusions, electoral advertising agencies, where the candidate is not the better human being, but the one that suits, who can be idolized.
The parties and politics set aside doing what is right, that is, doing what does not lead us to err, to do what is convenient, that is, doing what is best at that moment, but doing what is best at that moment can be a lie, kill, cheat, steal, make war, choose wrong. etc.
In the United States, this system has been a success, until the arrival of Donald Trump, who for the first time in the history of that country sought a coup, the pandemic and the migratory invasion of the southern border, which has created internal violence. , which becomes visible in the shootings, in the protest of the blacks, the terrorism of the white supremacists. the neo-Nazis, in the protest of women who have lost their right to abortion, because equality, which was one of the principles of the North American Constitution, has disappeared and scandalous inequality is being reached, between the super-rich and the poor, where the former, are less and less, and the others are more and more, but they are multiplying with the unstoppable waves of migration.
This system of elections by direct and secret ballot also became a failure in Russia, where it put Putin in the government and made him a czar for decades.
This failure of the electoral system of direct and secret voting for all those of legal age has become a failure outside the United States because it places inept people in power but sympathizers with the USA, CNN, the rich, or cheats.

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