Why USA and NATO defeated the USSR and the Warsaw Pact and Russia cannot defeat Ukraine.

In 1992, 30 years ago, the United States and NATO defeated and destroyed the USSR and the Warsaw Pact, but not Russia, the largest country in the world.
This was essentially possible thanks to the KGB, the Communist Party of Eastern European countries, and above all Stalin and Gorbachev.
The countries of the so-called Iron Curtain were governed by dictators who were perpetuated until their death in government, beginning with Lenin. These rulers were chosen by the Communist Party of the USSR, not only for the USSR but for all those that this country liberated from the Nazis, and for satellite countries like Cuba. But what kept these dictatorships of the proletariat, as they called themselves, in power, was the KGB.

The KGB was a secret police that turned all the inhabitants of those countries into informers, henchmen, ladinos, hypocrites, and finally cowards. It operated as the Holy Inquisition in the Middle Ages and the time of conquests and discoveries until 1776, when, thanks to the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, it lost its influence in Spain, Portugal, and its numerous colonies on all continents.
The fundamental principle of the KGB was THE KGB WE ARE ALL. This secret police imprisoned in Gulags or concentration camps in frozen Siberia and turned the prisoners into slaves. A prisoner was any woman who received a gift from her admirer, or boyfriend since unmarried women who received gifts were considered prostitutes and prostitution was prohibited, it could be any university professor who taught something that was prohibited, anyone who practiced a religion, anyone, anyone who said something against the ruler, or who protested against the government, anyone who did not have a propiska or permission to travel, which was granted by the police, only when they received an invitation from someone from the other city or town, that the traveler wanted to visit. A prisoner was anyone who got drunk and made trouble in a bar or restaurant, who was first beaten up, before being sent to jail where she remained locked up in only her underwear.
Thanks to the KGB, Stalin was able to selectively kill 20 million Russians, more than 20 percent of Russia's population, and remain in power until his death. Thanks to the KGB, prime ministers like Beria turned young Russian women into forced prostitutes, serving the KGB and top officials.
The difference between the CIA and the KGB was that the CIA, which now controls the United States, along with the Border Patrol, the FBI, the DEA or Homeland Security, is that they are agents, the KGB was any neighbor, woman, man, young or old, who became an informer by hook or by crook, out of love for the country, the current ruler or out of hatred, jealousy, anger, deceit or any obscure passion or reward. In addition, in the United States, captured people had the right to defense and a fair trial, in Russia, the KGB was both judge and executioner.
Finally, communist equality turned the dumbest workers into equal people, with the same rights, income, and duties as the brightest university professors, and alcoholics, into equal people the sober, this led to industries, businesses, or field and city workers being inefficient, vicious, lazy, a real ballast.
It was a country where professionals with PhDs or college degrees worked in restaurants as waiters or dishwashers, and all their study, sacrifice, or talent was wasted.
In the end, electronics and computing made the difference, as Russian technology in these areas was decades behind. Personal computers and the internet were like firearms, the wheel, written languages, boats, or horses in the Conquest of America.
Today Russia, which is the country that has managed to preserve its enormous territory for the longest time, resisting Napoleon or Hitler, who destroyed the European empires, today faces its worst enemy, the Ukrainians, since they are also Slavs, Orthodox, and Nordic descendants of the Vikings, who also speak Russian, know their culture, their history, their weapons, their weaknesses.
This war will surely end after a long time, in which the world economy and the relations between the north and the south of the planet are modified, and there are reactions to global warming, to the use of fossil fuels, which is the main economic resource of Russia, at the same time the main culprit of climate change, extinction, inequality.
A military victory is not possible and peace will come when the concert of nations puts pressure on Russia, NATO, and Ukraine so that they are not a global danger to the planet, a mutual threat.
  Accept that Ukraine does not want to be an ally of Russia, Russia does not want Ukraine to be part of NATO.

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