International Program of Volunteering "EnLAzando" in Ecuador.

France Volontaires, the French volunteer operator, launches the call for young French. and Latin Americans. (with the exception of to apply for an international solidarity volunteer mission (VSI), for the coordination and implementation of the International Program of Volunteering "EnLAzando" in Ecuador.

The program seeks to contribute to the creation and strengthening of national volunteer systems through actions that promote the culture of volunteering in Latin America from training, studies, volunteer mobility programs, and contribution to the development of national volunteer systems and networks.

The volunteer mission will take place in Quito, with a duration of 18 months, which will begin in March 2023. It is essential that the applicant have previous professional experience, availability to live outside the country, and language skills in French and Spanish. , among others.

Information for application through the following link:

Closing of the call 12/30/2022 at 11:59 p.m.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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