8 billion humans a success or a danger?

 day Rome became the empire of the wicked who turned the suffering of human beings and animals into a public spectacle, or slave labor, later Mongolia became the Empire of the murderers who turned rape and death into war. a reason to live, or the Vikings who turned robbery and kidnapping into a reason to live, later came the Christian empires of Europe, who turned navigation, discovery, and their faith into a reason to live, or the empires Muslims who converted to a god, vanity, slavery, in his reason for living, or the Chinese empire that sought the isolation of its inhabitants, peasant work, trade, or money, as a reason for living.
For 250 years in North America, a country was created that is now a greater industrial empire, where machines, human inventiveness, private property, or freedom, that is, salaried work, or for economic reward, and the initiative, self-management became a reason to live, while in Russia, blind obedience to a ruler, and to the central committee of the Communist Party, or to a nouveau riche, turned capitalist czar, like Putin and his oligarchs became a reason to live in that huge country.
In the Northern Hemisphere, human beings, their leagues, cultures, civilizations, and their development became the most important thing, because there is the largest land mass or continental mass on the planet and the largest human population, since this year. We are already 8 billion. This great human mass of the northern hemisphere is brutally changing the planet, with huge buildings, their consumption, their waste, their weapons, their economy, and their technological, and scientific development.
    While in the Southern Hemisphere where the water of the Oceans, the plains, the jungles, the rivers, or the Mountains like the Andes, still allows

great biodiversity, the sun, the rain, the winds, the marine currents, and the Moon, are a reason for living and for human behavior.
In these moments in which nature and human beings are facing each other, atmospheric pollution, the overexploitation of terrestrial and marine resources, climate change, the mass extinction of species, and consumerism, in rapid enrichment to which called development. We are devastating the planet. This affects the inhabitants of the Southern Hemisphere more than those of the Northern Hemisphere, where cities have become appropriate places for human life, while the marine and terrestrial spaces of the Southern Hemisphere are more sensitive to droughts, fires, Wars, urban violence, climate change, the massive disappearance of other forms of life, are the cause of the human migratory waves, which invade the Northern Hemisphere and developed countries.
Central and South American countries, as well as Africa, have become engines of change in the new world order created by the Covid pandemic and the Internet.
For 200 years these countries have been governed by the worst of their human beings, both physically and mentally. Thus, for example, Ecuador became a country where the disabled, the dysplastic, that is, the malnourished, malnourished, deteriorated, the vicious, or the corrupt became governments, and even presidents, like the narco presidents in Honduras, corrupt in Peru, or disabled, traitors, malnourished and opportunistic like those in Ecuador.
This was possible because the electoral system, of direct and secret voting, which at first gave the right to elect and be elected to the richest, white, Catholic, male, over 21 years of age, has taken centuries to allow this right. to indigenous people, blacks, women, young people over 16 years of age, or atheists and where electoral campaigns and polling stations have become traps, into which the dumbest, which are the majority of the population, easily fall.
So far the malnourished, the disabled, the ignorant, the alienated through politics, religions, education, the media, and those subservient to foreign governments such as the United States, Europe, or Russia, are the candidates.
  Those who vote or decide and generally can only choose among the worst human beings in their countries, which are the majority of their population, or among the rich, the powerful, the famous on TV, the notorious, the puppets, or the evil with power, such as drug traffickers, legal or not money lenders and extortionists, bankers, merchants on credit, landowners, big businessmen, hitmen, police, military, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, economists, They are the preachers of religion where the dollar, money is God, the one who works miracles, they are the ones who take turns in government, turning our countries into loot or part of wars.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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