Why 2022 was the most critical year in Ecuador's recent history.

The drama of education in Ecuador, politics and the economy is the key to the fact that the country has become the most violent in South America and in proportion to the population with more than 4,500 homicides in a year and a large exporter of cocaine.
Until the government of Rafael Correa, Ecuador was experiencing an educational revolution, which turned young people into the stars of towns and cities, who competed for scholarships, and places in universities inside and outside the country, 20,000 of them were awarded scholarships by the government in the top 100 universities in the world.
  The teachers stopped being the ones who used the students to collect a salary, they went on strike twice a year, at the beginning of the school year in the Sierra in September and October, or in April and May on the Coast.
The teachers were organized by the Popular Democratic Movement, or the Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist, or Maoist Party, which appropriated state education, schools, colleges, universities, Peasant Social Security, and a large part of the state union centers, such as the from Petroecuador.
In state education, their strikes were frequent and prolonged, for better wages and job stability, as in Peasant Social Security, the State Health Network of the Ministry of Health, and in state union Centrals. This turned state education into shoddy education, where students learned rubbish, or were used to demand improvements and privileges from their teachers.
In addition, their union power allowed them to abuse of all kinds. Students and parents had to satisfy their sexual weaknesses, round off their salary with payments, quotas, and more forms of extortion, which included sexual favors, for which a popular consultation was held in 2019, to sanction them and convert to sexual harassment. of the students in imprescriptible crime, that is to say, that it can be sanctioned even if many years pass.
The great changes in Ecuadorian education included a new educational infrastructure, through the millennium schools and the 20th-century schools, which revolutionized the educational architecture in the country, in these schools, in addition to the Internet, laboratories of all kinds, sports fields, swimming pools in some, students from distant places were concentrated, which created the disuse of single-teacher schools, which had only one teacher, but were the center of the town, since the second half of the 20th century, when the school replaced the Church as the center of convocation of the inhabitants of the town, allowed a close relationship of the parents with their children and with the teachers.
This is why the indigenous people rose up against this educational model, where their language and their culture, their sense of community were seriously threatened, they managed to get the single-teacher schools to return despite being less efficient in pedagogical work, they were more efficient in the sense of identity, belonging and close coexistence between neighbors.
Today, if these single-teacher schools are given complimentary tele-education over the Internet, they can not only serve as schools but also as colleges and even as distance universities or technical institutes.
Specialized universities were also created, such as Yachay in exact sciences and technologies, in the Province of Imbabura in the Sierra, close to Quito, La Amazónica in biology and natural sciences, in the province of Napo, the Amazonian province of the river that allowed Francisco de Orellana discovered the Amazon River, the Pedagogical University, in the province of Cañar, the cradle of one of the most important indigenous nationalities of Ecuador, the Cañaris, who became the guards of Cuzco, which still have Inca ruins and close to Tomebamba or Cuenca, where Huaynacapac was born, the penultimate emperor of the Incas, the great conqueror, father of Atahualpa and Huáscar. The University of the Arts in Guayaquil, where its status as a port allowed it to be the main center for attracting new ideas, tastes, and visitors. But this entire educational process collapsed with the government of Lenín Moreno, which reduced public investment, and the size of the state, and with it scholarship students recently graduated university students, and young people, lost the possibility of working, which produced massive emigration of the best students in the country to other countries, the great brain drain formed by Correa, who were poorly paid here, or vied for the few state and private jobs, with the worst, and most corrupt university students linked to the MPD, who were the owners of the public unions, or with the children, relatives, and friends of the rich, or politicians of the country who were young people who could enjoy luxuries, vanities, paid vagrancy, they could even buy the title.
After this first wave of emigrants, the young people who did not want to be part of the youth gangs in the neighborhoods, or hitmen, left, then entire families began to emigrate, because the economy of Ecuador collapsed, with the government of MORENO.
The pandemic and the government of Lasso, a banker who has turned Ecuadorians into debtors of everything, from loans at 1 percent for 20 years, or taxes, to international loans for loans, to combat drug trafficking, modernize prisons, keeping prisoners, which in Ecuador is more expensive than keeping the elderly, or scholarship holders. Today the most expensive are the police, soldiers, prosecutors, judges, and prison guards, with their salaries, equipment, training, and insurance, which multiply daily like the prisoners.
Ecuador is now a country of debtors with a large external debt, and internal debt thanks to credit cards, all kinds of credit, and illegal loans, such as those made by drug money launderers, the so-called drop-by-drop, extortionists, car salesmen, apartment houses, and even those who lend them money to immigrate to the United States.
These indebted are those who are forced to emigrate or to be hitmen, drug traffickers, micro-traffickers, prostitutes, pimps or pimps, and exploiters of child labor, all thanks to the fact that there is no public work, state investment, more roads, water networks, electricity, ports, airports, hydroelectric plants, schools, university colleges, irrigation canals, reforestation campaign, garbage recycling, change in the productive matrix from oil to solar, hydroelectric, or wind energy, low-interest financing, housing construction, organic farming, etc. etc.
  Oil money, taxes, and exports end up in the pockets of the richest, corrupt politicians, crafty public officials, transnationals, cheating merchants, or mafia bosses.

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