Who are the enemies of the Earth, nature and life?

The protection of biodiversity starts by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels, animal protein, that is, meat, milk, fish, and eggs, from reducing the consumption of tropical wood, skins, and exotic animals, not only for trafficking but to do something with their ivory, fins, skins and to reduce the consumption of drugs, multiply the recycling of plastic to create plastic wood, plastic bricks, hoses, tiles, etc.
Fossil fuels are without a doubt the first thing to reduce their consumption, this is only possible if vehicles, planes, boats, and even kitchens in the house stop consuming gas, gasoline, diesel, and other fuels that need to be burned, to generate power.
The consumption of meat is the foundation of the diet in temperate or cold countries, where they have winters with snow, and ice, with unproductive land, which led to cattle raising, as the main source of food, now it is creating pastures in the Amazon jungle, and it is to feed cattle, or cereals are planted to feed chickens, cattle. In addition, the use of pesticides and drugs in animals is becoming a health problem for humans, drugs drive us crazy or kill us, pesticides are creating cancer, and hormones, vitamins, or antibiotics in animals are also affecting animals. Humans This hyper protein diet must be reduced to reduce farmyard and grazing animals, milk, and meat, which are producing sterility in the human species, although they increase their height and longevity, the years of old age are years of unproductiveness, disability, and consumption of resources without the benefit of return, but it is considered a payment because they created a surplus that allows them to live without working, the problem is that now the number of years working is approaching the number of years without work, but finally, the machines can multiply human labor and create a surplus indefinitely and these are the ones that now, in developed countries, create or finance real especially to retirees.
The consumption of fish is leading to a collapse of life in the oceans and seas, this overfishing adds to climate change, and to the pollution of the seas. that together. they are creating an adverse world for three-quarters of the planet.
The luxury. Waste, consumerism, and vanity today are major problems for planet Earth. Crocodile handbags, shark fin soup, and ivory jewelry are part of the problem. Killing animals or trees for luxury to have mahogany floors or fine wood furniture is causing serious problems for the planet.
But the most serious thing is that the poor in poor countries, like the poor in poor neighborhoods. is that they become murderers of animals, trees, and other human beings, and invaders of rich countries, and others, they are capable of killing for pennies, they are in a labyrinth, where what they do to survive today means the death of their descendants, unless they escape to the opulent north, even if they repeat over and over again that they work for their family, in reality, what we do in our poor countries is to turn our countries into hell from which escaping becomes a fashion, a necessity or a problem without a solution, in a sick spot on the planet.
Just as the war between Russia and NATO over Ukraine is on a path from which it is very difficult to deviate and leads to World War III, globalization is on a path of no return, in which life is becoming the most valuable that this planet has, but the human species has become its main enemy. and in the worst enemy of nature, which without a doubt is going to try to eliminate us through all kinds of catastrophes, to save the rest of the species. As we go, life on Earth is only possible without humans, if we humans are not capable of making big changes.

La República Federal Gran Colombiana

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