How rulers, viruses, nature and consumerism became the worst danger for the human species in 2022.

When the rulers become the worst danger to their neighbors and humans from other places?
From the moment they direct their warriors to subdue other human beings, but in the 21st century, rulers no longer only have warriors, but also nuclear weapons, means of communication, transportation, and so many inventions that can destroy the planet. or everything in it. The rulers, especially of the world powers, have such power that no god in history surpasses them.
But not only the rulers of the great powers are now mortal gods, but even in any country, mafia, or drug cartel, they become mortal gods, who can dispose of the lives of other human beings at will.
Viruses, which have always, together with bacteria, fungi, animals, or plants, could kill us if they managed to spread in cities, fields, or human groups, today due to the fact that we consume wild animals, from which we have taken away their places in nature, they attack us, this has already happened with the HIV virus, in monkeys, it was harmless but in humans, it has produced the longest and deadliest disease of the second half of the 20th century, or the Covid virus, which was harmless when it lived in pangolins or monkeys in the wild areas of China, but that in the markets of that country, became the origin of the pandemic that we are now experiencing.
Nature, which has always been the one that welcomed the human species on all continents, provides us with food, water, minerals, plants, animals, climate, oxygen, gases, and all those elements that are vital for our species to survive. multiply and exist on this planet, today it has become one of our worst enemies, it threatens us with changes in the planet's temperature, with the mass extinction of species, which are what they share with us to create environmental balances every day, threatens us with droughts, floods, which have always been the causes of the end of civilizations, of wars between human beings, of plagues.
Right now, the rulers of Russia, Ukraine, and NATO have become the worst danger to humanity.
The bad rulers of Latin America and Africa, the continents that suffer the greatest economic deterioration, the massive extinction of species, uncontrollable deforestation, overfishing, the brutal expansion of the agricultural frontier, the human population explosion, drug trafficking, human trafficking, the illegal trafficking of everything, from weapons, or slaves, to ivory, where poverty and wealth, violence and love are manifested in all their dimensions, live rapid enrichment in sick consumerism, like insane behavior.
The violent savage capitalism is confronted with the violent communism or savage socialism, as in the time of the settlers and conquerors, who wanted to share out the loot, land, power, and wealth among a few, and where gang members, traffickers, guerrillas, and pirates, they shared the loot where everything is for all the bad guys who survived, equally.
  Latin America and Africa are the continents where being evil are profitable, not only giving money but even becoming a government, migratory waves, mercenaries, hit men, assassins who can cross borders and invade cities, streets, houses, etc. until the government was taken from the rich countries, as happened in Rome when the barbarians invaded it.
The bad rulers of countries like Russia, Ukraine, Europe, the United States, and NATO are now creating the Third World War, which threatens the entire planet, due to the fear of being attacked, a fear of wars that come from the times before our era, who practiced it for centuries, which led them to develop the industry, the inventiveness, the innovation to which they owe their power.
Bad rulers in Latin America and Ecuador are complicating the War on Drugs, which is because the United States turned cocaine into something more valuable than gold and human life. These rulers are human beings entangled in the threads of corruption to which they owe their power, to which they have cultivated all forms of sin through electoral processes, forms of government, and personal and social conduct, where vanity, greed, lies, betrayal, cruelty, malice, lust, anger, revenge, hatred have been lived since childhood, are practiced daily in the different forms of government, in each country, in schools, the media communication, movies, novels, neighborhoods, parishes, provinces, states, and even within each family.
In Africa, there is the illegal trafficking of everything, from human beings, who practice it since the days of Egypt, to the trafficking of ivory or endangered species, who practice it day and night.
China, the world's factory, has also become a danger, since the fever of consumerism that these 1.4 billion inhabitants are experiencing creates fishing fleets of hundreds of boats that devastate the oceans, plundering wood, minerals, and raw materials all over the world. the world, continue to be the main source of environmental pollution and now pests.
China, the world's factory, has also become a danger, since the fever of consumerism that these 1.4 billion inhabitants are experiencing creates fishing fleets of hundreds of boats that devastate the oceans, plunders wood, minerals, raw materials all over the world. the world, continue to be the main source of environmental pollution and now pestsPutin, NATO, Trump, Peru, Ukraine, Russia, Peru, Morocco

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