What is the migratory war, and what does the invasion of entire families to the United States and Europe mean?

The invasion of entire families to the United States and Europe marks the repetition of a historical cycle, which has been repeated since the migration of homosapiens to other continents, the fall of the Roman Empire, or the Inca and Aztec empires in America.
We are living in a new historical cycle that marks the end of the industrial powers, which have now gone from the total conquest of Planet Earth to the so-called conquest of space.
But the industrial powers have a serious fertility problem, an overpopulation of unproductive old people.
This infertility is due to their hyper protein diet, and the exaggerated consumption of meat, which is devastating the Amazon, to create pastures, in 1938 the geographer Josué de Castro proved that fat fleas reproduced less than skinny fleas than rats. Fat rats were also less fertile than skinny rats, as skinny, starving humans from Africa reproduced much more than fat ones from more developed countries.
Secondly, the migration of families is something considered extremely dangerous since Roman times, because while the Empire was powerful, they made wars to initially get slaves, then to get women and children who they kidnapped and then Romanized, that is, they forced them to be Romans, leaving their language, culture, families, ethnic, racial, and religious identity, they even turned them into generals of cavalry, which was the maximum degree to which a non-Roman, Romanized child could reach, they could not be consuls or senators, this was the case of German generals who fought for and against Rome. But after a plague, which came from the territories of what is now Iran and Iraq, where the Romans fought against the Parthians in the third century AD. Rome was left without a welder, and without a population in its cities, it became necessary to recruit slaves, who were mostly Christians, whom they had persecuted and killed since the second century, as the United States now does with the migrants it wants to enter illegally.
The fierce fight against the Germans was due to the fact that the Germans invaded Roman territories with their entire family and that women fought alongside men, created orchards, fed cattle, men engaged in war, and being more vulnerable like the children, the ferocity and determination of the Germans, Saxos, Teutons, Celts, Angles increased.
Today the drop in fertility in developed countries due to diet, contraceptives, sexual liberation, and equality between men and women, which gives women a new role in society, attracts women and children from around the world, who see themselves in less danger, with less poverty, abuse, in developed countries like the United States.
The resurgent white racism in the United States and Europe is the first sign that these countries are getting out of hand for the whites, that there is an invasion, and that the infertility of this race is already a problem for Russia, Europe, Australia, and North America, where they created empires, civilizations, development models, forms of occupation and use of physical space, which allowed the subjugation of other races, of other non-white humans, of the natural environment.
The transportation revolution, communications, the cell phone, real-time information, the facilities to communicate in other languages, globalization, climate change, the mass extinction of species, new weapons, inventions, the revolution of medicine, all these changes that are going at an amazing speed, in which knowledge and human inventiveness go hand in hand with corruption, insecurity, real poverty and comparative poverty, the madness of getting rich quickly, of consumerism, of pollution, are very accelerated, in poor countries, are, among others, the factors that determine the abandonment of some countries, and the invasion of others.
This invasion of the poor of the world to the rich changes the behavior of each other, makes us think seriously about saving, recycling, repairing, reusing, air quality, water soil, new social behaviors, languages, in the coexistence between humans, with other species, respect for nature, cultures, religions, races, genders, generational respect, forces us to see Planet Earth and the Universe, instead of spending all day watching domestic fights, nationalist, racist, classist politics, within each country, supply and demand, the dispute between the scavengers of capitalism, communism, socialism, unionism, in every corner, slum, red zone, port or border, to be with our hearts in our hands pending what is happening in Europe or the United States or China since the invasion of the Mongols, or the discovery of America They are the foci of World Wars.

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