Why have migratory waves and migrants always been the main engine of change for humanity?

Why are migratory waves and migrants always the main engine of change for humanity?
The conquests, colonization, trade, tourism, studies, transportation, communications, and migratory waves, at the same time that they broke borders, created them.
Since the beginning of humanity, borders have been artificial limits that certain rulers have wanted to impose to separate human beings, to protect territories, human beings, or natural resources, this led to the creation of languages, and different cultures, which since then they were barriers, but to the extent that natural resources, food, water, were lacking, they found out that in another place they could live in another way that seemed better to them than how they lived in their native place, or when strangers arrived, new ways to take advantage of natural resources, to organize, new forms of coexistence, or were defeated by other human beings, by incapable or evil rulers, by diseases, by natural catastrophes, escaping from those spaces where living became a risk, was what prompted human beings to leave their world, or to transform it.
  In these moments when the century of speed and knowledge is transforming everything, in which human beings anywhere can be interconnected with others, through radio, television, cell phones, the Internet, and cross-border communication, then to being almost free, in which the language barrier can be overcome thanks to simultaneous translators, in which the barrier of seas or mountains can be crossed with planes, boats or vehicles, in which diseases are combated globally, that is, all of humanity goes to fight epidemiological outbreaks, or all of humanity reacts to natural catastrophes, war catastrophes, humanitarian catastrophes, economic disasters, since what was previously a competition to destroy economies, forms of government, religions, considered behaviors inappropriate, now they are the reason for reflection of collective combat, of mass reactions.
Memory and human consciousness have expanded, today it is possible to find information, knowledge, memories, photos, texts, videos, words, and knowledge, in any human being, anywhere, this has changed us, it has diversified us, so that each human being can find their interests, abilities, knowledge, skills that identify them that make them unique, and each human being is now a teacher, a researcher, an artist, an athlete, the only different one that can multiply the knowledge, abilities, visions, languages, etc, of humans, who can understand and use nature, natural resources, social organizations, countries, continents, the sea, the land, the air in a different way.
We are in a time when what was believed to be better, superior, and grandiose, disappear overnight, it is a time when everything changes in a dizzying way, when human beings once again weigh, measure, calculate, build, invent, everything, from human values, which for centuries were the foundation of countries such as their constitutions, to ways of moving, communicating, buying, selling, learning, living together, communicating.
In this new world, borders have become a major problem, because they are no longer waterproof, now they are crossed by people, cars, planes, boats, submarines, the radio, TV, the Internet, cell phones, food, etc. inventions, products, merchandise, drugs, drug traffickers and immigrants. This means that borders are only part of a political game that seeks to separate human beings and even the species that inhabit one country, from another, which is impossible, because just as viruses do not have borders, it is every day more difficult for governments and people to have them.
Borders now only serve the old, because the first thing young people think about is traveling, leaving their parents, their country, their past, their customs, religion, and culture, which were chains that prevented them from flying, flying is now a form of happiness, traveling is the best university and school created by humanity, something that has been known since ancient times, gypsies, merchants, sailors, aviators, know it and practice it.
The American Continent, the continent of immigrants since 1492, and quick enrichment, especially Latin America, is now one of the main producers of emigrants, this is mainly due to poverty, violence, over-exploitation of its human beings and their nature is creating hell, today millions want to escape and do so by invading nations, kingdoms, states that have exploited them for centuries, it is a new way of charging those powers. by centuries of oppression, of great profits, of devastation. This invasion of the poor of the south of the planet to the rich of the north, it is no longer possible to stop it, it is the foundation of a new world order, where life is becoming more important than machines and profits, in which the so-called economic growth, which is based on the lie turned into numbers, called economy, where the god is money, like a day the law and politics became human beings became gods mortals, or with religions, imaginary, unreal beings, became immortal gods, priests, politicians, lawyers, economists, military, police, judges, prosecutors, rulers, authorities, now facing ecology, science, waves migration, catastrophes of all kinds that crumble the old order that religions and their imaginary gods, rulers, politicians, lawyers, and their leaders, warlords, and politicians, economists, businessmen You, your millionaires, your statistics, your lies with numbers and your god, money, you face the followers of a new cult, which worships knowledge, human inventiveness, exploration inside and outside the planet, it is a religion of those who create, search, use, keep, transmit, renew, is a world where the new is more important than the old, where life inside and outside the Earth are the most relevant.

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